Help me decide between XBOX and PS

  • I've been wanting to get a gaming console for the longest time and finally getting around to it. Ofcourse, I'm confused between XBOX One and PS4. I've never played either models and so have no fucking clue. These are my requirements:

    1. I absolutely do not want to deal with support or service centres. I'd rather have a console that lasts for 1 year with zero problems and then dies than have a console that lasts for 3 years with calls to support and visits to the service centres frequently.

    2. I'd like to use the device for Netflix/Youtube and/or play DVDs half the time. I need something that best supports this usage.

    3. I understand there are titles exclusive to each of these consoles. I'd rather have few games with top notch gameplay experience than collect part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of some title. If someone can quantify the tradeoffs that come with choosing either of these consoles, It would be helpful.

    4. Good support for Driving wheels.

    Please don't tell me to connect my PC to my TV and use it for gaming. I want to move on from that. I've also googled and read reviews and both consoles seem to be equally good. I'm not a hardcore gamer but when I play for a couple hours each day I want to have a smooth fun experience.

  • Considered Harmful

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Please don't tell me to connect my PC to my TV and use it for gaming.

    Use your PC without connecting it to your TV.

    Seriously, console gaming is absolute crap most of the time. A gaming PC will cost you more out of the gate but will last you two to three console generations and is upgradeable after that instead of having to purchase a brand new one. There are like a couple of exclusives, like Infamous, but there are a shit ton more games you will only get on the PC. PC graphics are far far far better than anything you will get on console too, and you don't have to do wild and woolly hackery to get unlicensed games to work, and you don't pay monthly for online play that the manufacturer doesn't even host. Steam in its infinite strangeness is still far less shitty than console online distribution platforms, and console storage is a pain in the ass to manage, and god help you if you want to do anything crazy like switch between an app and a game. And if you really need that authentic controller experience then remember that Windows comes with Xbox controller support out of the box and there's lots of good third-party ones like the Logitech F310.

    If I had to pick a game console I would pick the Nintendo Switch because it is the only console with enough exclusives that a PC ends up being a totally different category, not to mention the portability.

  • @stillwater Things to consider:

    What kinds of games do you like?

    If you like or want to play games with friends, what platform(s) do they use? If that's a concern you should be on the same one.

    Do you have a Windows machine capable of playing more recent games? The XBox has very few actual exclusives, so if you can play those on the PC you should look harder at the PS4 or Switch.

    As someone with a game-capable PC who likes single player RPGs, exploration games, and such, I'd get a PS4 before an XBox. I also like the Nintendo franchises so I might actually lean towards a Switch before either, but I might just as well wait for a hardware refresh.

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    If I had to pick a game console I would pick the Nintendo Switch because it is the only console with enough exclusives […]

    The PS4 has enough high-quality exclusives to justify buying it instead of a PC.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dfdub They're good games, but are they worth buying a console for if you were only going to play those?
    The Switch would be good just as a Smash Bros machine. And it's' definitely good as a Breath of the Wild, Odyssey, and Smash Bros machine. I'm not so familiar with PS4's exclusives besides inFamous, would you say the same of the PS4 there?

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I'm not so familiar with PS4's exclusives besides inFamous, would you say the same of the PS4 there?

    Yes, some of the exclusives are good enough to justify having a PS4 in addition to a PC. The list of really good games not available on any other platform is simply too long to ignore:

    Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Until Dawn, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, …

    (3 of these games were handed out for free to PS Plus subscribers in the last few months, so the subscription service is also pretty nice.)

    Besides, I'm no longer a fan of PC gaming in general (completely stopped buying PC games when I got my PS4), but I don't want to start a huge argument about that, so I won't go into that. Let's just say that not everyone prefers the PC given the choice, so I completely understand why @stillwater doesn't want that.

  • Banned

    PS4 Pro and XBOX are of very similar quality. Same functionality, (mostly) same price, (mostly) same games, both can do Bluray, Youtube and Netflix just fine, both require paid subscription to play online. The single biggest difference is where the left stick is on the controller. So take the one with better exclusives. If you can't decide, take the one with a controller you like more. If you still can't decide, take the one that's currently on better sale in your local store. There's really nothing more to it.

    Hint: PS4 has better exclusives.

