The annoyances thread (or a new one if there's already one)

  • @accalia said:


    it'll be fine, just wrap up warm and shove a couple of hand warmers in your pack. you'll be fiiiiine. ;-)

    I still have my old clothes from when I lived there, so I have a ton of warm clothes that I rarely wear. The funny thing is, I haven't acclimated to the different weather, I still don't get that cold (it can get to around 40F here).

  • @boomzilla said:

    "Investigation of Matter and Energy," i.e., Science.

    Ok, WTF.
    Here in Germany we call the sciencey subjects by the part of science they cover, at least from 8th grade onward. Like Chemistry or Physics or Astronomy or Biology.
    Well, at least on the kind of secondary school I went to.

  • I don't recall getting into classes covering specific branches of science until 9th grade; until then, they were all general Science classes. (But from what I can recall, "Science" consisted almost exclusively of microbiology, only occasionally touching on other aspects of science. How many times do you have to learn how a cell works? Made me hate biology.)

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