Unit testing NodeJS (without exposing internals)

  • @accalia said:

    okay then......

    on a scale from 0 to "hand in your programmer's license"..... how bad would it be to do


    I'd go with a global switch or environmental variable.

    Also, if you're already using prototype object pattern (_name for private members), you can do the similar thing with module exports and just export everything unconditionally?

  • FoxDev

    so what i ended up with was....

    look for a global method describe that's put there by mocha, and is absent from the global scope at run time.

    then i change behavior in two places to expose internals that shouldn't be poked by modules (modules don't get that luxury. just the core stuff)

    and my tests:

    ... Did i do good @Yamikuronue?

  • FoxDev

    so that leaves me with a very simple module API:


    this will probably be expanded to add a config parameter to begin when i do module loading proper, but for now...

    client is an event emitter that emits the events shown in begin (along with raw that's ignored but there in case a module wants to handle CTCP messages)

    payload is an object with the following keys:

    •    type: (string) message subtype (for example message_recieved could have: 'action', 'notice', or 'message')
    •    who: (string|null) user who sent the message
    •    what: (string|null) target of the message (channel or user)
    •    text: (string) texdt of the message,
    •    raw: (object) parsed irc message as per [the docs](http://node-irc.readthedocs.org/en/latest/API.html#'raw')
    •    command: (string) command that was parsed if texts begins with ! empty string otherwise
    •    args: (string[]) args that were parsed if text begins with ! empty array otherwise

    additionally client has the following methods:

    • join(channel): join a channel
    • part(channel, [reason]): leave a channel
    • say(target, text): say something to person/channel
    • notice(target, text): notice a person (/notice)
    • action(target, text): do an action. (/me)

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