The Transformer

  • @topspin didn't say in The Transformer:

    @Watson said in The Transformer:

    Christy Mack is the kickass real world Megastar!

    I've seen that movie.

  • @svieira Hmm... how about:

    O Fortuna

    Velut luna

    Statu variabilis M

    Bistre ton minuto

    Bistre un veuo

    Une bruit l'ambola rura

    Et voilà passat memento

    Il fia colta coed te vivite

    Stagioni grandi quattro

    Napoli, avvienti bianchi

    Capriccio tra la tua piana

    Sagitti was castruant e beni

    In sguido sol fare vero

    Idem patiri il seno di mia.

    From Virgil's Divine Comedy, Book I (O Fortuna) (1887

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads!" he charged, "You drive on the sidewalk!"

    He said a woodpile of excrement lay on the sidewalk.

    Ah. San Francisco.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:


    Ellis: One time me and my buddy Keith filled balloons with our own...

    Ellis: One time me and my buddy Keith filled balloons with our own urine and then threw it at another guy's house. Actually we filled balloons with pee and threw them through the window of another guy's apartment, while he was in the shower. [Laughs.]

    Is there anyone in the cast who's like a big brother to you?

    Ellis: Doug Benson. [Laughs.] One of the things I think is a fun thing to explore is Doug's relationship with Chase. We know him as The Penis King. We don't really know him in person. Doug and Chase used to go to band camp together. That's one of the ways in which we really got to learn about each other. Doug and Chase would always

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    while he was in the shower.

    At least he was in an appropriate place to clean off, yeh?

  • I decided to seed it with a C code comment that didn't clarify anything the code did. Transformer hasn't clarified anything, either.

    The data should have made it just fine, but Google was too busy throwing up traffic spikes of its own.

    Google capped the number of new data points from being added to your Gmail app every 30 minutes and ended up messing up the message that said "the line has just been turned back on."

    This last part is a bit concerning.

    It's not clear what happened here, but if it was Google messing with Gmail traffic, it could potentially mean that a lot of legitimate users are being affected.

    As for the natural disasters, this situation occurred on a Tuesday around 1pm PST/3pm EST/10pm GMT.

    After most of the reports, there was a noticeable dip in the number of network requests

  • @mott555

    I decided to seed it with Blue Cream Cheese because it's the most popular cheese in my household and because it is what my mother and I used in our first and second holiday ham. (I kept both because I wanted more cheese). I did add a little more cream cheese, because it seemed the amount to be the right amount.

    If you are a side dish lover, this is the perfect side dish recipe for you! It is simple to make and is best served with a salad. I even sliced some cucumber and threw it with the cheese, causing the cheese to melt. Yes! My three year old had a ball.

    What are your favorite side dishes?

    Tester's Note This is the best recipe for cheese and gluten free

  • Coronavirus symptoms are likely caused by infection by a virus.


  • The benefits of coronavirus are mainly to some people with HIV, particularly the elderly and the severely ill. However, the risk of transmission to anyone is extremely low.

    If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant and have been infected with this virus, the chances are very low that the virus will cause your baby to be born with a virus-related congenital anomaly. However, since it is possible that the virus may reach the placenta or be present in your baby's blood and other fluids, some women have received a diagnosis of phlebitis, or inflammation of the membranes surrounding the baby's brain, after a suspected infection during pregnancy. These women are advised to be as healthy as possible during pregnancy.

  • Coronavirus is deadlier than Ebola, but, so far, West Africa has been largely immune to it

    Image copyright AP Image caption Ipecac is believed to have found a commercial use for Ebola in Nigeria

    Ebola first entered Nigeria in January, when a man suspected of carrying the virus arrived from Liberia. He died on a Dallas hospital floor four days later.

    The funeral of the man took place on 1 April, but the diagnosis was delayed until 16 May when he was taken to hospital in Abia State.

    Although confirmed as Ebola, and treated with experimental anti-viral medication, the man died within hours.

    No one else was reported to have been infected.

  • If you think you might have coronavirus, you should avoid getting it

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    This is the best recipe for cheese and gluten free

    Gluten-free is goodnecessary for me, but blue cream cheese — I think I'm going to give it a pass.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    These women are advised to be as healthy as possible during pregnancy.

    👩⚕ Just be healthy, it's that easy

  • @hungrier

    The doctor told me to be as healthy as possible, so I did what I always do, and (did) really well," Nolte told WWL-TV. "Not long after that I got some scratches on my fingers and knees that got infected. When I got back home and I had a few days off, I thought about it and I thought to myself, 'This is crazy. I'm fine.' And I realized then that I need to get my hands on some better wood, because I don't trust what I got."

