Worse then Go

  • Garbage Person

    @GNU Pepper said:

    as a lot of Rails users just do whatever DHH tells them to do because Rails Is Omakase.
    .... Sweet fucking god, I knew there was a reason I avoided Rails like the plague. The creator of the goddamned thing is a self-absorbed prick with all the horrible characteristics of every bad veteran programmer I've ever met.

  • @Weng said:

    .... Sweet fucking god, I knew there was a reason I avoided Rails like the plague.

    Rails is genuinely pretty slick if what you're building fits its intended development scenario, and DHH means well, but yeah... anybody who claims they've put in their "10,000 hours" automatically gets a black mark from me. It's a reference to that over-quoted study that found it took about 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery, so applying it to oneself like that is basically an even worse form of "I'm right because I have n years of experience".


  •  @joe.edwards said:

    @TGV said:
    Now I know you can abuse overflow, but for those case, there should be an operator called "add and fuck whatever doesn't fit in 4 bytes", like this: a _^_ b.
    C# has it. It's called unchecked.
    I like it. I'm no MS fanboy, but C# does a few things right. More so than Java, anyway.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    TRWTF is the awful grammar trolling the OP did. It's like nails on a chalkboard every time I get an emailed post.

  • @boomzilla said:

    TRWTF is the awful grammar trolling the OP did. It's like nails on a chalkboard every time I get an emailed post.

     Than you should just unsubscribe from the thread.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @ObiWayneKenobi said:
    I had this issue with a lot of things when I was trying to learn Rails; you'd look for advice on how to do X and find post after post by the Rails cognoscenti that basically said "X is too hard, so Joe Railsguy wrote the Hamfish library that makes it easy to do X! Everyone should be using Hamfish!".

    Rails is a cult, but without the demented orgies or cool mass suicides.


    Yeah, pretty much.  Which is a shame because Ruby is a great language and I really like Rails, but it changes so lightning fast that you almost have to stay a version behind.  I've tried to learn Rails three times: During 1.2.3, during 2.0/1 and then during Rails 3 when they changed a ton of things to be less "this is the one true way".  Each time I ran into issues outside of the trivial "fetch data and stuff it in a form" use cases, and trying to find information was hard as hell because of all the new libraries that Rails guys were creating to abstract away yet another part of web development or make it more Ruby-like.  Coupled with the fact that my location has maybe all of one Ruby-related job, and I stuck with C# instead.

    I kind of like Javascript, just not the weird quirks.  Call me crazy but I actually like how ActionScript handles things with explicit variables.


  • @GNU Pepper said:

    ..anybody who claims they've put in their "10,000 hours" automatically gets a black mark from me.

    Especially when it's your goddamn job. Hey asshole, I've put in at least 20k hours programming.

  • @boomzilla said:

    TRWTF is the awful grammar trolling the OP did. It's like nails on a chalkboard every time I get an emailed post.

    Just don't plan on being alive in a few decades when that becomes proper grammar, like using who in the predicate did.

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