NodeBB for older browsers

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    @Gribnit said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    I'm invisible, man

    I like that Tania only gets to see the bits of your posts that we quote-reply to.

    She's headed toward Wilhelm Reich crossed with Neitzsche crossed with a Nazi girl I used to have a thing for. None of those paths end all that well. You don't often catch a schizoaffective with so little mitigation spouting like this - my mitigations are way too effective at my age.

    The Cartesian goal is noted, but the lack of math is fixing that. Rene could only leave lacunae where he fucked up, and they're still present and notable. He had no idea Godel was going to end his hopes. But the lacunae here, my god they're like a Heartbleed replication.

    A more monstrous person could probably enslave this individual. I am merely hoping to get them hospitalized.

    The real fun is guessing the stressor. Something has to have triggered the break. I was guessing housing insecurity, but edging towards rape.

  • In humans, the classic version of sex culture is similar to that used by hens.

    There is a strong (beautiful) rooster who wants to have a small harem and hates other roosters (if they encroach on his harem). Hens do not really want sex, but they want what is associated with it (procreation, for chickens). The rooster itself is also not very eager to fuck someone.

    The game begins either with the appearance of a new hen, or with hints from one of the old hens - to walk near the rooster and pretend that she is scared, suddenly he will rush at her ... (the rooster automatically pounces on the new hen). If the rooster has already rested from the previous act, then the hen's hints can achieve its goal - he throws himself at the hen! at this point, the chicken should start to run away! not too much ... It all ends with the runaway being overtaken, jumping onto her back, grabbing her by the neck ... well, etc.

    I fully admit that some foolish judge who has never seen hens may well accuse the rooster of violence committed in large quantities and award him a place in the soup pot.

  • Thus, the classic version of the Homo sapiens' sexual play assumes that the man should make an "offensive", and the woman should make a "defense." At the same time, even small children understand that this should be just a game, and not real violence.

  • In order not to forget. Book "One Hundred Years of Solitude". There is about EVERYTHING. Naturally, there is also a lot about sex. And it is very correct. Read it. You will not regret.

  • It was half past four in the after noon when Amaranta Úrsula came out of her bath. Aureliano saw her go by his room with a robe of soft folds and a towel wrapped around her head like a turban. He followed her almost on tiptoes, stumbling from drunkenness, and he went into the nuptial bedroom just as she opened the robe and closed it again in fright. He made a silent signal toward the next room where the door was half open and where Aureliano knew that Gaston was beginning to write a letter. “Go away,” she said voicelessly. Aureliano, smiled, picked her up by the waist with both hands like a pot of begonias, and dropped her on her back on the bed. With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she hadtime to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms. Amaranta Úrsula defended herself sincerely with the astuteness of a wise woman, weaseling her slippery, flexible, and fragrant weasel’s body as she tried to knee him in the kidneys and scorpion his face with her nails, but without either of them giving a gasp that might not have been taken for that breathing of a person watching the meager April sunset through the open window. It was a fierce fight, a battle to the death, but it seemed to be without violence because it consisted of distorted attacks and ghostly evasions, slow, cautious, solemn, so that during it all there was time for the petunias to bloom and for Gaston to forget about his aviator’s dream in the next room, as if they were two enemy lovers seeking reconciliation at the bottom of an aquarium. In the heat of that savage and ceremoniousstruggle, Amaranta Úrsula understood that her meticulous silence was so irrational that it couldawaken the suspicions of her nearby husband much more than the sound of warfare that they were trying to avoid. Then she began to laugh with her lips tight together, without giving up the fight, but defending herself with false bites and deweaseling her body little by little until they both were conscious of being adversaries and accomplices at the same time and the affray degenerated into aconventional gambol and the attacks became caresses. Suddenly, almost playfully, like one more bit of mischief, Amaranta Úrsula dropped her defense, and when she tried to recover, frightened by what she herself had made possible, it was too late. A great commotion immobilized her in her center of gravity, planted her in her place, and her defensive will was demolished by the irresistible anxiety to discover what the orange whistles and the invisible globes on the other side of death were like. She barely had time to reach out her hand and grope for the towel to put a gag between herteeth so that she would not let out the cat howls that were already tearing at her insides.

