Gąska is a tart savour and wants to give floating jobs to Javascript

  • Considered Harmful

    @loopback0 said in Gąska is a tart savour and wants to give floating jobs to Javascript:

    Plus topics he started are completely gone including other people's posts.

    Gah! My internetpointzz! 🧚

  • @Zerosquare said in Gąska is a tart savour and wants to give floating jobs to Javascript:

    I find that disturbing. Destroying your own content is one thing, but destroying someone else's is another thing.

    Do you remember the scene in 1984 where the guy's looking at a piece of paper and it disappears while he's looking at it? I just had that experience. I went to the Wayback Machine to see if Levicki's posts are still there. I can see the main page of the forums, but then I click on a link, and when I go back to the main page, it's no longer there, and the date is gone from the list of dates crawled.

    I kind of hope that the guys at the Internet Archive realized that a future oppressive government would try to erase history, and so stored a copy of the Internet in a clay jar and buried it in the desert.

  • @jinpa said in Gąska is a tart savour and wants to give floating jobs to Javascript:

    @Zerosquare said in Gąska is a tart savour and wants to give floating jobs to Javascript:

    I find that disturbing. Destroying your own content is one thing, but destroying someone else's is another thing.

    Do you remember the scene in 1984 where the guy's looking at a piece of paper and it disappears while he's looking at it? I just had that experience. I went to the Wayback Machine to see if Levicki's posts are still there. I can see the main page of the forums, but then I click on a link, and when I go back to the main page, it's no longer there, and the date is gone from the list of dates crawled.

    I kind of hope that the guys at the Internet Archive realized that a future oppressive government would try to erase history, and so stored a copy of the Internet in a clay jar and buried it in the desert.

    There's all manner of ways to suppress content in the Internet Archive, of which the simplest is to squat a domain and put the right incantation in http://www.example.com/robots.txt . At that point, the Archive will hide all versions of the domain, including the ones from before the domain was squatted, until it gets removed.

    Disclaimer: it used to work like that. I don't know about now. (I had a domain with a semi-vanity project on it. After I dropped it, eventually a squatter grabbed the name, and the archived content from my time became inaccessible. When the squatter dropped it as well, the content reappeared.)

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