How do you name your machines?

  • I name them after HHGTTG characters: my two desktops are Zaphod and Slartibartfast, the servers are Fenchurch, Trillian and Marvin, the laptop is Agrajag, my iPod is Arthur and my phone is Ford.

    Naming the boxes is crucial when working together on a hobby project. It's so much easier to say Fenchurch than 'that web server on IP .9'.

    Plus I can do ssh fenchurch, which is better than ssh <ip> -p 2222 or something like that.


    @accalia said:

    he funbox or the workbox?

    the porn box?

    @Spencer said:

    The kids box.

    Oeps ... better not mix those up.

  • @EvanED said:

    My personal machines are named after astronauts. I don't recycle names even with a new installation on the same machine, so I'm most of the way through Apollo.

    So, ... next is... Starbuck?

    Do Cmdr. Adama and Col. Tighe count?

    Filed under: One giant leap...

  • 🚽 Regular

    zecc-pc, blackbox, zphone, brick, toaster, machine...

    I'm very creative. 😑

  • Laptop is called Kali and there is Paddington the iPad.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Virtually all my machines just get some random name from DHCP (this laptop? cspool92 right now) because it isn't like I connect to any of them from outside. The exception is my test server, which is called eric and has been called that since I first “inherited” it.

    My production servers just have public names that reflect the main services that host them; those names are for the benefit of others, not me. I suppose the VM host(s) will have a name, but I CBA to find that out.

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