jsdoc 2.0

  • hi i just posted on hackernews but i don't know if im not banned or not i want to try this forum so people can be like wtf at first and they be like this guy knows a thing or two so please just check out the JSDoc 2.0 https:// jsdoc . dev website what do you think of the technique used? do you agree that it's better than type script?

    i don't like hackernews to be honest. is this a nice forum? i feal like it is. this is because i guess i read the title of a book "how to be cozy everywhere" today in a shop so i feel cozy, but not really because WTF


    I was looking through my rebel domains because i wanted a .sucks domain to tell technation.io that they really sucked (because they engage in outright left-wing extremist attacks on candidates and terrorise young vulnerable people who have no means of defending themselves, by providing absolutely blatant lies because they know that they're cameron's cronies and won't be touched by law and they will be proven wrong you just wait and see a little, very little i promise you) for 30 bucks but the offer is a-djourned. and realised I worked on a website called https:// jsdoc . dev in 2021 but never really published it in the end therefore i thought i should do that before the new years even though i didn't finish it so it's kind of like a first chapter of a book as per hackernews rules for the show category or something. The website is

    please be advised (warning, warning - Kevin Malone) that this is supposed to be a landing page for a product however there's no info yet or an option to buy the software or even its description i just mean that what you find there isn't the full thing as the paper have not been properly structured and concluded. despite that when i read it now i thought it's actually very useful and you won't find me trying to sell you anything you could just comment on the design and what you think ) i even used custom-shape masking for yall you know please say something nice although i didn't install the polyfill for ie11 i think yet it's possible.

    please don't judge strictly i hope the website about JSDoc 2.0 here https:// jsdoc . dev/ with its tutorial be useful to some also i coin jsdoc 2.0 term coz now it includes module support. There's somebody using a similar technique for import you can find online yet mine is more full as there's an important bit that you shouldn't miss because even if you love typescript you won't deny the fact that it is deficient in a manner that I outline in the article and provide a solution in its pure form ie in JS.

  • Kudos for making the website mostly readable with JavaScript disabled, I really appreciate that. Not a professional JavaScript dev (although I had to write a few hundred LoC of JS for a lab website), so I can't comment much on the usability of your proposal. Do I understand it right that it's about prototype-based OOP in JS (plus annotations in the comments) vs TypeScript?

    I wouldn't be so sure in the static vs dynamic typing debate. On the the one hand, when writing R (another mostly dynamic language), it helps to avoid the boilerplate of specifying that the x argument should be a matrix or a data.frame and have the language mostly do the right thing when passed any of the matrix-like objects. On the other hand, when writing my own APIs, I get bitten by corner cases like 1-row matrices supplied instead of vectors until all my constructors start with a huge stopifnot call verifying the types of the arguments... exactly how a language with static typing would do it, except in runtime instead of compile-time.

    I think that your website is in need of some proof-reading. Two glaring examples (and I'm not even a native speaker) are the use of the verb "loose" in the sense of "lose" and "curtesy" where "courtesy" is actually meant (also, quadrupole ≠ quadruple). In my opinion, there's also a little bit too much formatting, especially in the beginning of the article, and not enough formatting and paragraph breaks in some of your other posts.

    I appreciate the points you made about the Big Tech, and I don't like it when products are free-as-in-spyware, but un-commodifying some kinds of products feels like an impossible battle to me. Can you imagine paying for a browser? Too late, Internet Explorer has been bundled for free with your operating system for many years nowGoogle Chrome has been bundled with your Android phone for years now. Same goes for instant messengers and JS developer tools. Once it's been free for a while, getting paid even for a much better alternative becomes much harder.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @zad0m said in jsdoc 2.0:

    i want to try this forum so people can be like wtf at first and they be like this guy knows a thing or two

    Well, this guy certainly doesn't know a thing or two about the wonderful invention of comma and period... 😇

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @zad0m said in jsdoc 2.0:

    is this a nice forum? i feal like it is.

    For specific definition of 'nice', sure it is.

  • Banned

    JavaScript® is an amazing language loved by millions of programmers across the globe — are you one of them?

    No No No - (Cop Out Scene) – 00:20
    — L7 Calzos [BACK UP]

  • @MrL said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @zad0m said in jsdoc 2.0:

    is this a nice forum? i feal like it is.

