Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence

  • Monologue intelligence (the ability to write blog posts or posts or speeches that are the functional equivalent of blog posts) seems to be a separate ability from dialog intelligence (the ability to engage in a discussion where one's replies relate closely to what was actually said by the other party) . IQ tests are generally divided into math (or performance) and verbal, as many people have a significant difference in levels on the two measurements.

    I wonder if it would be possible to test monologue and dialogue intelligence, and see if there's also a measurable difference.

    Note that what I'm talking about (dialog intelligence) is not the same as what is commonly (but, in my view, incorrectly) described as emotional intelligence.

  • Considered Harmful

    I was trying to write something arguably clever in response, but in the process I ran into quite a confusion about various ideas I realized I know nothing about that I decided not to and leave this to smarter people than me. Or, in absolute emergency, @Gribnit :sadface:

    Filed under: Username checks out

  • @jinpa Of course it's possible. You just need a proper standardized metric which actually measures what you want it to measure (and is also able to discern between the two concepts).

    And those are really hard problems as you have to deal with soft skills with very fuzzy edges.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    @jinpa Of course it's possible. You just need a proper standardized metric which actually measures what you want it to measure (and is also able to discern between the two concepts).

    And those are really hard problems as you have to deal with soft skills with very fuzzy edges.

    My feeling is that a good answer to this sort of thing is still PhD-worthy material, possibly with a follow-up bid to become at least a senior researcher. Yes, that difficult.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf eh, it's not exactly friction. I mean, that stuff is impossible.

    Dialog skill seems to be around localizing to a particular vs the generic-assumed interlocutor. This is also, not exactly friction, but is a bit like smoothing.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Rhywden said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    You just need a proper standardized metric which actually measures what you want it to measure (and is also able to discern between the two concepts).
    And those are really hard problems as you have to deal with soft skills with very fuzzy edges.

    Putting a solid (even if qualitative) discernment in first would sharpen up the edges.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    I ran into quite a confusion about various ideas I realized I know nothing about

    When has that ever stopped someone from posting here?

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    I was trying to write something arguably clever in response, but in the process I ran into quite a confusion about various ideas I realized I know nothing about that I decided not to and leave this to smarter people than me.

    You do know this behaviour is specifically forbidden on the Internet, donโ€˜t you?


    What score does it factor into if I'm triggered by the inconsistency presented here between "Monologue" and "Dialog"? ๐Ÿ 

  • @jinpa said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    I wonder if it would be possible to test monologue and dialogue intelligence, and see if there's also a measurable difference.

    One possibility for why there may not be a measurable difference (i.e. significantly greater than 0), at least on a written test would be if the difference one sees in the wild is due more to ethical differences than genetic/neurological differences. There are people who value honesty and directness, and people who value not getting nailed down to anything. Some people condemn dishonesty, whereas others are more likely to condemn saying things that hurt other people's feelings, and the truth value is irrelevant.

    Consider for example, people who say, "He called me a liar", as if that is an inherently bad thing, regardless of whether it is true or not. In many cases, the person had not even actually said, "John is a liar", they had simply stated that something the other person had said was false.

    There is certainly a difference between actual dishonesty (making false statements in full awareness that they are false) and weaseliness (willfully avoiding answering questions that do not support one's position or are not in one's self-interest), but I think they are not unrelated.

    A written test, along the lines of a standardized test, would eliminate at least some of the motive for deliberate weaseliness. Also, psychologists are crafty folk, and can be fairly skilled at designing experiments to reveal a person's true abilities.

  • @Rhywden said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    @jinpa Of course it's possible. You just need a proper standardized metric which actually measures what you want it to measure (and is also able to discern between the two concepts).

    And those are really hard problems as you have to deal with soft skills with very fuzzy edges.

    Clearly, to test dialog intelligence, you'd just have a robot spout talking points from your least favorite political/religious/cultural movements, and the test is to see how long you stay in the room while giving at least slightly-relevant responses. Extra points if you eventually walk out of the room instead of destroying the robot.

  • Considered Harmful

    @PotatoEngineer said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    to test dialog intelligence, you'd just have a robot spout talking points from your least favorite political/religious/cultural movements, and the test is to see how long you stay in the room while giving at least slightly-relevant responses.

    I am teh weiner!

    Extra points if you eventually walk out of the room instead of destroying the robot.

    H'mm. How subtil do I have to be with my attempts to destroy the robot to still get those?


    @topspin said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    What score does it factor into if I'm triggered by the inconsistency presented here between "Monologue" and "Dialog"? ๐Ÿ 

    English over American ๐Ÿน

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gribnit said in Monologue vs. Dialog Intelligence:

    H'mm. How subtil do I have to be with my attempts to destroy the robot to still get those?

    If you manage to get it to say something along the lines of "spank me harder, daddy", I think you've won.

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