  • Considered Harmful

    @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Thus, the classic version of the Homo sapiens' sexual play assumes that the man should make an "offensive", and the woman should make a "defense." At the same time, even small children understand that this should be just a game, and not real violence.

    Consensual non-consent is covered :arrows:

  • While you are reading the book, I will try to find contacts of that very bloodthirsty feminist - to invite her here.

  • By the way, I am frightened to discover that I have once again sat in a puddle (I froze stupidity, I said the wrong thing). As a child, I thought for a long time and told my mother that only people walk on two legs, "and chickens?" she asked.

    Now I said that only people have sex continuously. But chickens ... these chickens again ...

  • Considered Harmful

    @tania_v you fucked that right up. the answer is "only humans ask that question", so far.

  • Maybe domestic chickens have adopted sex from people? ...

  • Considered Harmful

    @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Maybe domestic chickens have adopted sex from people? ...

    I mean, there's no sexier place on a farm than the chicken coop.


    @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    I fully admit that some foolish judge...

    The local slang for a foolish judge is "judge".

  • @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Geddert Emily Meinke.

    It will not work to invite a feminist - it turns out that she is already 40 years old)) And she is ugly)

  • Considered Harmful

    @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Geddert Emily Meinke.

    It will not work to invite a feminist - it turns out that she is already 40 years old)) And she is ugly)

    Well, you know what old Alphonse would say about that.

  • If all rabid feministics are like that, then everything is clear to me - what is the reason and who is to blame.

    First. I wrote earlier that everyone has a list of "who to kill first." This is normal. Because a “reasonable homo” is extremely touchy, more precisely, he cannot forget offenses - this is the most important thing that is written in his memory.

    Second. I also wrote earlier that when it happens that the murderers (occupants) come, then a line of local residents with their lists is lined up for them. This is already half normal.

    Third. It doesn't have to be invaders. There may be just killers' services (free, promotion). There may be aliens. But more often than not, this is such a good time when killers in robes are waiting for an informer. This state of affairs is already far from normal. But have you noticed that we have stepped over from a separate organism to a social one? We add to this that with the lists they also run in a crowd, together, not every man for himself!

  • Thus, in this case, we have disorders in the health of the social organism. That is why he was pushed by what was, is and will always be - someone's hatred for someone.

    Look. NodeBB's support offended me very much, very much. I also know that I am not the only one who hates her. What if I gather all of us (who hate NodeBB support) and we go to court? If the time is right, then the same person may well get 10 years in prison (for insults, humiliation, mental violence, disrespect for people with disabilities ... incompatibility with old browsers ...)

    So what? Will it be my fault? Or that person? Not! Society will be to blame! And what is society? Isn't that WE ???

  • American model Ashley Morgan admitted that her former lover, rock musician Marilyn Manson cut her her and locked her in a glass room. She announced this in an interview with People magazine.

  • It reminds me of something very familiar ... Yes, how children run to complain ... "Dad, are you going to kill him?"

  • If I were a judge, I would lock that model in a glass barrel and drive it around the streets - look at this fool!

    If violence is done against you, and you are free, but do not leave, then who should be punished ??? Rapist or victim ??? Especially in relationships where violence is an element of these relationships ???

  • Someone allowed themselves to be humiliated for years. Then the right time came and he hurries with the denunciation. Revenge ... what a sweet dish! Especially when served cold, 20 years later ... Mmmmmm ...

  • Guys, when I type a post, then (very often) after a while 1 like appears there. What is this phenomenon ??? Is it a bot? To keep me active?

    After 2 minutes (when dislike)
    I see, thanks, this is not a bot - this is a local dude

    After 3 minutes
    Whoever has a name beginning with "G" may not write - I blocked all of them

  • Commentary from Russia
    "The model admitted that she ended an unhealthy relationship with the artist several times, but returned due to emotional addiction." Explain to me what's going on.