    For specific definition of 'nice', sure it is.

    Indeed, but since that definition is something like "unsympathetic and cruel to naïve newcomers, but friendly for people who've taken their lumps and are sarcastic or cynical, preferably both", I think OP is going to be disappointed.

  • Banned

    @zad0m Okay I tried to take your idea at least somewhat seriously despite WordArt headers and almost fanatical devotion to JS. However, after this line:

    Let's face it: people have been building the web with libraries like JQuery for almost 20 years and never had they struggled with the dynamic nature of the language.

    I just can't. I just can't. It's not just that it's completely wrong in every aspect (even the number of years is wrong). It's so bad that calling it blatant lies doesn't even begin to describe it. You say you spent years doing research into what JS devs struggle with. How the fuck is it possible that you haven't talked to a single person that would enlighten you just how dreadful it is that every object is totally freeform and you can never know what to expect from a library call - neither what arguments it accepts nor what it returns? The fuck were you doing all this time?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    what JS devs struggle with.

    Grasping reality, from my experience with them.

  • Banned

    @MrL exempli gratia.

  • Looking at the site itself, I have to say that (taking the theme of "unsympathetic and cruel") it avoids the worst excesses of Geocities and Tripod, but only just.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Steve_The_Cynic said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Looking at the site itself, I have to say that (taking the theme of "unsympathetic and cruel") it avoids the worst excesses of Geocities and Tripod, but only just.

    It has a faint scent of lingscars.

  • Banned

    @Steve_The_Cynic I really love the flag of Great Britain behind the words "Great Britain". Only an evil genius could come up with that. Also, the 3D text is selectable and copyable - so not an image. I don't even want to know how it was done.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Also, the 3D text is selectable and copyable - so not an image. I don't even want to know how it was done.

    It's just a font. Bungee Shade.

  • @MrL said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Also, the 3D text is selectable and copyable - so not an image. I don't even want to know how it was done.

    It's just a font. Bungee Shade.

    ⬆ example of unsympathetic and cruel ⬆

  • @zad0m I read a few paragraphs and... this feels so wrong, I am sorry. Let's take this:

    when developers place a .dot to access data on an object, and don't see expected properties or methods, they recognise that the type is wrong and return to fix it.

    Well... if you have write-only code, that might be true. As soon as you start changing things, I very much want the compiler to tell me about each and every place of the code I need to change, too. A language with a strong type system allows you to fearless refactor stuff because you will get a type error at compile time instead of a runtime error and can immediately fix it. And it takes a lot less time for a compiler to check all my code than it takes me to check the part of the code I think I need to look at.

  • @aitap said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Kudos for making the website mostly readable with JavaScript disabled, I really appreciate that.

    Praising a site about JS programming for working well with JS disabled: comedy gold.

  • @turingmachine said in jsdoc 2.0:

    for a compiler to check all my code

    Not just "the compiler" but all of the tools available to the system. I can move at the speed I do (knowing I will screw up, sometimes massively - simply because I am human - because I have invested in having as many checks and guard rails in place as practical (I originally typed "as possible", but I always find value in adding more at appropriate times).

  • @Steve_The_Cynic said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Indeed, but since that definition is something like "unsympathetic and cruel to naïve newcomers, but friendly for people who've taken their lumps and are sarcastic or cynical, preferably both", I think OP is going to be disappointed.

    It helps if one can write a coherent paragraph and one get bonus points if said paragraph isn't a single-sentence great wall of text.

  • @Gąska Thank you - I've been resisting clicking the link. The post had enough red flags to hold a Swiss-style flag twirling competition. For example repeating the link thrice in a single post. And the fact that "Hello." is a the entirety of the third paragraph.

  • @MrL said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @Steve_The_Cynic said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Looking at the site itself, I have to say that (taking the theme of "unsympathetic and cruel") it avoids the worst excesses of Geocities and Tripod, but only just.

    It has a faint scent of lingscars.

    I googled that, and looked at their site. Now I wish I hadn't.

  • @Steve_The_Cynic If you haven't come across Ling's Cars, can you even say you've lived?

  • @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @zad0m Okay I tried to take your idea at least somewhat seriously despite WordArt headers and almost fanatical devotion to JS. However, after this line:

    Let's face it: people have been building the web with libraries like JQuery for almost 20 years and never had they struggled with the dynamic nature of the language.