  • I prefer gaming on the PC, but if I were to go for either console, I'd probably get the PS4. I can actually name a few recent PS4 exclusives that I would want to play, but come up empty on the XBOX side. PS4 has a somewhat affordable VR option that appears to not suck too much and a number of titles to go with it.

    And IIRC the PS4 has ever so slightly more powerful HW. From what I hear, it's also slightly preferred by the devs this generation (the differences aren't that enormous, though).

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I absolutely do not want to deal with support or service centres.

    Experience with multiple (self-built) PCs, Playstations and Nintendo devices has lead me to conclude that all are quite reliable systems. The original Xbox was also trouble-free for me, but I've no direct evidence for its successor devices.

    I'd like to use the device for Netflix/Youtube and/or play DVDs

    That's a common feature.

    I understand there are titles exclusive to each of these consoles. I'd rather have few games with top notch gameplay experience than collect part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of some title.

    All the platforms have interesting titles that are either exclusive or might as well be (e.g., Bethesda's games aren't PC exclusive, but are definitely superior on that platform; it's their native environment). Unless there's a specific game that you want, it's going to be hard to offer much advice on this.

    Good support for Driving wheels.

    The input peripheral? I've never used one of those or felt the loss for not doing so…

  • I just realized I haven't even replied to your requirements yet. Let me add a post that answers the original questions. Note: I own a PS4 and a Switch and have no personal experience with the latest Xbox.

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I absolutely do not want to deal with support or service centres. I'd rather have a console that lasts for 1 year with zero problems and then dies than have a console that lasts for 3 years with calls to support and visits to the service centres frequently.

    There are no major problems with the PS4 I'm aware of. The old Xbox problems (red ring of death) seem to be solved as well. I don't think either console will require you to ever call a service centre.

    I'd like to use the device for Netflix/Youtube and/or play DVDs half the time. I need something that best supports this usage.

    That's supported on both platforms. Only the Switch doesn't have that (a step back from the Wii U, sadly).

    I understand there are titles exclusive to each of these consoles. I'd rather have few games with top notch gameplay experience than collect part 1, 2, 3 and 4 of some title. If someone can quantify the tradeoffs that come with choosing either of these consoles, It would be helpful.

    PS4 definitely wins against the Xbox in this category. I couldn't name any interesting Xbox exclusive other than Halo. For a list of great PS4 exclusives, see my post above.

    (The Switch also has nice exclusives, obviously, but you didn't ask about that.)

    Good support for Driving wheels.

    As far as I know, neither the Xbox nor the PS4 have an official driving wheel accessory. Those have gone out of fashion quite a while ago. There are probably third-party driving wheels for both, but I don't know how well they're supported.

    The Switch has a driving wheel now thanks to Nintendo Labo IIRC, but I guess that's not what you're looking for.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Another vote for a gaming PC. We have an XBOX and a PS4 in the house and they don't really get used. We game on the PCs. We do use the PS4 to access the SMB NAS and show movies on the TV but I'm sure there's cheaper ways of doing that...

    I have been persuaded to finally buy an XBOX controller for my PC though, it just plugged straight in and works great. For playing A Hat In Time it made a huge positive difference.

    Edit: If it has to be a console I'd go for the PS4 personally.

  • Banned

    @cursorkeys one problem with PC is that it's quite terrible for couch multiplayer. There are far fewer split-screen games, and it's often quite awkward to fit everybody in the same room as the computer - unless you've built a computer specifically for couch gaming and put it in living room, but then you lose main benefits of PC: you're going to have one anyway, so it's not actually as expensive as raw price would suggest.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @cursorkeys one problem with PC is that it's quite terrible for couch multiplayer. There are far fewer split-screen games, and it's often quite awkward to fit everybody in the same room as the computer - unless you've built a computer specifically for couch gaming and put it in living room, but then you lose main benefits of PC: you're going to have one anyway, so it's not actually as expensive as raw price would suggest.

    That's true. I actually didn't think about (same room)multiplayer at all. I don't think we've even done it on those machines just online multiplayer. We did have a Wii and used that for same-room multiplayer. I don't think the bigger consoles are really aimed at that use-case any more.

    Edit: Got the type of Nintendo thingy we had wrong.

  • Banned

    @cursorkeys said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I don't think the bigger consoles are really aimed at that use-case any more.

