WTF is happening with Windows 10? And nothing else

  • @boomzilla said:

    You could have just said, "I don't know."

    @blakeyrat said:

    I don't know if you can do it with DOM.

    Post can't be empty, so here's me insulting Boomzilla's extrodinarily hairy mom: your mom's a chimp

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    so here's me insulting Boomzilla: your mom's a chimp

    That's not insulting me, that's insulting my mom. Oh...

  • @blakeyrat said:

    You're making pedantic dickweed assertions here.

    The best kind of assertions! :)

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    that'll cure you.

    i like being the way i am thanks. i need no curing.

    @EvanED said:

    Discourse waits too long to load more posts, which breaks the last pageup/down before loading new posts.

    fair enough. though if you are stopping to read the posts as you go not such a big deal that.

    @boomzilla said:

    I'm not sure what's going on in blakey's browser, but my scrollbar works just fine with discourse. I can scroll anywhere on the page with it.

    -shrug- beats me too

    @blakeyrat said:


    It takes me about 5 seconds to repro the state where your cursor is pressed down on the scrollbar thumb while being miles away from it on the screen. I'd take a screenshot but I don't have a screenshotter handy on this computer that'll record the mouse cursor position.

    I'd love to see repro steps for that, because i cannot reproduce that behavior in any of my testing.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @accalia said:

    I'd love to see repro steps for that, because i cannot reproduce that behavior in any of my testing.

    I went to a big topic and grabbed the thumb (with my mouse, blakey! OK, technically I pressed the left button when the mouse cursor was over the thumb and then started moving the mouse) and dragged it up to the top. The page scrolled and the thumb jumped down.

    Obviously, my mouse was in the same place. This caused the thumb to jump up and the page to scroll again. Etc.

    What I got from blakey was that it would be better for discourse to notice that you still had "possession" (not going to explain this one, please see if you can figure it out blakey) and not load the new stuff until you'd released the button to prevent runaway scrolling.

  • FoxDev

    @boomzilla said:

    What I got from blakey was that it would be better for discourse to notice that you still had "possession" (not going to explain this one, please see if you can figure it out blakey) and not load the new stuff until you'd released the button to prevent runaway scrolling.

    Is it even possible to detect that from browser JS?

  • That was asked, and started a second argument.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    Is it even possible to detect that from browser JS?

    Jesus Christ, is this thread hell?

    This thread is hell.

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    That was asked, and started a second argument.

    I take it from that that the question was never answered?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @RaceProUK said:

    I take it from that that the question was never answered?

    Blakey yelled at me for not specifying that I wanted JS, and then about how I shouldn't even be mentioning JS, even though that's what one would use (go figure, eh?) and then after several tooth pulling posts admitted that he didn't know either.

    It's like he doesn't really want to have discussions or something with actual people.

  • Nope. Wouldn't surprise me if its impossible, because while a sane person would be horrified at that being impossible, people still use JS.

  • @Kuro said:

    Also Filed Under: Not sure what :dream: should look like

    Electric Sheep.

    At least for me.

    @accalia said:

    though i may be developing stockholm syndrome because i don't think discourse is that bad anymore.

    I had a report somewhere that said that my presence improves user experience of forum software.

    @hungrier said:



  • @RaceProUK said:

    I take it from that that the question was never answered?

    See, RaceProUK's scrollbar is broken, it's incapable of scrolling up and reading for assself.

  • Layers and layers of baiting.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Not sure if you noticed the notification that I clicked the like button on your post, so I wanted to let you know again, because I LOL'd.

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    Wouldn't surprise me if its impossible

    Based on my research, it is impossible; the scrollbar is controlled by the OS, and webpages cannot access anything to do with it except setting the scroll position through the DOM.

    @blakeyrat said:


    For fuck's sake, it's on my fucking profile. Use the correct fucking word; it's not hard.

  • @blakeyrat said:


    Better use the correct pronoun...

    and don't comment about whether she's attractive.

    And her mom didn't call her RaceProUK

    @blakeyrat said:

    reading for himself

    missed one.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    Based on my research, it is impossible; the scrollbar is controlled by the OS, and webpages cannot access anything to do with it except setting the scroll position through the DOM.

    Set with no get? Well, like I said, people seem to be fine with this insanity. They will find cthulu eventually.

    @RaceProUK said:

    For fuck's sake, it's on my fucking profile. Use the correct fucking word; it's not hard.

    It was obviously deliberate this time. This is what he wanted. Why are you making him happy?

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    Set with no get?

    No, you can get and set the scroll position. What you can't do is find out whether the mouse is interacting with the scrollbar.

