Pictures Produced Personally


    There was at least one of these threads but the pictures sucked. This time! This time it’ll all be good. For real.

    So, back in April I sorta started a picture. I don’t entirely know the timeline but I got sidetracked with things and it fell to the wayside. Also back then Krita had somehow unchecked the canvas hardware acceleration checkbox, but I didn’t know it had (because why would it?) and so panning the canvas whenever it was rotated more than 0° was ludicrously slow. Surprising I managed to do anything. By the time I lef tit off I had a sketch of some stuff but it didn’t really work well.

    Toward the end of last year I remembered it existed and made a determined effort to finish. Reworked the sketch, to good effect, and then got way too carried away doing more and more of that. Which means I was left with duplicating hours of effort by the time it came to actually doing things for real. Oops.

    Anyway, after a mere 283 days, I deem it Adequate.


    Probably a few things that could have been done differently to work out better; I’m not too fond of the shipboat for instance. It’s been a while.

    … actually, what if I just



    Final stats!


    ‘Revision number’ is, as far as I can tell, how many times it was opened and saved, i.e. a session count.

    So! That’s the resoshmolution done, even attaining the bonus criterion! Woohoo!

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    Lagerpeton enjoys… a lager, I guess.



    “I'd like to see a horseshoe crab attempt a lotus position.”
