Ins tag not styled

  • not styled? <- should have a pale green background.


    Investigating why my awesome super-amazeballs custom del/ins styling¹ also wasn’t showing – ins is sanitised out entirely.

    <ins>not styled?</ins> <- should have a pale green background.


    <div class="content" component="post/content" itemprop="text">
    	<p>not styled? &lt;- should have a pale green background.</p>

    .composer .preview del, .posts .content del, .composer .preview ins, .posts .content ins {
    color: inherit !important;
    text-decoration: inherit !important;
    .composer .preview del, .posts .content del {
    background-color: #ff313170 !important;
    .composer .preview ins, .posts .content ins {
    background-color: #31ff3170 !important;

    And it wouldn’t be proper to not experience a bug when commenting on a bug: there’s a details/summary up there that’s been stripped out too.

  • And yet, ins is still in the quotable version of the post if I go to quote it (which suggests something is really weird) and more confusingly, del is still present because I noticed it after seeing a del/ins combo where the ins wasn't working but the del was.

  • Considered Harmful

    All appears to be working. No trolling in bug reports.

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