  • Look RaceProtein there went has a "he" for MONTHs. MONTHs! It's what's in my brain.

    You can't just change pronouns and expect everyone to flip a switch in their heads instantaneously, and you similarly can't expect people to check EVERY PROFILE before they type EVERY PRONOUN "just in case it changed today!"

    If he/she/hir/it/them wanted to be a "her" they should have been a "her" from day fucking one. Or made a new account when they wanted to change pronouns.

    I make no apologies; it was an honest and perfectly understandable mistake.

  • @Magus said:

    It was obviously deliberate this time. This is what heshe wanted. Why are you making himher happy?

    Shirley two can play this game.

  • @mott555 said:

    All my Windows 8 systems have the notification, but none of my Windows 7 ones do.

    Actually, I need to check my Surface and see if it has the notification. It'll be funny if it does because it's an ARM system running Windows RT.

    WinRT is being orphaned:

  • FoxDev

    I made the change three months ago; everyone else has picked up on it by now.
    @blakeyrat said:


    That's a good one ;)

  • FoxDev

    @boomzilla said:

    What I got from blakey was that it would be better for discourse to notice that you still had "possession" (not going to explain this one, please see if you can figure it out blakey) and not load the new stuff until you'd released the button to prevent runaway scrolling.

    hmmm i can see how that would be annoying. but surely you could i don't know.... release the thimb and regrab it? it's a wart, and a misfeature but the workaround is simple. particularly because this:

    @RaceProUK said:

    Is it even possible to detect that from browser JS?

    is completely impossible so it's impossible to be fixed.

    Honestly if this was my project i'd close the bug as WONTFIX-EASYWORKAROUNDEXISTS

    of course with the use of meta.d as an issue tracker this issue would be far more likely to get a "oh hey that's interesting, we'll take a look" and then get quietly marked as muted.

    because discourse is not a bug tracker.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    I made the change three months ago; everyone else has picked up on it by now.

    So have I, this is the first time I've fucked it up in months. Possibly the first time I've EVER fucked it up.

    Not that you'd remember that with your goldfish memory. But I genuinely try to type the preferred pronoun every fucking time.

    And like I said, people in the real world (look at Caitlyn Jenner, or Lana Wachowski, CHANGE THEIR NAMES WHEN THEY CHANGE GENDER, so you're even making it fucking harder on all of us by skipping that step.

    But no, screw up once, and it's instant condemnation. Once EVER. Christ.

    Here come the mod warnings!

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    So have I, this is the first time I've fucked it up in months. Possibly the first time I've EVER fucked it up.

    I apologise; I overreacted.
    @blakeyrat said:
    Here come the mod warnings!

    Not this time; I shouldn't have reacted that way before.

  • @blakeyrat said:


    I prefer the pronoun PHWEM

    I'm going to invent a gender role to match it.

    Somewhere between wheatgerm and the number 40.

  • WinRT is not being orphaned. WindowsRT kind of will be. Except that Microsoft prefers it and will use it on phones and probably hololens and...

    I mean, all you lose is win32.

  • @Magus said:

    WinRT is not being orphaned. WindowsRT kind of will be. Except that Microsoft prefers it and will use it on phones and probably hololens and...

    I mean, all you lose is win32.

    I meant the latter. And it is absolutely being abandoned - while Phone 8 is getting an upgrade path to 10 Mobile, Windows RT might at some point in the future possibly get some sort of bastard set of feature updates that kind of sort of give you a Windows 10 like experience.

  • Old Windows RT devices, yes. But that misses the whole point of 10. The part that's equivalent to Windows RT is going to be on ARM devices, including phones. 10 Mobile is Windows RT. Windows Holographic differs, but it's still just WinRT in a different box. The desktop one is WinRT plus Win32.

    So yes, the product called Windows RT, (WinRT by itself) is going to make a clean break, but it's the same OS ultimately.

  • That naming convention (WinRT vs. Windows RT) is just confusingly idiotic.

    I mean, MicroSoft didn't release a Windows 32 in the 90s.

  • Agreed, and they think so too. That's why "Windows RT IS DEAD"

  • @Magus said:

    Old Windows RT devices, yes. But that misses the whole point of 10. The part that's equivalent to Windows RT is going to be on ARM devices, including phones. 10 Mobile is Windows RT. Windows Holographic differs, but it's still just WinRT in a different box. The desktop one is WinRT plus Win32.

    So yes, the product called Windows RT, (WinRT by itself) is going to make a clean break, but it's the same OS ultimately.

    Misses the point of 10? :WTF:? I'm talking about a SurfaceRT or Surface 2 device not getting Windows 10. Both are ARMv7 which is compatible with Windows 10 Mobile - they aren't getting Windows 10 for raisins as far as I can tell ... it could be hardware specs, but Microsoft hasn't clearly explained it yet.