    Now I could explain: it's just the USA during the epidemic "punish everyone who paid you cheap for sex"

  • Banned

    @tania_v no, just another braindead user like you with too much time in his hands.

    BTW, what was that about Hollywood not reaching Polish cinemas? Because, you know, in reality Polish cinemas live almost entirely on Hollywood movies. Either it was some metaphor that went way over my head or you're actually delusional.

  • Considered Harmful

    @tania_v said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    these chickens again ...


  • Looking at the United States and here in Russia, they try this.

    Not so long ago, a cultural (seemingly) 17-year-old girl went to a party. To drink vodka and have sex (why else go to parties when young). She drank vodka. Then she found a bed, undressed and began to wait. But the one who was supposed to come second came to her first! She began to say no to him, but she was drunk and did not mind much at all. But when then the one who was supposed to come first came, it turned out that the thrill from sex was not the same ...

    The girl went home. Several days passed. And there were no pleasant memories. There was discontent that he, the first, ruined everything. And she decided that since she had nothing to remember, she would punish the first - she would say that he had raped her. That is, that the first raped, and the second for love, and she wanted for love (at first).

    There was a trial. Since Russia is not yet the United States, the guy (first) was given 1 year. And the girl became popular. She was offered advertising. She was shown on TV many times. She got married successfully.

    We are waiting for 20 years to pass ...

  • However, what all this disgusting shit, these ladies - why am I poking around in it ...

  • In 1944-45. valiant liberators from fascism raped 2,000,000 German women. Why silence? Quite recently, poor unfortunate refugees in honor of the New Year raped 80 German women in Cologne - and again silence ... - the United States is silent ... there, for 2 rapes (unproven), they give 20 years in prison, but if 2,000,000, then this is not it, and 80 is also not right ...

  • @Gribnit said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Something has to have triggered the break.

    Don't you remember? Being unable to register on NodeBB's forums to get help with supporting IE11.

  • Earlier I already wrote here about the golden eagle. Which has a weight of 7 kg, but can attack prey weighing 70 kg. I have knowledge for 7 kg, but I hope for my tenacious paws of the mind.

    And like a golden eagle, before an attack, I must circle in the sky for a long, long time, rising higher and higher, if necessary. That's why I do it. It all started with the phenomenon of NodeBB support. But it’s stupid to remove water in the bathroom in the place where you saw it - it’s reasonable to look for where it flows - even if you have to dismantle the whole house. The problem of supporting NodeBB does not begin in NodeBB, its origins must be sought in the social processes of the United States (and therefore of the whole world).

    Of course, I'm sad that the audience here is small and indifferent. It is even more sad that there is no one who has free thinking - everyone acts by reflexes. But maybe that's the way it should be. The golden eagle also flies alone, relying only on his own vision, which is part of his mind.

    Most likely, I will not be able to attack large prey. Most likely I will have to go downstairs and hunt mice weighing 70 grams. So what? I have to try! Because this is the only way that someone who hits the target can appear, only through attempts and misses! And it doesn't matter for the Universe that it won't be me! For me too!

  • Considered Harmful

    @tania_v like a comet streaking through our sky, indeed.

  • Can we understand the incredible bloodthirstiness of Weinstein's victims? Easily! Especially if they are not true Christians.

    Homo sapiens has a colossal memory. Compared to other animals. The role of memory is so important that it is it, and not the brain processor at all, that can be declared the basis of the mind,.

    In addition, Homo sapiens has a colossal hatred to their own kind. If they prevent him from rising. Or indifferent to help. And when others not only interfere, but also openly humiliate, use them as a support for their elevation, hatred has no limit.

    Homo sapiens lives in a society where the immediate expression of such hatred is prohibited. But Homo sapiens has a colossal memory and hatred builds up there. Waiting in the wings.

    Homo sapiens can wait for years. Even all my life. Even bequeath your hate to your children, grandchildren. And if he waits, then the death of the one he hates is not enough for him. He needs complete revenge. Complete long revenge. Dig up bones, spit on them, dance on them ...