    More than you think. There's plenty of games to choose from. Recently, I've had lots of fun with my brother playing Speedrunners, UFC, Earth Defense Force and Trackmania (which is especially fun in Double Driver mode, where two players control a single car).

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Besides, I'm no longer a fan of PC gaming in general (completely stopped buying PC games when I got my PS4), but I don't want to start a huge argument about that

    About time we had that thread!

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    one problem with PC is that it's quite terrible for couch multiplayer.


    From the responses above, PS4 seems to be getting the vote. I'm inclined to buy a PS4 at this point. I really hope the hardware is not shit like some of the sony products I've used in the past.

  • Banned

    @stillwater it is shit. But there's nothing that's not shit in this category.

  • Considered Harmful

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater it is shit. But there's nothing that's not shit in this category.

    Except for gaming computers.

  • Considered Harmful

    @stillwater I'm curious what it is you have against PC. Couch multiplayer games are less common, but I'm not aware of any that have couch multiplayer functionality on console but don't on PC, if that's what you're after.

  • @stillwater I actually have all three systems. The PS4 Pro works just fine.

    By the way, you can also remote control your PS4:

  • @pie_flavor

    1. I do not prefer using a Keyboard / Mouse combination.
    2. Do not want fucking Win10 updating when I start up the PC.
    3. I cannot afford a top of the line PC that costs a lottttt (also remember good quality components cost 1.5x - 2x more in India than what it costs in the US or Europe). What I can afford seems to get outdated fast. I got a PC in 2015 ish that could play games that came out till early 2014. Got outdated real fast. Most games run but more than most games can't run in high / ultrahigh settings. I'm tired of constantly only being able to play games that came out a couple years back. I don't think there is gonna be any such thing as a 'Only runs on Medium' setting in a console.

    Also, related to #1. Even if i get a good PC and use a controller, I don't want to whip out the keyboard to browse the store on Steam or whatever keyboard things need to be done.

  • @rhywden said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    The PS4 Pro works just fine.

    Would a PS4 Pro offer significant advantage over PS4 slim or the plain PS4?

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater it is shit. But there's nothing that's not shit in this category.

    Except for gaming computers.

    Because you'll never have hardware, software or driver issues with a gaming PC. Yeah, right.

    Seriously, the main reason I own a PS4 is that I never wanted to deal with this shit again and I'm much happier now.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @rhywden said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    The PS4 Pro works just fine.

    Would a PS4 Pro offer significant advantage over PS4 slim or the plain PS4?

    For remote play, yes. PS4 Pro can do 1080p, the others only 720p. Also, if you decide to get the VR kit that also only works with the Pro.

    Other than that, if you have a normal 1080p TV then most games either offer higher performance or better visuals. It also allows for HDR and 4K if you have the monitor for that.

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Because you'll never have hardware, software or driver issues with a gaming PC. Yeah, right

    Recent Example. Wanted to play GTA IV. Bought on steam. Does not fucking run on Windows 10 without 543543 fucking workarounds and it still does not run okay.

    WIth a console, It would have been insert disc/ download -> run over people with cars!

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I cannot afford a top of the line PC that costs a lottttt (also remember good quality components cost 1.5x - 2x more in India than what it costs in the US or Europe). What I can afford seems to get outdated fast. I got a PC in 2015 ish that could play games that came out till early 2014.

    Every time I mention that the cost advantage of PC gaming is a myth, I get angry replies, everywhere on the internet. Despite that, I'm still convinced. Yes, games are cheaper for PCs and yes, you don't have to pay for online services, but in the end I've spent more money over the lifetime of my last gaming PC than I've spent on my consoles in the last 3 years. I don't know how much longer they'll last, but cost per year is going to be roughly the same. And I'm happy to trade minor graphical details for games that are optimized for exactly my hardware configuration.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Because you'll never have hardware, software or driver issues with a gaming PC. Yeah, right

    Recent Example. Wanted to play GTA IV. Bought on steam. Does not fucking run on Windows 10 without 543543 fucking workarounds and it still does not run okay.

    WIth a console, It would have been insert disc/ download -> run over people with cars!

    Truth to be told, I've found the download speeds of the PS network to be abysmal. May vary in your region but that's something you should be prepared for. It seems as if the console only has a max bandwidth of 1 MB/s or something.

