The big question - why is there so much WTF-ery in Information Technology?

  • Also:

    Google Chrome
    Google Code
    App Engine
    Google Maps

    Even though Google may not have started some of these, the people who did are (or were at some point) working for Google.

  • Google Chrome - I mentioned that one already
    Blogger - wasn't made by google.
    Google Code - success?
    Golang - I don't even know what it is so we can't call it a success
    Guava - I don't even know what it is so we can't call it a success
    YouTube - not made by google. In fact they killed Google Video and instead just bought the competition: youtube
    Google Video - FAIL
    App Engine - I don't even know what it is so we can't call it a success
    Google Maps - success!


  • When you are an enterpreneural company, some of your products are likely to fail. I presume that google budget things so that they can afford a few failures. I haven't noticed them going broke.

    Social network sites are flawed in that they seem to forget that people want a certain amount of privacy, and I don't want to be tracked all over the internet, which is why I prefer to post under pseudonyms and not my real name. On LinkedIn I maintain a profile with my real name, but I am somewhat uncomfortable even regarding that.

    The fact I make a "connection" with someone somewhere on the internet doesn't mean I want that person to be able to follow all my activity everywhere.

    I have noticed a wtf on spotify that I can only connect with people who are also friends on facebook. But actually I want to keep these activities separate. The fact I have common music interests with someone doesn't mean I want them to know all about me. I have a separate account on facebook I use for all my game activity so people I know can't see all the times I am playing games online, nor can those I need to add as friends for the sake of playing games with them get to see personal stuff about me.

    I have 4 google e-mail accounts, one which is personal and informal, one which is personal and more formal, one for my limited company only and one for my music performance activity (which links to my youtube channel).





  • ♿ (Parody)

    @dhromed said: stuff...

    Google ads - Still the least annoying ads around. I always added a google ads exception to my adblocker.
    Google desktop - When it came out, was by far the best at what it did, and probably drove a lot of the development of other indexing / desktop search. I haven't used it in a while (and was discontinued in 2011). Now I have SSDS, of course.
    Google appliances - Search engine for your LAN!
    Google translate
    Google calendar
    Google drive - I haven't really used this or any similar services (e.g., Dropbox) so I can't compare how well it works.

  • @dhromed said:

    App Engine

    Now you know.

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