Game Deals Thread

  • 🚽 Regular

    At the time of writing, 95% discount: €1.

  • Banned

    @Zecc and they're giving away one DLC for free!

  • Banned

    @Zecc Also - I checked out Metacritic and apparently it's user-review-bombed for being too friendly to Nazis? If you filter that crap out, it seems that the reviews are generally very favorable.

  • @Gąska I wonder if it's because of the "dOnT MaKe mE pLaY aS NaZiS" video from the game theorists or whoever it was

  • 🚽 Regular

    Zecc searches for "Sonic" in Steam library
    No results.

    Zecc What?! I know I added Sonic 2 to my library yesterday!

    Also Zecc What's this? An update for "SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics"? Meh.

    Seriously though, I see some people having this problem.

  • Golden Axed released for free yesterday (I had it on my wishlist and got an email), but I forgot to actually get it. I remembered about it today, but it has disappeared from my wishlist as well as the actual Steam store.

  • @hungrier said in Game Deals Thread:

    Golden Axed released for free yesterday (I had it on my wishlist and got an email), but I forgot to actually get it. I remembered about it today, but it has disappeared from my wishlist as well as the actual Steam store.

    It's only one level with one enemy model (a couple color variants), no boss fight, and Magic isn't implemented. The fighting worked well enough, so it probably could have been a decent game if they'd finished it.

    The Streets one was good because it's just Streets of Rage 2 with different art. I suck at shooters, even ones as slow as Fantasy Zone, and I couldn't figure out the Armor of Heroes tank movement in the short amount of time I gave it. They were worth what I paid. ;)

  • @Parody I got the other two free games, but haven't played them yet. For some reason I started (re)playing Phantasy Star IV after getting the Genesis pack.

  • Europa Universalis II is free on GOG for a few days:

  • Banned

    @hungrier many other Paradox games are 50-75% off:

    Most notably, EU3 + 2 expansions for $3.74:

  • @Gąska Is it me or is EU3 yet another victim of a 3D (isometric) view that renders everything ten times uglier and worse than the previous version?



    (also, my :belt_onion: grew a couple of sizes when I saw first that EU3 was on GOG, then that it came out in 2007, and finally that I much preferred (and played) EU2...)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @remi Looks different for sure.


  • @loopback0 :sideways_owl:

    I guess the website must be somehow caching the fact that I did myself browse to the article first, because the direct link (and embedded picture) :womm:

    It's supposed to look like this (snapshot of my screen, wooden table not included):

  • @remi said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Gąska Is it me or is EU3 yet another victim of a 3D (isometric) view that renders everything ten times uglier and worse than the previous version?


    Ugh, why is isometric view still a thing?

    It's a bad hack from the late 90s, when graphics got good enough to render high-quality 2D images but 3D was still utter crap, to trick you into thinking you had something that was more-or-less 3D-ish by providing a mathematically simple model of fake perspective.

    It looks ugly and it's been obsolete ever since we got halfway decent 3D, (so pretty much the entirety of the 21st century,) so why are people still using it?!?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Mason_Wheeler I don't think there's anything wrong with isometric view.

    These graphics are just ugly, and a change of perspective projection wouldn't fix that.
    (I'm not even entirely convinced it is actually isometric)

  • @Zecc said in Game Deals Thread:

    (I'm not even entirely convinced it is actually isometric)

    Looking at the flags, it's pretty easy to tell that it's 3D

  • @Zecc yeah, I also don't know whether it's truly isometric, nor do I really care.

    It's more that the graphics of the newer version (EU3) are ugly, and much uglier IMO than in the previous version (EU2, which was a bit garish, granted, but fairly clean -- the game had many other issues and some graphical glitches, but looked nice overall), and that the main visible graphics "improvement" (or thing that developers are likely to have listed as an improvement) is the 3D aspect.

  • Banned

    @remi said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Gąska Is it me or is EU3 yet another victim of a 3D (isometric) view that renders everything ten times uglier and worse than the previous version?

    Uglier? Maybe. But the UI is 1000x better.

  • Banned

    Forget GOG. Steam has it at -90%!

    It also has the missing 2 expansions for $0.99 each.

    So for the low low price of tree fiddy, you can get the ultimate experience! (Sans the army sprite packs and bonus music, but who cares about that. But just in case, the packs are discounted too. The whole collection is $7.08.)

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in Game Deals Thread:

    Ugh, why is isometric view still a thing?

    It's a bad hack from the late 90s, ....