  • Considered Harmful

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:


    1. I do not prefer using a Keyboard / Mouse combination.

    You don't have to. Like I said, Xbox controller connectivity comes straight out the box with no hassle. Personally I prefer my Logitech controller but to each their own.

    1. Do not want fucking Win10 updating when I start up the PC.

    As opposed to your Xbox or Playstation updating? At least the computer's fast about it.

    1. I cannot afford a top of the line PC that costs a lottttt (also remember good quality components cost 1.5x - 2x more than what it costs in the US or Europe). What I can afford seems to get outdated fast. I got a PC in 2015 ish that could play games that came out till early 2014. Got outdated real fast.

    Bought this laptop a year ago, and it runs everything I've tried it on, on max settings. Only thing it won't do is 4k. Graphics cards might be more expensive due to shitcoin but other than that it's all about getting the right parts.
    The thing about a PC is you can upgrade it. You're talking about outdated games but Microsoft is already releasing teasers of their next console. The console industry moves fast and each new one costs more than the last. And it's just an upgrade of what you already have - you need a computer no matter what, so the additional cost which you should be looking at instead of the total cost (remember how much a barebones book cost?) is lower than you think.

    Most games run but more than most games can't run in high / ultrahigh settings. I'm tired of constantly only being able to play games that came out a couple years back. I don't think there is gonna be any such thing as a 'Only runs on Medium' setting in a console.

    No, there's no 'medium' setting on a console. There's no setting, period. You get the medium quality graphics anyway. That's the allure of PC - you can run whatever you can support. On a console you will always be getting substandard graphics because they're simply less powerful. Unless you plan to splurge on an Xbox One X or similar.

    Also, related to #1. Even if i get a good PC and use a controller, I don't want to whip out the keyboard to browse the store on Steam or whatever keyboard things need to be done.

    Big Picture mode. Navigable with a controller. And you can tell it to start automatically, so it goes directly into the controller navigable interface straight after bootup.

  • Banned

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater it is shit. But there's nothing that's not shit in this category.

    Except for gaming computers.

    As long as they're not laptops - because gaming laptops are even more shitty than gaming consoles.

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater I'm curious what it is you have against PC. Couch multiplayer games are less common, but I'm not aware of any that have couch multiplayer functionality on console but don't on PC, if that's what you're after.

    Entire Call of Duty and Need for Speed series, for example.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Because you'll never have hardware, software or driver issues with a gaming PC. Yeah, right.

    Well, I don't. I click the button and it installs and it works perfectly. I almost never even have to restart the computer afterwards. Don't do stupid shit, and stupid shit won't do you either.

  • Considered Harmful

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Because you'll never have hardware, software or driver issues with a gaming PC. Yeah, right

    Recent Example. Wanted to play GTA IV. Bought on steam. Does not fucking run on Windows 10 without 543543 fucking workarounds and it still does not run okay.

    WIth a console, It would have been insert disc/ download -> run over people with cars!

    GTA IV is a rare example. Rockstar is very good about making a game that runs fantastically on current software and very bad at planning for it to run on anything else.
    With a console it is insert disk and wait for it to tell you that it's unsupported because old games don't work period. On PC you have the option to try hacky workarounds.

  • @pie_flavor If you absolutely want keyboard and mouse there's the XIM4 (everything else is shit, really). But that adapter works wonders and with the proper tweaks, there's next to no difference to KB/M on a PC.

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    With a console it is insert disk and wait for it to tell you that it's unsupported because old games don't work period.

    The only reason the PS4 isn't backwards-compatible is because they switched to x86. PS5 and PS6 will support old games just fine, I guarantee it. Otherwise, Sony risks losing customers to Microsoft.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Because you'll never have hardware, software or driver issues with a gaming PC. Yeah, right.

    Honestly? Not really. Only when I've purposely been dicking around with stuff like installing beta gfx drivers, overclocking or trying to get Fallout 4 to load 9000 mods, ENBSeries and the script extender.

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Every time I mention that the cost advantage of PC gaming is a myth, I get angry replies, everywhere on the internet. Despite that, I'm still convinced. Yes, games are cheaper for PCs and yes, you don't have to pay for online services, but in the end I've spent more money over the lifetime of my last gaming PC than I've spent on my consoles in the last 3 years. I don't know how much longer they'll last, but cost per year is going to be roughly the same.

