pi-hole anyone? How to display some stats without login?

  • Hello @all,

    happy pi-hole on a RasPi <something 3> here.

    Since my google-fu refuses to deliver and CBA to <register yadda yadda etc> allow me to drop this question to the trusty :wtf: people:
    Is it posible to display <some> stats from the admin-panel without authentication?
    e.g. "Top Blocked Domains" from <your_pi_hole>/admin/index (a.k.a. 'Dashboard') should be visible when one opens <your_pi_hole>/admin or somesuch.

    To clarify:
    Without logging in:

    is there some way to also display <this> somewhere below / insteadOf / whatever ...?

    /whatever the fuck wants to chat with deepl.com, IknowItsLame-junior of course declines any knowledge about this but ,,, (cue haha,,,)

    Any ideas & a big THANKYOU in advance!

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