SSDT project - keep comments/formatting?

  • And then the murders began.

    We're using SSDT projects to track our database schema. Historically, we've just blindly grabbed all of the .sql files from TFS & used Red Gate tooling to deploy, ignoring the .sqlproj file.

    I'm looking at possibly changing that. However, both the .sql output and the DACPAC file (when extracted) will strip all comments from the SQL project, and reformat the SQL. Neither of which is desirable.

    (Even if I were willing to accept those, the reformatting can actually introduce bugs - CTE inside of a sproc can lose the necessary leading semicolon. So that just plain won't work.)

    Anybody know how to get it to keep the existing schema formatting?

  • @unperverted-vixen

    I do not know of any way to keep the formatting. If you can reproduce a bug being generated by the reformatting, please chat me.

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