    If you have to use a PC anyway I think you come out ahead or at least pretty close. You just make the PC you would have had anyway beefier.

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    From the responses above, PS4 seems to be getting the vote. I'm inclined to buy a PS4 at this point. I really hope the hardware is not shit like some of the sony products I've used in the past.

    Yep, sounds like a console would suit your needs best. I think the build quality seems fine, ours just keeps on trucking and hasn't really done anything weird apart from sometimes needing a little kick to read SMB shares properly.

    Edit: Mods!, I know Mods are slowly coming to consoles in very limited forms but that's a very big selling point for PC in my view. I've got so much more out of Skyrim and the Fallouts by being able to mod them. Plus other software like the Burger Menu for Deus Ex and trainers in general to make games more fun.

  • Considered Harmful

    @rhywden Why would I play on medium graphics with a third party hack when I can play on ultra graphics with the input it was built for? The only games where I care about mouse and keyboard on are first person games anyway, and funnily enough those are the games where it's hardest to get an adapter working properly so what is the point.

  • @pie_flavor The problem here is I always am lagging behind two years when it comes to catching up with games because of the hardware. Again, If I had the money, I'd buy a razer laptop of something that could handle almost all games. A very decent gaming experience here (either acuiring parts / pre-built pc) costs around 800 USD in India and one that runs games super ultra high config costs around 3000 USD. You could get the latter config for maybe 1500 USD but sure as shit something is either gonna be refurbished or low quality. A gaming console is 400 dollars and I get to play the latest fucking games (relatively speaking). Add to this the problem of having to use the keyboard at least sometimes which I absofuckinglutely do not want.

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    With a console it is insert disk and wait for it to tell you that it's unsupported because old games don't work period.

    I was not aware this is a thing.

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Why would I play on medium graphics with a third party hack when I can play on ultra graphics with the input it was built for?

    I still don't understand this circlejerk about better graphics. The difference may have been huge in the past, but that's no longer the case. Games look just fine and beautiful enough for you to admire the graphics on my PS4 - if you don't know what to look for, there's no way the difference will make your actual gaming experience any worse.

  • Oh ofcourse if you are gonna get a PC for the house might as well throw extra money and get a high end gaming device. But I do not need a PC and I do not see myself buying a PC anytime in the future. I have a 14 inch laptop that has nothing but VS and only used for Netflix / Coding / Reading. I am not hooking this upto a monitor and it travels most of the time with me.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    With a console it is insert disk and wait for it to tell you that it's unsupported because old games don't work period.

    I was not aware this is a thing.

    What he's alluding to is that the PS4 was the first PlayStation that wasn't compatible with the previous generation. This was because of the architecture change. (Same for the Switch, which definitely doesn't have the hardware to emulate a Wii U.) Before, backwards-compatibility with the last generation was the norm, and I strongly suspect that it'll become the norm again.

  • @dfdub It means fuckall to me cos this is gonna be my first console. I'd rather buy a new fucking console every time backward compatibility breaks. I would at least be able to play every game with good graphics and not set everything to fucking low all the time.

  • @stillwater In that case, you might want to know that a lot of good PS3 games were remastered for the PS4, so you won't miss much.

  • @rhywden said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Truth to be told, I've found the download speeds of the PS network to be abysmal. May vary in your region but that's something you should be prepared for. It seems as if the console only has a max bandwidth of 1 MB/s or something.

    GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 MB/s is fucking slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww even for Modern Indian standards.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @rhywden said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Truth to be told, I've found the download speeds of the PS network to be abysmal. May vary in your region but that's something you should be prepared for. It seems as if the console only has a max bandwidth of 1 MB/s or something.

    GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 MB/s is fucking slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww even for Modern Indian standards.

    I cannot confirm @Rhywden's problem. The downloads are maxing out my bandwidth just like they should.

    @Rhywden, are you sure it's not your WiFi? My download speeds became a lot better when I connected my PS4 via LAN.

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Before, backwards-compatibility with the last generation was the norm, and I strongly suspect that it'll become the norm again.

    I'm not so sure. Before, backwards-compatibility was basically made to work by having more-or-less the entirety of the old generation console in the new ones. With the PS3, several models ended up ditching that, and becoming unable to run PS2 games.