    A little too much wood

    Now the wood is still sitting out, and even though Nolte said he has lost 20 pounds from the wood, he's still apprehensive about future cuts.

  • The doctor told me to be as healthy as possible, so I looked forward to swimming and train, and I didn't give it any thought other than I didn't want to fail. I just went at it.

    "The night before the race I was floating, so I had my gel and I ate a healthy meal. And after I ate I got really jumpy. At one point I thought, 'I'm going to win the race'. I felt like, 'I'm going to win the day'. And then it happened."

    Taylor's race and victory, while in itself a remarkable feat, is nothing compared to some of the stories of athletes who have achieved incredible feats using sub-7-minute splits to reach our planet's centre.

  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    Just be healthy, it's that easy

    Ha, I guess it agrees!

    The doctor told me to be as healthy as possible, so I am.

  • How to be healthy:

    (1) Nourish, nourish, nourish: In general, refrain from social interaction, and avoid physical activity. Stick to the basics, such as you're supposed to, like eating regular meals, getting lots of sleep, and exercising. Pay attention to what you're eating. Avoid processed foods, which increase your chances of gaining weight. (And of course, some recommendations are not so strong.)

    (2) Eat breakfast, get at least eight hours of sleep, and take supplements

    (3) Do your best to avoid: drinking alcohol, smoking, smoking after meals, using stimulants, using chelation therapy, putting diuretics (water pills), and taking illicit drugs.

  • How to be healthy: Living Life in the Shadow of a Spider

  • How to not be healthy:

    1. Don't be such a social butterfly, no one wants to hang out with someone that's full of it

    2. Don't cook. Since your high energy isn't the best for eating it can have the opposite effect when it comes to your system

    3. Don't run hard. And we're not talking about the treadmill here, unless you're really hooked on the football stuff

    4. Don't eat any kind of food that you didn't make yourself

    5. Don't get crazy and eat a lot of food to refuel, it's not healthy and will leave you short

    6. Don't touch anything that you didn't bake in your head

    7. Remember to eat

  • We haven't done any fake Florida Man stuff in a while.

    Florida Man Rescued After Ride On Polaris RV: Unsettling Records

    Mr. Mick, an as yet unnamed 32-year-old man from Toledo, was injured after going off a cliff at the park Sunday. NBC affiliate WTVG reports that Mr. Mick was alone in the RV when he slipped off a cliff and broke his legs, leaving him at risk of amputation.

    "He thought he was going to die," his father, Richard, told WTVG.

    He was taken to a hospital and reported in stable condition, the station says.

    A statement from Polaris officials said that Mr. Mick's injuries were "very serious" but there were no injuries to park staff or guests.

  • The doctor told me I wouldn't have so many nosebleeds if I kept my ipsilateral side up. Can you tell me more about that?"

    "Do the nosebleeds stop when you learn to use your ipsilateral side properly? And, if so, why?"

    In one of theses days, I'm going to set my iPhone for 5th hemisphere after hemisphere.

    In one of theses days, I'm going to set my iPhone for 5th hemisphere after hemisphere. As they say, the first 4 days of the 5th hemisphere test are difficult; the next 4 days are to give you a clue of your patterns.

    Let me tell you, this will be a one-shot deal.


    Filed under: No :ralph: emote?!, TODO, FIXME

  • Florida Man Rescued After Being Captured in Indian Territory By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS RELATED HEADLINES INDIAN TRIANGLE TWINS SMASH BOMBERS IN DOUBLE ROUND At least two people are reported dead, according to the Navajo Nation. They suffered the injury on Friday when two bombs exploded at a welcome dinner for small business owners in the predominantly Navajo gambling town of Rock Springs. One of the bombs exploded near the military base where the dinner was being held. The Navajo Nation Police Department sent the two victims to the hospital in Mexico City, according to tribal and police officials. The explosion also hit a car belonging to a gunman involved in the shootings at two house parties for victims and witnesses to the first bombing.

  • Florida Man Rescued After Four Months With Topless Photo in Jail Share Tweet

    A Colorado woman who was charged with public nudity after refusing to remove her bikini top is out of jail and back home with her children.

    Court records show 22-year-old Lizzy Jaramillo was released last Thursday after serving four months in jail on charges of public indecency and contempt of court. Jaramillo had been arrested last March after she refused to remove her bikini top after being asked by sheriff's deputies at a Denver-area beach.

    A judge dismissed all charges against Jaramillo in October after prosecutors cited evidence that "a prostitute" had picked up the bikini-clad Jaramillo and driven her to a secluded area along the


  • Looks like it gave me a list of headlines this time.

