Which Tech Giant Would You Drop?

  • I've got two lists, one for my own personal usage and another for how I see the impact on the wider world...

    For me personally:

    • Facebook: I don't use it, so my loss would be exactly 0.
    • Apple: I have an iPad and I love it, but could probably do about as well with another tablet.
    • Google: I use it a lot (the search engine, gmail, maps, youtube...), but there are alternatives, so yeah, I could probably do without.
    • Amazon: as a consumer, they are quite useful. Yes, a lot of crap, yes, prices are not always so good, yes, delivery sometimes sucks. But I cannot count the number of times I bought an item that I wouldn't even know existed, or in which real shop I could have found it.
    • Microsoft: Windows is still a major part of my environment and professional communication without Office would be professionaldifficult. And .net etc.

    Now, on a more societal level, my list is a bit different:

    • Apple is the first to go. They are a very successful business, but I feel that their strength was not so much innovative ideas than bringing the right ideas at the right time. If they weren't there, others would take their place (like they are starting to do, little by little).
    • Facebook is not far behind. Again, they had the good idea at the right time, but there are many many similar ones, so whatever hole they would leave would be quickly filled.
    • Amazon was somewhat unique and irreplaceable a few years ago. Nowadays, I think most business have caught up to the point where, with a good search engine (see where this is going?), you could go through many smaller shops without too much hassle.
    • Microsoft still represent a large chunk of the computer world. Their going would open a large gap for which there is no ready replacement, I feel. New ones would appear and grow, sure, but that would be hard.
    • Google in this list is the last one (although I'm not so sure between Microsoft and Google). They've really brought changes to our way of living -- is there any of those that have become a verb now? There are replacement for the individual things they do, yes, but I feel like they are really the ones that created new stuff that wasn't really seen as realistic before.

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