    And ... nowadays. The PS4 and XBone are both from 2013. A lot of current generation games will be really trying to squeeze out the last drops of performance from the hardware, tailoring themselves very close to the architecture. That will make emulation difficult (AFAIK there are no emulators for current-gen consoles, despite PCs being much more powerful). Next gen HW will probably be quite different, and would MS/Sony invest into emulation (hardware or software) when they can just resell remastered versions?

  • @dfdub What's the average download size for a Game?

    Also, Is there any difference between downloading a game vs buying a disc?

  • Considered Harmful

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @pie_flavor The problem here is I always am lagging behind two years when it comes to catching up with games because of the hardware. Again, If I had the money, I'd buy a razer laptop of something that could handle almost all games. A very decent gaming experience here (either acuiring parts / pre-built pc) costs around 800 USD in India and one that runs games super ultra high config costs around 3000 USD. You could get the latter config for maybe 1500 USD but sure as shit something is either gonna be refurbished or low quality. A gaming console is 400 dollars and I get to play the latest fucking games (relatively speaking). Add to this the problem of having to use the keyboard at least sometimes which I absofuckinglutely do not want.

    It is two year old games no matter how you slice it; once the new generation of consoles is released, games stop being developed for older consoles, and you're stuck with what you've got. Whereas even if games surpass my graphical ability in, oh, probably three years, I'll just turn down the settings a notch and keep playing. As long as it's 'medium' or above it'll still be console quality anyway.
    I cannot attest to their functionality but a quick google turns up several services specifically for ordering things from US Amazon and shipping to India. Who knows.

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    With a console it is insert disk and wait for it to tell you that it's unsupported because old games don't work period.

    I was not aware this is a thing.

    The Wii U didn't play GameCube games. The Switch doesn't play any games other than Switch games. The Xbox One doesn't play Xbox games, the PS3 doesn't play PS1 games, the PS4 doesn't play any games other than PS4 games. And specifically the Xbox and PS lines picked and chose which games they were going to be backwards compatible with. Certain Rockstar titles aside, your PC which plays two year old games also plays any game from before that as well. You can fire up Overwatch just as easily as you can fire up Half-Life. There's virtual console systems, but then you're buying the game again. Once you've bought the game on PC, you own the game permanently.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    What's the average download size for a Game?

    Depends. Somewhere between 30G and 60G.

    Also, Is there any difference between downloading a game vs buying a disc?

    If you download, you don't need the disc. If you buy the disc, you can re-sell it. Pick your favorite.

    In both cases, the PS will install the game to the HDD and most likely download huge updates over the internet.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Why would I play on medium graphics with a third party hack when I can play on ultra graphics with the input it was built for?

    I still don't understand this circlejerk about better graphics. The difference may have been huge in the past, but that's no longer the case. Games look just fine and beautiful enough for you to admire the graphics on my PS4 - if you don't know what to look for, there's no way the difference will make your actual gaming experience any worse.

    Search me. I turn them up to maximum because I can but I'm perfectly fine playing them on minimal too. It was @stillwater who was talking about modern games being unrunnable without turning down the graphics so I'm saying the truth about that regardless of whether it matters.

  • @cvi said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Next gen HW will probably be quite different, and would MS/Sony invest into emulation (hardware or software) when they can just resell remastered versions?

    Ask Microsoft. They promised backwards-compatibility for the next generation already and added emulation to their current generation years after launch.

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    The Wii U didn't play GameCube games.

    You obviously haven't heard of Homebrew. I can still play GameCube games on my Wii U. ;)

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @rhywden said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Truth to be told, I've found the download speeds of the PS network to be abysmal. May vary in your region but that's something you should be prepared for. It seems as if the console only has a max bandwidth of 1 MB/s or something.

    GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 MB/s is fucking slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww even for Modern Indian standards.

    I cannot confirm @Rhywden's problem. The downloads are maxing out my bandwidth just like they should.

    @Rhywden, are you sure it's not your WiFi? My download speeds became a lot better when I connected my PS4 via LAN.

    My PS4 is connected to the router via a 1 GBit/s network. Also, my WiFi is pretty much at the upper limit for throughput at both 2.4 and 5 GHz so that can't be it either.

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