A mockery of a mockup


    One thing leads to another and I stumbled upon this brillant graphic (:sauce:)


    So there’s the obvious problem that this kinda entirely defeats the purpose of having a display on the tablet altogether. Evidently it’s a mockup; there’s also no sort of lighting on the underside of the hands as you’d expect.

    I wasn’t observant enough to notice this, but it also seems like the drawing hand… is not his. Looks a bit freakish when you look closer. And the left hand isn’t doing anything sensible.

    By the looks of things, this was originally a stock photo of someone just using a normal keyboard, that’s been twisted into a rather esoteric use of the product in question.

    Aside: “UGEE®” appears to be some sort of OEM; I found this after someone sent me pictures of the circuit board inside a not-UGEE® tablet, which had “UGEE®” printed at the top. ugee.com has a grand total of three products across the entire site, which makes me wonder why they’d even bother, but then ugee-tablet.com has a far more extensive range.

    Which actually raises even more questions.

  • Yes it’s originally a stock photo - https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/professional-photographer-works-photo-editing-app-1213219387

    Fuck knows what they did to the stylus-holding hand though. And yes, the tablet lighting should do something if it’s actually showing an image.

  • 🚽 Regular

    To me it looks, even in the original stock photo, the guy is looking over the monitor. Or at the titlebar at the best.

  • @Zecc yup, others in that series are a little better about it. There is some ergonomic advice preached that your setup should actually align your eyeline with the top of the monitor but I’ve never been convinced that feels good in practice.

  • @Arantor Most ergonomic advice feels very uncomfortable to me whenever I try to follow them.

    Then again, my mouse-hand shoulder has been aching since quite some time and I'm almost certain it's due to me having a bad posture (I can often feel some tension in that shoulder), so maybe I'm not the best to criticise ergonomic advice... :mlp_shrug:


    @remi said in A mockery of a mockup:

    I'm almost certain it's due to me having a bad posture

    Insert isitlikeashrimp.png here.

  • @topspin 👀 :seye: OMG did you hack my webcam??!! 💦

    Though my main issue with those advice is that I can't really hold any position for more than a few minutes. So I may start in the prescribed one, but after 5-10 min max holding that position means I have to focus on that, rather than whatever else I'm doing, which obviously becomes quickly very uncomfortable. Also my back is naturally not-straight (not "hunchback-not-straight", but not perfectly straight either) so following some advice forces me into a very unnatural posture.

    (I'm sure there's some :bait: in there)

  • @Arantor said in A mockery of a mockup:

    There is some ergonomic advice preached that your setup should actually align your eyeline with the top of the monitor but I’ve never been convinced that feels good in practice.

    Yeah, that's not going to work with my 27" monitor in portrait mode...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @remi said in A mockery of a mockup:

    @Arantor Most ergonomic advice feels very uncomfortable to me whenever I try to follow them.

    Then again, my mouse-hand shoulder has been aching since quite some time and I'm almost certain it's due to me having a bad posture (I can often feel some tension in that shoulder), so maybe I'm not the best to criticise ergonomic advice... :mlp_shrug:

    I really did a number on mine a few years ago. Basically, leaning on the elbow while using the mouse. Since then I've dropped the arm rest so that I can't really do that.

    Also, when I've been doing something like that and I start to feel it in my shoulder I do shoulder exercises with an elastic band. Numbers 1 (external rotation) and 2 (internal rotation) here:

  • @boomzilla said in A mockery of a mockup:

    Basically, leaning on the elbow while using the mouse. Since then I've dropped the arm rest so that I can't really do that.

    I think my problem is that the mouse-arm is too high (leaning on the desk). I know it doesn't make much sense since the other arm is at the same height (when typing on keyboard). But while the other arm sometimes moves away from the desk (when I'm using the mouse only), the mouse-arm is always there (either for the mouse, or keyboard), so it doesn't get much change of position. And ifwhen I slouch in my chair and use the mouse only (e.g. reading lengthy articleswasting time on WTDWTF), the mouse-arm stays somewhat high while the other one doesn't.

    Regular breaks would probably help but as any programmer knows, when you get in the zone there's no way you're going to get up and do something else even if just for a minute. And a timer wouldn't help since the issue is not forgetting about it, it's not wanting to do it.

    Also, when I've been doing something like that and I start to feel it in my shoulder I do shoulder exercises with an elastic band. Numbers 1 (external rotation) and 2 (internal rotation) here:

    Mmm, sounds like I should try and :kneeling_warthog:🔫 and do that. Thanks for the idea.

  • @Arantor said in A mockery of a mockup:

    There is some ergonomic advice preached that your setup should actually align your eyeline with the top of the monitor but I’ve never been convinced that feels good in practice.

    Most ergonomic advice I've seen says the opposite: Monitors should be raised so you never tilt your head down to look at them, because that puts strain on your neck. I've never been convinced that feels good in practice, either.

  • @dcon said in A mockery of a mockup:

    monitor in portrait mode


  • @remi said in A mockery of a mockup:

    use the mouse only (e.g. reading lengthy articleswasting time on WTDWTF), the mouse-arm stays somewhat high while the other one doesn't.

    Sounds to me like you need to use the keyboard more on WTDWTF.

  • @HardwareGeek but I'd need to be using the keyboard with the other arm (otherwise it wouldn't change my overall posture problem), and unless I use weird shortcuts it would require me twisting that other arm quite badly.

    Oh, wait. Your suggestion wasn't to avoid all shoulder issues, just issues in that specific shoulder, regardless of what happens in the other? OK, fair enough. 🍹

  • @HardwareGeek said in A mockery of a mockup:

    @dcon said in A mockery of a mockup:

    monitor in portrait mode


    Figured I'd give it a try... It is nice seeing all that source code. But I suspect I won't do it for long - not sure my neck will survive...

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