  • Yes, what I'm saying is that what Windows RT means is a thing that will continue to exist as the mobile edition of Windows 10. The name will die, and the old devices won't get upgraded, presumably because they didn't set up the upgrade system as well as they did for phones.

  • @Magus said:

    Yes, what I'm saying is that what Windows RT means is a thing that will continue to exist as the mobile edition of Windows 10. The name will die, and the old devices won't get upgraded, presumably because they didn't set up the upgrade system as well as they did for phones.

    So, how in the fuck does that not mean that Windows RT is not being orphaned? It's not being upgraded. It's capabilities and features are being folded into Windows 10 Mobile, but those of us who have Windows RT devices have been told to fuck off for raisins.

  • @accalia said:

    fair enough. though if you are stopping to read the posts as you go not such a big deal that.
    It doesn't affect just navigation speed, it also affects reading because things scroll to the wrong place. Instead of the last couple lines of the bottom post going to the top of the screen, they go to some random place in the middle because the browser hits the bottom. And then it loads, and then there's a bit of a reflow of the text.

  • @rad131304 said:

    It's capabilities and features are being folded into Windows 10 Mobile

    No, it's not being 'folded in'. Its the same thing. Windows RT is not being orphaned, it's being continued under a different name. You just have a device that won't get some updates.

  • @Magus said:

    @rad131304 said:
    It's capabilities and features are being folded into Windows 10 Mobile

    No, it's not being 'folded in'. Its the same thing. Windows RT is not being orphaned, it's being continued under a different name. You just have a device that won't get some updates.

    That's not what Microsoft said was happening. No Windows RT device will receive Windows 10 Mobile.

    They only say that Windows RT will receive "some features" and that it will not be full Windows 10 Mobile.

  • @Magus said:

    You aren't in a hurry to see if submitting your email address in a form works? You must have some pretty low standards.

    I clicked the buttons, but skipped the email part. Interestingly, on the other machines, it didn't ask (both win7 and win8.1 machines). Probably MS-acct related since I am logged into OneDrive on the W7 machines.

  • @dcon said:

    MS-acct related

    Well, not having a MicroSoft account isn't a barrier to getting an upgrade notification on Windows 8.1

  • @rad131304 said:

    That's not what Microsoft said was happening. No Windows RT device will receive Windows 10 Mobile.

    Why are you telling me that I said that? I never did! I know you aren't getting Windows 10, and that no Windows RT device is. That doesn't mean that Windows RT is being orphaned, it means those devices are. Windows RT is just getting a new name.

    I can post this 10 more times, but you'll probably just say, "But Windows RT devices don't get 10 so it's orphaned." once more, ignoring everything I post once more.

  • FoxDev

    @EvanED said:

    @accalia said:
    fair enough. though if you are stopping to read the posts as you go not such a big deal that.
    It doesn't affect just navigation speed, it also affects reading because things scroll to the wrong place. Instead of the last couple lines of the bottom post going to the top of the screen, they go to some random place in the middle because the browser hits the bottom. And then it loads, and then there's a bit of a reflow of the text.

    hmm... if you say so it must happen, but i for the life of me can't reproduce it on any of my devices....

    maybe it's a connection speed thing?

  • FoxDev

    Random scrolling is far more likely on phones; I don't think I've ever seen it happen on a PC, laptop, or tablet

  • FoxDev

    ah. that would explain it. my phone flat up refuses to load discourse when on cellular data, and not uncoincidentally the only time i want discourse on my phone is when i don't have wifi.

  • @xaade said:

    Better use the correct pronoun...

    and don't comment about whether she's attractive.

    And her mom didn't call her RaceProUK

    And she's not even an actual hedgehog. Worst of the worst.

  • so, not using pagination is a barrier to conversation.

  • FoxDev

    not sure. if i get discourse loaded before i go sans wifi it's perfectly happy. but if i forget to load it first (as i often do) it will sit there on a white page, loading forever....

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @xaade said:

    so, not using pagination is a barrier to conversation.

    Not conversations about scrollbars!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @aliceif said:

    I mean, MicroSoft didn't release a Windows 32 in the 90s.

  • FoxDev

    @accalia said:

    not sure. if i get discourse loaded before i go sans wifi it's perfectly happy. but if i forget to load it first (as i often do) it will sit there on a white page, loading forever....

    Weird; on 3G, I can always get to the site (cooties notwithstanding), but as often as not, the Likes and Status threads won't load. All the others do though.
    I would say your cell provider sucks and you should get a better one, but… well, you're in the US.

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