Minor annoyance. I'm looking to relocate to Portland, Maine. I set up my resume on Monster to indicate that I am only interested in said area. Until I got frustrated and deactivated my account, I was being flooded with calls from local recruiters. I assume they were keying off of the fact that I currently live in Minnesota. I guess the job market is really hot here right now if anyone is interested in moving. I think I've received about 25 calls and another 40 emails concerning local opportunities. It probably helps that I have a lot of Java and C# experience and just helped my company roll out an SOA initiative (hey, if nothing else, my resume is buzzword-laden). I did actually get one call from a headhunter in Cali looking to place with a consulting company in Maine. The issues were 1) he wanted me to turn my resume visibility to private right away and only work with him, 2) he stated the client company was based out of Portland (they're actually based out of India with a US headquarters in Michigan and absolutely no offices anywhere near Maine), 3) he was convinced he could get me a $10k raise with the move. I'm already overpaid; it'd be stupid to move for even more money because 4) the consulting company's only client listed in Portlant was Unum, who I happen to know is also looking for tech archs. Oh, and to show that I was 'hungry' for the job to the client, he wanted to ensure I would be available to interview at 9am on a Saturday. So, the head hunter was trying to hard-sell me on, basically, relocating to a job with an Indian company to place at their client. Obviously, when the contract is up, so is my employment. No thanks. I've met less slimy used car salesmen.