    Florida Man Rescued After Dancing With Snake

    South Carolina Man Caught Accidentally Dangling From Tree Outside Apartment

    Valley Regional Moms Stressing About Being Underpaid

    Virgina Men Are Not Alone: Career Prospects Are Suffering

    More Than 20 Chicago Restaurants Offer Drinks In The Garden

    2 Houston Companies Line Up To Help Out After Harvey

    Canada Border Police Raid Drug Lab With "Marijuana-Stuffed In A Taco Shell"

    French Author Based In Moscow Offers Advice To Backpackers On A German Ferry

    Dog Bites Woman At Kitchen Table While She Was Reading 'David and Goliath'

    Ohio Parents Call For Medical Marijuana In Wake Of Deadly Horse

  • What organs or modifications are need for a biological creature to develop lethal force as a poop machine gun?

    Great question. To address the complexity, we need to first consider what is meant by "lethal force" when we talk about specific adaptations. How would our guts work if we could use them to carry around enormous gouts of poop? Imagine being a ball of excrement. That is the definition of lethal force. It's unclear what excrement that might look like, although we know that we have trillions of bacteria within our guts, and since we are completely reliant upon them for our survival, they certainly will be involved in the process. A great analogy is with milk. As I've mentioned before, there are nearly three billion species of bacteria

  • What organs or modifications are need for a biological creature to develop lethal force as a poop machine gun? Besides power and high speed, what parts of their bodies would be functionally necessary? A squid tooth for rapid movement, or teeth needed for killing prey? During the real evolution of beings, the need for these components arose, but they remained functional in the intermediate state. Animal houses, bodies and even blood vessels, which are reduced in size in these gun models, can be seen as vestigial structures. We need more lethal weapons to enable a survival strategy similar to those of hunter and hunted, which just survived without headhunting or bone killing. However, it would still be rather dangerous to use just any weapon to rip through the skin and bloody internal organs,

  • What organs or modifications are need for a biological creature to develop lethal force as a poop machine gun?

    [2] The cost to make organs or modifications to them from scratch ranges from several hundred thousand to millions of dollars, though they could be hard to modify. Making skin from hair, for example, is fairly simple, and it is quite common to find multiple shades of a pigment in a hair sample. Many body modifications, such as transplants, are a multiple time, multidecadal project. Creating organs requires purchasing the cells, then rebuilding the organ using pre-existing materials that will not go bad. The organs are made from such types of materials as tissues from living animals, biological materials, synthetic materials, or polymer materials. A most common

  • What organs or modifications are need for a biological creature to develop lethal force as a poop machine gun? Let's take a look at some current and anticipated technologies.

    Lightweight materials.

    If you've ever run into a garbage disposal during pickup, you know how heavy they are. Early prototype attempts to build a heavy-duty dump truck didn't go so well. A lot of weight went into each garbage disposal's infrastructure to keep it in the air and moving.

    Today's FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) can be packed into extremely lightweight FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) machines that can fold down to 40 square inches and can shoot about 100 pounds of garbage per minute, a competitive kill rate against the

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    How to be healthy:
    ... refrain from social interaction, and avoid physical activity.

    I never thought of being an antisocial couch potato as a healthy lifestyle. TIL.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Mr. Mick, an as yet unnamed 32-year-old man


  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Florida Man Rescued After Being Captured in Indian Territory By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

    Why did THE ASSOCIATED PRESS capture the man, and why were they in Indian Territory?

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Florida Man Rescued After Four Months With Topless Photo in Jail

    Well, I suppose if you have to spend four months in jail, there are worse things to have with you.

    A Colorado woman who was charged with public nudity after refusing to remove her bikini top

    While I'm all in favor of women being allowed, even encouraged, to remove their bikini tops if they want to, I don't necessarily think they should be arrested for not doing so.

    Denver-area beach

    I've heard dire predictions of sea level rise due to global warming, I don't think anyone is predicting that much rise.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    We need more lethal weapons

    The gun threads are :arrows:.

  • Donald Trump tested positive for the novel Coronavirus today. The New York Times reported that he was hospitalized for observation.

    A source told the paper that he has been treated at a hospital in upstate New York.

    CNN then wrote a story which proclaimed Donald Trump to be a very sick man.

    Donald Trump is reportedly experiencing flu-like symptoms in the wake of the unusual virus.

    It has been brought to our attention that he may have had something happen to him during his jaunt to Asia which caused him to suddenly get sick and go into hiding.