    At one time, Christ was sent to somehow resolve this issue. Eliminate the flaw. But as we can all see, he did not succeed very well. People accepted his injections, but neutralized their effect

  • Yes, I remember how Christ acted - to scale the project, to give injections to the chosen few, so that they then give injections to the rest. And it seemed that everything was going very well.

    But the brain of homo sapiens quickly made the vaccine. And not just one. To adapt the virus of Christianity to yourself, to your life. And not submit to him. We do the same with the coronavirus these days.

    We know very well that our incredible DNA is full of genes from different viruses - and that's great. But we see that a new virus is limiting our lives and we are looking for vaccines.

    Was Christianity Like the Coronavirus? Basically a good idea. But the clearly life-limiting homo sapiens. Because it's too simple. And too indifferent. Well, like NodeBB support.

    Was Christ some kind of project? Not! So is the coronavirus. Like me) This is easiest to understand with the example of chickens (yes, yes, again chickens, all the answers are in them). If you remove the rooster from the hens, then after a while one of the hens begins to turn into a rooster. That is, the social organism has its own regulators. And I am writing here for this reason alone.

  • Flying high, I try to simultaneously see not only the object of the attack, but also the method of attack.

    I see that a certain madness has happened in the public brain. I know that in the brain of an individual, this is due to hormones (which the brain secretes). Was the Weinstein Trial madness the result of the MeToo hormones?

    Obviously this was the case. Like World War II, the result of Nazism. Very good! Then we can move on quickly! After all, Nazism appeared for a reason, what were the reasons there?

    Obviously, the causes of Nazism were the rape perpetrated on the German people after the First World War. Even if it wasn't specifically planned, in fact it was. And we must also take into account the genetic characteristics of the Germans, as a nation of proud warriors.

    They can immediately reply to me: you are all lying, look at today's Germans, how they are openly raped by everyone, even the gypsies!
    And I will say. First: not much time has passed, let's wait ... Second: until the genes of those warriors who were exterminated in World War II are revived in German society. Third: it is quite possible that these genes will never be reborn, we know many examples of the death of proud powerful civilizations, the same Assyrians ... Fourth: all this does not negate what I said about the causes of World War II, read Man Kampf

  • So, in the mind (of an individual or a society) everything is done by hormones. But a certain tuning of many neurons is needed. Only then can the impulses of some particularly active neuron activate a significant section of the network and lead to the release of hormones.

    A good example is Navalny in Russia. It is this example, and not an example of the feminism that gave birth to MeToo. Because Navalny's impulses do not give hormones, but they show that it is through such impulses that the settings of many other neurons change. That is, sacrifices are needed. The sacrifices are never in vain. The word never disappears without a trace.

    Therefore, I am not writing in vain. Anyway. And you write too! Everything will be taken into account!

  • Many are ready to tell me. What nonsense! It's just a cloud in the sky! Why are you looking there at all? Watch your step! Get down to business!

    And I will say that it scares me a lot, that it is a cloud in the sky, and not on earth. We are defenseless against the sky. Therefore, we must be afraid. Wasn't there a lot of fiery rains? And can we even predict the weather in the 21st century?

  • My goal scares me. Its unattainability. Getting Wanstein out of prison, and even under the slogan "While Vanstein is in prison, the United States is in madness" - it seems incredible. Especially if you remember that the American Themis' teeth are bent inward - it is impossible to remove the victim, the same Polanski is a good example, like those innocent people who spent decades in prison. The entire judicial system in the United States is insane - well, what kind of mind can a sentence of 150 years in prison have? The electoral system is also far from reason - the one for whom the minority votes can become the president.

  • Norwegian criminologist Niels Christie is a pioneer of comparative criminology, pioneering comparative statistics on law enforcement, the judiciary and prison population in Europe and North America. It was he who played a huge role in the humanization of the law enforcement and penitentiary system in Finland.

