Fun with maps

  • @djls45 said in Fun with maps:

    in France (or wherever), "Lauri" is a male name.

    Based on my knowledge of things that are extremely dangerous and may attack at any time, Lauri is a male name in Finland.

  • @Zerosquare said in Fun with maps:

    In French, "Laurie" (silent "e") is a female name.

    Possibly (if e.g. the registration was done by phone?) the name was wrongly put down as "Laurent" which sounds similar-ish and is indeed a male name? But in any case:

    Unless it happened a really long time ago, hotels here don't care who you are sleeping with.

    Also doing so would be a very clear case of discrimination based on sexual orientation and nowadays (a quick search says since 1985 which sounds about right) that's banned. Since even just a couple (:rimshot:) of occurrences would make high-profile news, hotels are necessarily aware of it and I don't think anyone would try it.

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