    The Trump camp had this to say:

    A spokesman for Trump said, "He's always been one who

  • Why hasn’t Trump been tested for the coronavirus? If a mother can't look after her baby, why should we give them the president? Surely, he cannot be considered fit to serve? That's about right.But what if the US has a plan? A careful study to assess the US president's virus. Who could be most fit to control the virus and to protect the US? Is it the self-proclaimed father of the free world?Well, yes, that is Trump, and he does have a history of recent viral problems. In the 1940s, he had severe nosebleeds after the vitamin C he was taking for a cold caused his nose to swell.In 1981, he suffered a viral mystery illness after "taking a shower with

    I must know more!!!

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Transformer:

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    We need more lethal weapons

    The gun threads are :arrows:.

    And Fox cancelled the series after three seasons.

  • @dangeRuss said in The Transformer:

    I must know more!!!

    Donald Trump suffered a viral mystery illness after "taking a shower with fake blood," according to a front-page report published by the Guardian. According to the report, "Trump is seeing a gastroenterologist and will be seeing one more tomorrow."

    "Just finished taking a shower with fake blood coming out of my feet. There is a high probability I will be afflicted with G.I. Harold, and he said that is a life-threatening disease," Trump reportedly tweeted to his nearly 11 million followers.

    The mystery illness has caused his administration to scramble to move quickly to move the president's campaign promises on issues like Obamacare and his threatened wall along the Mexican border.

    Trump signed executive orders in his first days in office to cancel the U.

  • I was really bored with Talk to Transformer, so I decided to try out the other Modification, Orbital Manipulation. Now this is a method to send a limb to a side of the body that you would otherwise not be able to reach. This can be useful if you need to cut the arm off or something. I really wish the two mods worked in tandem, as it would have been really cool to build an entire Transformer from a single limb!

    Again, I'll let you explore the image below to see the program in action. There are two lines of code in a statement box that control the limb of your choice:

    < = = > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

  • Tell me something ridiculous.

    I'm not in the habit of being ridiculous. I am reasonable. That's the business we're in. I'm not in the habit of falling for stupid traps.

    I will not be mocked for doing this because sometimes foolish confidence is wise. I'll go to battle with my head held high and my blades sharpened.

    All of this goes hand in hand with looking like me. Not only do I look like me, I act like me.

    "First three years," the hall monitor stated, "had outstanding performance, with a total of seventy percent scores on their finals evaluations. Eighteen students advanced to third year, with eight as promoted to third year in the same semester as their final exams.

  • The best Minecraft mod is better than the best Minecraft mod, because it's minecraft with better rules," Bergin tells me. "And what's Minecraft without rules?"

    Apparently people like you, dear reader, have been thinking along the same lines.

    Who is Alex Brosx? He's the guy who built the block's toy. Minecraft blocks. His build just turned 10 last week.

    And right now, my brain is flooded with "this is a block" and "what do I do with this block?"

    In his own words: "As a kid, I loved to build things. From toys to vehicles, to houses. I always wanted to mak

  • I'll be over here, far away from Jack. Aaaaaaaaaaand I won't be able to touch her." DICK: "What you're saying... I don't understand. You won't touch her?" JOEY: "If you touch her, it will make you lose your virgin virginity. You will become Jack's lost virgin." DICK: "No, I... I won't touch her." JOEY: "Please. I've wanted to be your virgin for so long." DICK: "Will you stop bothering me?" JOEY: "Hey, that's your last chance!" DICK: "That wasn't funny! I didn't call you silly, I called you weak." JOEY: "Okay, okay

    I'll be over here, far away from Jack. Fretting, aching with every turn, day after day. If he were looking in, he'd see me covered in wounds and scars. Worse things could be lurking inside me than were lurking within his soul.

    Even more monstrous was the knowledge that he knew just what he was doing. As far as I know, he didn't take part in my first nieces' kidnapping. But his investigation in London brought him back to all this time and saved me. That damned man. He fucked everything up. And if it were up to me, I'd throw him in a chamber full of millipedes and let nature take its course.

    I'll be over here, far away from Jack. I'll be safe. And I won't have to listen to him talking about how all my things are in the living room and how he can't take a shower because he has never even seen a bathing suit.
    I want to shut the door and call Jack a stupid prude. To turn the TV on and turn the volume up low. Or turn off the TV completely and call him a dick. I want to say I'm sorry, Jack. I want to say you were always an asshole to me, no matter what I did.

    I want to dump him out back.