    Zaxxon, anyone? Q*bert? (Both 1982.)

    I don't think there's anything wrong with an angled view if it shows you the information you need. For this type of strategy game it'd be nice if you also had an overhead or other simplified/at-a-glance view; modern Civilizations do that. Otherwise, well, a fixed view may be better than a free one with broken camera controls.

  • Bought xcom 2 at full price a week ago, now it's 75% off on steam. At least I got all the expansions on the cheap now

  • @sockpuppet7 said in Game Deals Thread:

    Bought xcom 2 at full price a week ago, now it's 75% off on steam. At least I got all the expansions on the cheap now

    I keep wanting to buy that one, because I love the strategic parts. Then I remember that I'm not nearly so fond of the tactical bits.

    I'm impatient. I don't like advancing my squad five steps per turn. But if you move forward after half your squad has moved, then you probably don't have the actions to kill the aliens, and Bad Things Happen. So my two play modes are:

    1. Charge ahead, be exciting, get killed sooner or later when I spot a group late-enough in the turn, get frustrated. Possibly save-scum and get bored of the tedium of save-scumming.
    2. Slowly shuffle forward, be bored, take down aliens much easier, have occasional moments of excitement when a group that would kill approach #1 spawns. Go back to shuffling and being bored, longing for the base activities.

  • @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Forget GOG. Steam has it at -90%!

    OK, OK, I'll get it. Gee, you're like a dog with a bone, you can't drop a topic when you're on it... 😜

    Thanks though, I'd been wanting to try EU3 for years (like... since 2007!) but the :kneeling_warthog: was always stronger.

  • Banned

    @remi said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Forget GOG. Steam has it at -90%!

    OK, OK, I'll get it. Gee, you're like a dog with a bone, you can't drop a topic when you're on it...

    I'm a simple man. I see a sale, I post it here. Not my fault I saw two sales for the same game in the same week...

  • @Gąska btw, what exactly are the sprites packs? Obviously just new designs for armies of different periods, but do they significantly change the overall look of the game or is it just for geeks who care whether the musket strap of the Westphalian Dragoons is in brass or bronze, and that the design of it changed in 1743?

    (which tbh, knowing EU and having been drawn to it in part because of that, is probably a significant part of the players' population...)

    A quick glance at the description isn't very enlightening, nor are the comments (I'm quoting one, "best dlc out there totally worth it no idea what it adds though").

    I would usually not care for purely graphical add-ons but since it's so cheap overall...

  • Banned

    @remi said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Gąska btw, what exactly are the sprites packs? Obviously just new designs for armies of different periods, but do they significantly change the overall look of the game or is it just for geeks who care whether the musket strap of the Westphalian Dragoons is in brass or bronze, and that the design of it changed in 1743?

    I don't care about aesthetics myself, so to me they're quite pointless. But AFAIK they're full model replacements that look... quite similar to each other, but you can easily tell the difference nonetheless. And anyway, you'll see you won't be looking at those models all that much in the end; you'll be focused on the various menus and popups much more, and UI icons are always the same.

    But then, it's just $3.50 more... On the other hand, that's double the price...

  • @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    And anyway, you'll see you won't be looking at those models all that much in the end;

    I don't doubt that for a second. In EU2 the models were all the same (at least, within one time period... there were maybe a dozen models in all, half of those for non-European tribes) and that never was an issue (the flags are what I've always looked at to identify a unit), nor something that I would really have noticed.

    But then, it's just $3.50 more... On the other hand, that's double the price...

    Which is the only reason why I'm considering it... and then again hesitating... 🤔

    I'll probably decide tonight at the moment I click the button to buy one pack or the other.

  • If you like Tower Defense games, then

    Defense Grid 2: A Matter of Endurance 75% off -> $1.79 in USA
    Not new (2014), but one of the better Tower Defense games.
    Buy the bundle, which includes some art, you totally want to tip the developers.

    But wait!!! Theres also Defense Grid The Awakening, very good, incredible quantity of levels, 75% off -> $ 2.49 in USA

    Both till November 2

    Hint: if you buy both, play first Awakening, graphics in DG2 are so much better, especially animations.

  • @cabrito I would get it, except I already bought both of those when they were new. Excellent games.

    And now I have a sudden craving for raspberries...

  • 🚽 Regular


    There's a demo version, in case someone wants to try before they buy.

    I see they have raving reviews, but... there was nothing in the trailers that really caught my attention.

