Gaming companies vs Streisand Effect

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Developer said:

    “People say there’s no reason to it, but it provides audio cover,” he said, referring to the fact that it’s basically impossible to track someone via the sounds they’re making while everything’s exploding. “And really, you shouldn’t be dying to the red zone. If you’re dying to the red zone then, I’m sorry but you’re not a very good player.”

    Developer continued:

    He conceded, however, that the dev team might still consider removing red zones “if there is an outpouring of hate” towards them.

    Totally unexpected result:

    PUBG’s forums and subreddit—admittedly populated by the game’s most vocal players and not necessarily the general player base—are now overrun with thread after thread after thread of people disputing Greene’s claim that dying to a random event makes you a bad player. Even popular streamer Shroud, widely considered to be one of PUBG’s best players, weighed in.

    “Fuck yeah, Brendan Greene,” he said sarcastically during a recent stream. “You know how many times I’ve died in the red zone? Guess I’m fucking shit at this game.”

  • @izzion Hm.

    Red zones give you an x% chance to die (rather low percentage I find), but also PLENTY OF WARNING to get out of the red zone before the bombs stop falling. You're not a "bad player" by dying to a red zone; you took the gamble, and lost. You didn't have to take the gamble, you chose to.

    Normally I am against game events that are just "instant death", but red zones aren't that at all. I have no problem with that game mechanic.

    With the proviso that they never happen when the gameplay circle is so small that the red zone covers the entire play area, that would suck.

  • sekret PM club

    @blakeyrat said in Gaming companies vs Streisand Effect:

    With the proviso that they never happen when the gameplay circle is so small that the red zone covers the entire play area, that would suck.

    Which I believe is the case. Once the play area has shrunk to a particular size, I believe the redzones stop occurring.

    The little I've played of PUBG, I never minded the redzones. Even when I was caught right in the middle of one as it started, I had enough time to make it to cover or out of the zone before the bombs started dropping. It made for an interesting hazard to deal with and I was fine with it.

  • @e4tmyl33t said in Gaming companies vs Streisand Effect:

    Even when I was caught right in the middle of one as it started, I had enough time to make it to cover or out of the zone before the bombs started dropping.

    Yeah I don't think I've ever died to one and I've been in the middle of them with bombs falling a dozen or more times. I'm curious what the odds of dying to one are.

    That said I don't play PUBG any longer because it requires too much attention and I like to multitask while I game. I wish they'd make a game mode where you could like watch TV and play at the same time, maybe multiply everybody's HP by 10.

  • sekret PM club

    @blakeyrat Agreed. I tend to watch various Lets Players while gaming, and PUBG is so reliant on positional audio that I can't do that while playing it. Maybe it'd be a little different if I was playing Squad instead of Solo, but nobody else on my friends lists plays it so I've never tested it.

  • Impossible Mission - B

    @izzion Interesting, but what does this have to do with the Streisand Effect?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Eh, I think it's a close enough cousin it wouldn't be marriage legal even in Kentucky...

    • Gaming company gets negative feedback
    • Gaming company dismissively responds, tries to squash feedback by declaring players are :doing_it_wrong:
    • Firestorm starts on external channels that blow up the visibility of the negative feedback far beyond the original scope

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