*sigh* Do you have _any_ idea how to do VAT calculations? I mean have you actually coded/maintained applications that work with, say, 20 different countries worth of VAT systems? Let's say you have a work shop invoice. The actual parts sold may have different VAT compared to the work  sold, but certain countries may require that only one VAT type is included in any given invoice. There are as many different VAT legislations as there are VAT countries, and I can tell you it's no picnic sorting them out. Let's not even go to when you can and can't round  figures to which digit amounts. *brrh* This screenshot demonstrates quite well the problems one can have in VAT calculation -- you have a single item that sells for 1,10 €,  but the actual 'company sees' price is 1,02 something plus VAT -- digits of precision may change with legislation as well, btw --, so the price is simply multiplied with 10 to get the price of 10 items. Then the customer is shown VAT calculation from 10 times the 'company sees' price, which differs by 11 cents here due to the original calculation having roundings per item, not per total... that's, btw, one of the things that legislations differ the most about. TRWTF is that whoever set this up uses different calculation modes for totals and singles.  Also, did you know that tax officials don't give a flying hoot whether you do VAT calculations per-item or per-total, and only a few of them care where you do your roundings as long as you're consistent about it.