@amischiefr said:@Zecc said:I also see:catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace();} That is not always a WTF.  Sometimes you just want to alert to the fact that such an exception was found, and in case you are using Jakarta Phoenix by printing the error out it is going to a file called phoenix.console, which acts as a log file for the operations.  While I agree that it is far better to have more specific logging of errors, this one is far to small to even mention in my opinion.  Hell, at least he's printing it out instead of {}. Oh, like this? try{ resEquipment = rowData0.get(EQUIPMENT_TAG).toString().trim();}catch (NullPointerException e){}Looks like this guy would rather catch and swallow the NullPointerExceptions than actually test if the object's null.Oh, and abusing System.out is usually bad; I'm dealing with an app where 45% of the codebase was made by someone who throws everything as an Exception, and sends all "logging" output to System.out, thus depriving me of doing simple searches on the appserver's log.However, even a tail -f nohup.out shows that he wasn't the only one sending crap to stdout...