Travel suggestions

  • area_can

    howdy y'all, thinking of going on a trip this summer to/through northwestern europe (netherlands/germany/denmark/norway).

    does anyone from thereabout have any travel suggestions for someone who probably won't have a car but would like to go to pretty places to take pictures? thanks


    No 🇧🇪 ? It's small, easy to travel without a car and it has beer!

  • @bb36e said in Travel suggestions:


    I've kinda wanted to pay a visit to e.g. Tromsø (northern part of Norway) at some point myself. It's supposed to be fairly nice in summer too, despite the location (and thanks to the Gulf stream). Also a good place to see Aurora (but perhaps less so in Summer TBF).

    You can get there by airplane or by bus (but it's a fairly long drive). There's a bunch of beautiful nature on the way to Tromsø too (so, like the eastern coast of Norway). There's also Hurtigruten (a ferry along the cost of Norway) between like Bergen and Tromsø, but (a) it's apparently hard to get a space on those on short notice, and (b) being stuck on a boat for like 6 days while floating past a lot of interesting and beautiful nature isn't really my thing.

    If you're into hiking, Norway has a few nice places in the southerny parts too. Been there two or three times, but I'd have to dig through some stuff to tell you where exactly those were.

  • @bb36e said in Travel suggestions:

    howdy y'all, thinking of going on a trip this summer to/through northwestern europe (netherlands/germany/denmark/norway).

    does anyone from thereabout have any travel suggestions for someone who probably won't have a car but would like to go to pretty places to take pictures? thanks

    You really should rent a car or motorcycle and have a trip along the coastal roads of norway. There is an incredible amount of beauty there, so picking some specific parts is hard.

  • @cvi said in Travel suggestions:

    I've kinda wanted to pay a visit to e.g. Tromsø (northern part of Norway) at some point myself. It's supposed to be fairly nice in summer too, despite the location (and thanks to the Gulf stream). Also a good place to see Aurora (but perhaps less so in Summer TBF).

    Can confirm it's worth a visit. Went there for my honeymoon, but in winter since the goal was to see the Aurora and it s worth it. In august you should be able to go whale watching there.

  • @homobalkanus said in Travel suggestions:

    In august you should be able to go whale watching there.

    Speaking of that, if you're into that kind of things, Norway is one of the few places where you can easily taste whale. Which, of course, was only hunted for "scientific purposes".

  • @remi Eating is scientific

  • 🚽 Regular

    @hungrier The only way to determine if one likes the taste of whale is through experimentation.

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