Windows 8

  • @boomzilla said:

    @Anketam said:
    It made sense when I first wrote it, but I realize I did not communicate it well.  >_<
    Just like the actual law?

  • @dhromed said:

    @Xyro said:

    Forced perspective. Earth is millions of miles in the foreground,
    Is the sun-earth distance as we currently know it intact in that picture, or has the earth moved way way closer?

    Oh, Earth is still in its comfortable orbit, for the most part. There was a minor deviation from orbit, due to the sun reaching out to eat the black hole, but nothing that caused devastation and global warming politics to get crazier. (Buckaroo Banzai later restored the exact orbit by having everyone in the world jump in a precisely synchronized manner. Or flush the toilet, if they one was unable to jump.)

    No, what I should have said is that it's millions of miles in distance from the camera -- but still in the foreground. The camera is very large. It has to be to get that kind of perspective shot. Quite very large indeed.

    The lens of this camera was originally designed by a mad scientist (actually an evil engineer), and was launched out into space towards an orbit between the earth and the sun. His intent was to buy up cheap tundra in the Canadian Arctic, warm the earth with the lens, and then sell off the land as topical real estate at a premium while retaining usage rights to the freshwater. Fortunately, his plans were foiled by a spunky team of ex-Kodak employees, and the lens was later repositioned and repurposed into the solar system's largest camera.

    (The intense chromatic distortion of the picture was removed by NASA, although I think you can download the 150PB .RAWs from their website.)


    @Anketam said:

    Disagree with both of you, it is all political posturing.  They create bills that are 10% good, 10% bad, and 80% wtf (Which part is good and which part is bad is based on your views).  One side will focus on the 10% for their side and blame the 80% wtf part on the other side.  This allows both sides to use the same bill to attack the other side's candidates during an election year. 
    Sadly, this is a really good description of American politics in general.

  • @boomzilla said:

    I don't remember that many attempts
    Updated report before I retired for the evening said 33, which included yesterday's vote.  FWIW.  They also noted that independents (such as myself) are looking on this as being a big time waster (yep) and that this doesn't help the Republicans in their eyes (uh huh).

  • @dhromed said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @dhromed said:

     Children, children, go play outside; the sun is shining!

    You have been warned!

    The size ratio is way way off.


    Yeah and the earth should be flat like the real one (otherwise people would fall off).

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