    I'll be over here, far away from Jack. I hope."
    Why is everything happening to me this time around? Where did I go wrong, anyway? Well, I'm not exactly sure myself. I guess I'm just a bit nervous about this whole thing.
    But Jack's death really does seem to be of no concern to me at the moment.
    Jack was a nice guy. He was the kind of guy you'd really love to have around, if you didn't mind him calling you "spoiled little bitch" a few times a day.
    He was all about being with other people, doing things, making art, being a good friend to everyone who asked him, but

    I'll be over here, far away from Jack. I'll keep my mouth shut."
    In our conversation about this option, Harris mentions that only two people ever actually came to her with tales of sexual harassment. She gives the example of an "Urban Dictionary user who literally created his own sexual harassment policy for his own amusement. What it consisted of, I've never seen. One time, he called me over to his desk and he removed my books and pressed the fabric back on my shoulders. I had my books there for the week and I said, 'Excuse me, sir, but this is my book. I've got to go, but if you want me to keep reading, I've got

    "I'll be over here, far away from Jack."

    "Right." Jack turned, crossing the street and heading east. "I'll handle the rest."

    "Maybe I'll know why it went wrong." Shakes thought back to his own time, following a group of young men heading west to find pieces of Valhalla, which they hoped would make them whole again. The twisted bastards didn't care about what kind of people they were, or what crimes they committed. They couldn't, and their heads weren't meant for the riddle book.

    "Just getting there," he said, taking a mental inventory of his surroundings. The "fixers" weren't exactly new, and had brought him two large handguns, some saw

    "I'll be over here, far away from Jack."

    "Okay," Jack said and she snapped her fingers. A flash of light appeared in the chest. "Follow me. We're going inside."

    The motorbike kicked up a little more dust but Rachel was still able to get out and start it up. She shivered at the cold air that trailed behind her. Rachel realized Jack was fidgeting and breathing heavily and started smiling.

    "Thanks," Jack said in a barely audible voice.

    "You're welcome," Rachel said.

    The two of them crept up the snowy hill, Jack strolling with his back against the treeline. Rachel kept her gaze on the road and caught a glimpse of the tall buildings

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Watson said in The Transformer:

    Aaaaaaaaaaand I won't be able to touch her." DICK


  • Java Dev

    Will @Tsaukpaetra be able to touch her dick? Will she be able to stroke his for long enough? Will she have the tenacity to fuck the shit out of him all night long? And will he be able to make her cum every time she gets close? Yeah... If you answered yes to any of these questions, we know exactly where you stand with this one.

    Enjoy the free preview below to see what you're in for.

    Official synopsis:

    My name is Steven Black and I will be doing up this scene featuring a lovely woman named Samantha Rando. I am also very lucky to have a very talented pornstar named Samantha Rando on my site who is more than qualified for this shoot. She is just awesome

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Atazhaia said in The Transformer:

    Enjoy the free preview below to see what you're in for.

    Oh, baby....

  • The Transformer said via @Atazhaia in The Transformer:

    Samantha Rando

    It's doing that deliberately, isn't it?

    Well, I asked and

    It's doing that deliberately, isn't it? Well, they try and leverage it in their favour, but some games are more about the misdirection than the positive state of humanity.

    1. GADGETS – The Filthy Rotten Hammers were a cyberpunk band, which in itself isn't all that unusual. But Gadsby's own cyberpunk persona didn't lend itself to a band name that would alienate their fans.

    2. USELESS NAMES – I've complained about this in the past (most recently about KISS's sub-basement that says "The only realistic way to pay for music with your life is with your life"), but when they write a song with two different names and come up with a

  • :rip:


  • And now it's back up. In celebration, let's try a phrase.

    Yay! Transformer is back! Now we can learn how he got his new superpower, how he manages to travel from transformer to transformer, and just all of his original arcana. We got to speak to Michael Bay, Travis Knight (director), and Jonathan Finkelman who is the voice of Bebop, Spike, and Rocksteady.

    Here’s the cast. For more Transformers themed fun, check out this Optimus Prime event at Sheppard Middle School.

    9am to 9pm — Robotpalooza! We’ll be hosting robotics competitions. And when you can’t attend, you can watch on Twitch!


  • And it's back down:


  • @hungrier Well, there is a free trial for an API and the conversion to the Pro version is very easy. I had to sign up to and create an account, but then it was just a matter of sending the API call to the link, which it found without a problem, and then some API questions like which database to use. It then magically converted to a Pro

  • It's better than popcorn.

    On the side of my left leg are several clots, some as big as golf balls.

    I decided to move this morning to ensure that they were out of the way, but now I'm really worried that the scab will come off and some of it may be around my incision.

    It's red and purple and gross.