    I did like what I saw in this gameplay video:

    Let's Play Defense Grid: The Awakening (part 1) – 14:33
    — MetalCanyon

    I might give it a go over the weekend.

  • There's a bunch of stuff that's on sale now:

    Lower than I've ever seen it:

  • @Zecc If I remember correctly, first levels levels are a bit easy, just to show the mechanics. Dunno if the demo includes some more challenging levels.

    @Mason_Wheeler high five to you. After playing two times all the ladder uhmm somewhere, somehow I saw DF2 on sale on steam, maybe 5 bucks at the time.
    Then I bought my first steam game, DF2 (and played the ladder a third time).

  • Teleglitch: Die More Edition, free on GOG

  • Hard Reset Redux for $1.09 🇨🇦

  • GOG:

    Also, a "Made In KurwaPoland" sale:

  • Castlevania Anniversary Collection, 75% off on IndieGala. There are other Konami collections available, but who cares about them, they're not Castlevania. This set contains:

    • Castlevania
      Castlevania II Simon's Quest
      Castlevania III Dracula's Curse
      Super Castlevania IV
      Castlevania The Adventure
      Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge
      Castlevania Bloodlines
      Kid Dracula (never released in English before)
      History of Castlevania - Book of the Crescent Moon (I don't think this one's a game)

    e: I lied about not caring, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is also on sale for 80% off

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @loopback0 said in Poe or Noe?:

    I installed Red Dead Online the other day as it's on a mega offer

    Red Dead Online is the online part of Red Dead Redemption 2, and is only £4.49/$4.99 until Feb.

  • Prison Architect is available for free from GOG for the next 71 hours, 22 minutes:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ChaosTheEternal It's got a free DLC too:

  • Banned

    Check out your spam folder for GOG emails. I've got a "find 7 differences" puzzle where the prize is big discounts for some games. Dunno if it's different for each person, but I've got Jazz Jackrabbit 2, the Syberia trilogy, Cat Quest, and over a dozen other games that I don't really care about. The discounts were around -80%.

  • @Gąska I'm not sure whether I got the same games you did, or not. Syberia and Cat Quest are the same, but I didn't bother finding all the differences to see whether I got Jazz Jackrabbit. I'd take them if they were free, but paying money — even if it's a steep discount from the normal price — for games I don't particularly want and might never play, no thanks.

  • Banned

    @HardwareGeek Well, it's just $2, and computer games with local multiplayer are very few and far between, especially non-racing games. That's the main reason I've got it, other than nostalgia.

  • @Gąska I already had Syberia 1 and 2, and didn't really want 3, nor CatQuest or most of the other crap. But I did buy the Jazz Jackrabbit and Incredible Machine bundles.

  • @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Check out your spam folder for GOG emails. I've got a "find 7 differences" puzzle where the prize is big discounts for some games. Dunno if it's different for each person, but I've got Jazz Jackrabbit 2, the Syberia trilogy, Cat Quest, and over a dozen other games that I don't really care about. The discounts were around -80%.

    BeyondCompare makes short work of that puzzle. 😛

  • Banned

    @Mason_Wheeler Gimp too. But I have to give it to them, they've protected against non-visual cheats very well. The image is made of HTML table cells, and each cell links to a unique URL which may or may not redirect you to a coupon page.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    You all overthink it. Just open all links.

  • @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Gimp too. But I have to give it to them, they've protected against non-visual cheats very well.

    Nah. Just take a screenshot of both images. Paste both into Gimp. Set the layer mode to difference. There's one section of the image that's shifted by about 2px., but that doesn't count as a difference. The real differences are obvious.

  • @HardwareGeek said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Gimp too. But I have to give it to them, they've protected against non-visual cheats very well.

    Nah. Just take a screenshot of both images. Paste both into Gimp. Set the layer mode to difference. There's one section of the image that's shifted by about 2px., but that doesn't count as a difference. The real differences are obvious.

    Sounds like a visual "cheat" to me.

    Opening all the links is the easy non-visual cheat, though.

  • Banned

    @Parody said in Game Deals Thread:

    Opening all the links is the easy non-visual cheat, though.

    there's literally 150 of them.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Check out your spam folder for GOG emails. I've got a "find 7 differences" puzzle where the prize is big discounts for some games. Dunno if it's different for each person, but I've got Jazz Jackrabbit 2, the Syberia trilogy, Cat Quest, and over a dozen other games that I don't really care about. The discounts were around -80%.

    BeyondCompare makes short work of that puzzle. 😛

    Crossing my eyes a bit made short work of it

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