@morbiuswilters said:I hope have matured since High School and would no longer violate the trust that has been put into you as an IT worker. If so, he has matured more than my old school's admins, one of whom spent an inordinate amount of time playing a cracked version of SoF II [0] and reading TechDirt (before it jumped the shark) and /.[1], while the other (who left his laptop unsecured on the network for a while) had a remarkable amount of pirated music, some of which had definitely been copied form students' workspaces before they were deleted. [0]The cracked version was based on the MP test version, and had added maps (including CS maps) and changed weapons. It couldn't connect to legitimate servers, and he occasionally ran servers with the added maps. [1] It is a dead give-away when he posted anecdotes under the same screen-name as he gamed under, and revealed that he worked as an IT admin in a school with certain very unique features which matched those of my school, posting during school hours PS: if there are ever a set of forum rules, perhaps one of them should be a note that school it admins are as a rule useless, and that unless they do something blatantly stupid (as opposed to just ordinarily dumb), stories about them are pretty well automatic candidates for a mug. This one was better than the rule, but as MPS said, "That is like saying dried dog shit is better than fresh dog shit because it is easier to pick it up." PPS: these thread seem to spawn exactly the sort of post I wrote, which is precisely whats wrong with them. Oh well, Hypocrisy FTW