    In the book "Fighting Crime as an Industry", Christie turns to the American justice system and proves the idea, paradoxical for the post-Soviet consciousness, that it is not much more human than the Gulag. And, moreover, it becomes more and more inhuman over time.*

  • As if you had to be a criminologist for that. It is enough to catch the smell from burning a person. And it doesn't matter at all that the city is not called Auschwitz, and the flame is not fast.

  • From 1956 to 1979, the number of completed investigations into defamation cases in Norway more than halved: from 32 to 13 per year per 100,000 population. Perhaps people have become more attentive and kinder to each other. But another explanation can be offered: in modern society, insults are not given special importance. Today in Norway it is not customary to run to the police to register every insult, few of the registered cases are brought to the end of the investigation, and a very insignificant number ends with a fine or a term.

  • But in the USA ... We had a real case in Russia, not an anecdote. When the US came to the World Cup, including African Americans. And in the subway, a Russian girl who heard that African Americans have a big penis, from time to time glanced at his fly. The African American raised a scandal, shouted about sexual assault, demanded to call the police. The police apologized to him, the girls let him go, laughed as if it was a joke.

    But now several years have passed and in Russia they are already given 8 years in prison for sitting on the same couch with a girl. Looking at the USA ...

    I know many Americans would like Russia to die. Because she is ready to fight using atomic bombs. But I assure you that not only Russians would like the death of the United States - any normal person sees where the madness comes from.

    And no patriotism should close the eyes of normal people. There is a good saying in Russia "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." All the insanities of the social organism are hidden in patriotism! This must be understood!

  • Yes, I again find myself in this paradox - so many smart people have already written so many clever words - why then do many people and countries continue to do stupid things? and how I, so small, can change something in this paradox? even by a micron...

  • probably this is what is expected in the USA - balalaika and a simple melody)

  • There is such a terrible disease - leprosy. The man rots alive. But the reason is in the nerve endings. When they atrophy, the right signals are not sent to the brain. For example, from the eyes that it's time to blink. From the skin, that it is time to roll over to the other side or that it hurts ... And the person stops blinking - the eyes begin to become inflamed and rot. A person stops rolling over in a dream - bedsores appear on the body. A person does not feel pain - and continuously wounds himself ... I suppose you understand what I mean, why without our indignant squeaks it will be bad for everyone.

  • Laysan Utyasheva, two-time European champion in rhythmic gymnastics, spoke about the dangers of coaching in the United States. Forbes reports. According to the Russian athlete, a specialist overseas can easily be jailed, fired, or fined.

    Russian tennis player Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova called the cons of living in the United States. Her words are quoted by “I don't like America with its mentality: everything is feigned, insincere, everything needs to be made into a show,” said the 29-year-old athlete.

    Where is totalitarianism then? Where 1 person rules? Or where primitiveness, mobs and lawyers rule?


    Have I fallen into a William S. Burroughs novel?

  • Considered Harmful

    @M_Adams said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Have I fallen into a William S. Burroughs novel?

    What'd you wear to lunch today?


    @Gribnit said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    @M_Adams said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Have I fallen into a William S. Burroughs novel?

    What'd you wear to lunch today?

    👀 :seye:

  • Considered Harmful

    @M_Adams said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    @Gribnit said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    @M_Adams said in NodeBB for older browsers:

    Have I fallen into a William S. Burroughs novel?

    What'd you wear to lunch today?

    👀 :seye:

    I've been in a Pynchon novel for awhile now, it's alright, but looking forward to what our theocratic sexually ambivalent alien donkey philosopher czars bring us.

  • I've been here for 2 weeks. During this time, I wrote about

    • human origins
    • how the mind works
    • how the golden eagle hunts
    • is there a god
    • why the USA is sick
    • why cats are dangerous
    • and many more ...

    However, there was only one discussion: which blow in karate is more dangerous: with a fist or with a palm.

    I don’t want to think that the joke about American "bird brains" is not a joke at all. Perhaps this is a forced lack of free thinking. But then their country suppresses the brains of its citizens, indirectly. Or something else strange for a European in this country.

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