Do you ever sort a b-tree(or whatever) in your daily job?

  • I'm a senior dev

    @asdf said:

    Should have learned a bit about software design in practice. Knows how to avoid both extremes (overengineering vs. unstructured spaghetti code).

    I know how to identify it, no idea how to avoid it while pretending to have any chance to meet my deadlines. (Never meet them in current WTF job anyway, where I get the deadline from a boss and the scope from other, and they don't talk to each other)

    Doesn't make rookie mistakes anymore: Makes sane technology choices instead of choosing bleeding-edge technology for no good reason.

    I don't make sane anything. Sanity wasn't a requirement to seniority where I am. All sane people already left that building.

  • @fbmac said:

    I needed a b-tree for something at the project I'm working I would have to implement it, because it have to run in shitty embedded platforms and MS-DOS.

    That's where all the Real Programmers work. Everyone else is just a code monkey, regardless of the number of the digits in my salary.

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