Dumber Than Me

  • Dupa

    @kt_ said in `Jaffa Cake` challenge:

    Oh, I see there's another installment of "dumber than me" saga.

    You, lady, arewere DUMBER THAN ME!

    This reminded me of this bit that Mark Miller used to do on that show called Mondays. What Sunday Threw Up. This was one of the first podcasts ever, starting in 2005 (when the term "podcast" just started getting popular), hosted by the veterans of podcasting: Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell, the guys that have been doing .NET Rocks since 2002 and now at 1627 episodes. And it's a comedy show, done by people who tend not to have any filter when speaking.

    Mark Miller's never had any filters. I think he once mentioned he's on the spectrum and well, you can tell. He's also an extremely funny guy. The idea for the bit came from the fact that Miller believed he hung out with so many people that were smarter than him that he'd quite often find himself feeling dumb himself and having trouble actually finding people that were dumber than him. Thankfully, the Internet came to the rescue. The format of the "Dumber Than Me" segment was that Miller would find stories of people doing stupid shit (like the Jaffa cake challenge), rewrite the story so it sounded even funnier (though he's never actually changed the facts, AFAIK) and then deliver it with his usual semi-shouting on-the-brink-of-laughter style.

    Here, have a taste. I've cut this bit from the first show where the Dumber Than Me bit was done properly. Hope you enjoy it.

    I'll be posting bits from other episodes here, when I have enough time to cut them.

    Coming from episode 13 of Mondays, Mark Miller tells three stories of people so fucking stupid that they almost get killed, get caught by the police or left by their spouse. There's also a bonus Smarter Than Me story about a strange Japanese guy that... well, you'll see. Either way, Mark Miller wouldn't call someone smarter than him for no reason.

    This episode still lacks the uncanny delivery that Miller managed to perfect throughout the years (the last episode of the show was recorder in 2015, so 10 years later).

    Hope you enjoy this!

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • Dupa

    Episode #14 brought some new ones. Starting with blind man biting... holy shit? Plus: sleep deprivation in action, stealing Christmas, flashing a banana and the GreatDumb Britain!


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