@XoK said:I guess I can believe on this.. I had a long time ago a ZX Spectrum - Timex 2048, I did also the freezer thing... but it worked properly while the temperature was low... What is good doesn't last forever :))) My best "technique" was to hit the computer on the floor... that always gave one week without problems.. After one week... PUMM on the floor... LOL :)))) I guess the components were quite "unstable" ... :)  That's because the 7805 chip inside the ZX was getting so hot it melted some of it's solder. When you kick it it makes better contact, until the next time it gets hot enough to melt the solder... Replace the 7805 with a new one and make sure you use some good thermal goo at the connection to the heat radiator. Anyway, the moral of this sad history should be... Don't use MAXTOR disks to store important data. All disks fails but most of the time MAXTOR do so without any kind of warnning.