Pay stub WTF

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @too_many_usernames said:

    <FONT color=#999999>you can only have and sustain involuntary welfare under a few conditions.  Essentially there must be sufficient margin between the income you get for being on welfare versus what you can get by being a net producer instead of a net consumer. Otherwise, people will stop producing and suck up all the welfare very rapidly when there is no income.</FONT> (For an example of this, take a look at many states' current unemployment insurance funds.)
    Or the UK.

    Where the word 'involuntary' loses an 'i' and an 'n'. For those where employment wasn't in the picture anyway.

    Ask my involuntary redundant (from the age of 16, with their kids) neighbours.

    Apropos of nothing in particular: For some reason, they (well most of them, apparently) didn't get their 'xmas decoration electricity allowance' this(last) year.

  • @PJH said:

    @too_many_usernames said:

    you can only have and sustain involuntary welfare under a few conditions....

    Where the word 'involuntary' loses an 'i' and an 'n'. For those where employment wasn't in the picture anyway.


    By 'involuntary' here I meant "those with incomes are forced to pay for the welfare program". I was not making a statement about those that are receiving welfare (I think that in many cases, those on welfare are making the rational economic decision).  I suppose I could have said "sustain a wefare system funded by taxes" to be more accurate.

  • Furthermore, the ridiculous idea that everyone needs a PhD or even a BS is, well, ridiculous.  How many jobs do you see that list in the requirements "Must be able to pass tests", "Write thesis", "Able to write essays", "Able to memorize topics without forming varying opinion from authors from relatively uninteresting texts"?  NONE.  And that's 100% of the skills you need to be able to get those letters on your name (okay, for a PhD, you do need a bit more, but if everyone had a PhD, it would be as useful as having passed grade 8).  I know this from fact:  Understanding this fact is what let me graduate my third try with a 95% average.  It also is why I started a business, as once I realized this, and put it into practice (and raised my second attempt at college average to about 90%) I also realized I learned nothing useful whatsoever and stupidly figured that nobody would want someone that dumb to do a job for them.  Oops!


    The reason why so many places require a degree are twofold:


    1. In our legal environment, it's a lot easier to require them to take a four-year-long IQ test costing thousands of dollars in order to apply your job than it is to require them to take a much cheaper IQ test for a hour or two when they show up to apply.

    2. Every law that makes it more difficult to get rid of a fucktard also makes it more risky to hire someone, so they need some assurance up-front that they are not a fucktard.  A college degree proves that someone is not a [i]complete[/i] idiot at least...

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