    I just can't. I just can't. It's not just that it's completely wrong in every aspect (even the number of years is wrong). It's so bad that calling it blatant lies doesn't even begin to describe it. You say you spent years doing research into what JS devs struggle with. How the fuck is it possible that you haven't talked to a single person that would enlighten you just how dreadful it is that every object is totally freeform and you can never know what to expect from a library call - neither what arguments it accepts nor what it returns? The fuck were you doing all this time?

    Even PHP learned this and PHP is the fucking worst. Fuck, I remember encountering people who had the sense to apply Code Hungarian to their variables etc. just to try to cope with this bullshit in JS.

    Thing is, I took one look at the site and realised it didn't matter what I thought, it falls into the same line of drama that no amount of reason can ever address what is passionately believed. I wish the OP well but beyond that... I mean, I'm a PHP guy and there's a level even I won't dunk on, y'know?

  • Considered Harmful

    @zad0m now do hyperloglog


    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @Steve_The_Cynic I really love the flag of Great Britain behind the words "Great Britain". Only an evil genius could come up with that. Also, the 3D text is selectable and copyable - so not an image. I don't even want to know how it was done.

    Concurred, I love it.
    It seems to be a background image with some CSS magic. Didn't even know such horrors where possible with CSS.

    Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-31 um 19.24.14.png

    No really, props for that thing!

    Oh wait, the second part refers to the "3d text"? Guess that's just a shadow.

    Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-31 um 19.29.48.png

  • @MrL said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Also, the 3D text is selectable and copyable - so not an image. I don't even want to know how it was done.

    It's just a font. Bungee Shade.

    For those who are curious: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Bungee+Shade

  • Considered Harmful

    @cvi said in jsdoc 2.0:

    And the fact that "Hello." is a the entirety of the third paragraph.

    Nothing wrong with that, it's been a form used by comics since at least the 1980s.

    Did you never watch the slump years of SNL? This was square in David Spade's sadly limited wheelhouse. Also featured in some other lazy work like "Clueless"...



  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @zad0m said in jsdoc 2.0:

    i want to try this forum so people can be like wtf at first and they be like this guy knows a thing or two

    Well, this guy certainly doesn't know a thing (or two) about the wonderful inventions of comma and period.😇

    Indeed, eternal is the struggle for the precisely punctuative.


    @aitap said in jsdoc 2.0:

    when products are free-as-in-spyware

    This goes in my (imaginary) quotes file!

  • @topspin you'd be surprised what horrors you can perpetrate with modern CSS. Cropping an image to fit some text is not even new. I was experimenting with that in 2018 I believe.

    You can even do it without the -webkit prefix in certain cases so it'll work on Firefox but it behaves a bit erratically if you're not careful. Also behaves a bit spuriously on iOS especially if you do what I did and had a piece of text with a background gradient, and a second instance of that text to hold a different text-shadow. Sort of like...


    (but the gradient misbehaves on iOS)

    The real trick is when you start using clip-path to define arbitrary shapes that things should be clipped to, or layering multiple backgrounds in a div to achieve a given look. Honestly at this point, CSS can do almost anything if you're careful about how you go about it, and the bullshit abuses you can pull are scary - https://a.singlediv.com/ is worth a look for that (each image on the page is a single div with lots of CSS)

  • Considered Harmful

    @Arantor said in jsdoc 2.0:

    and the bullshit abuses you can pull are scary

    It seems that everything is on the table 🐠

  • Considered Harmful

    @Applied-Mediocrity no you'd have to override a ton of presets to put everything on a table

  • @Gribnit said in jsdoc 2.0:


    Yours has a question mark. Very different.

  • Considered Harmful

    Can we get this tagged to correlate with the Enlightenment corpus? The notion that type theory is optional is common to both, and worth presenting as a unified corpus. It may not seem fair to compare C developers to comment-syntax developers but the commonality of theme is undeniable.

    It's notable that the Swamp approach has similarity here, but these aren't compelling enough for common collection imo - the mental state encouraged is common, but the Swamp approach is rather more fundamental in its approach to computing, and the procedural divide separates it from any OO variant.

  • To, just once, react to the actual article (of which I skipped about 80% of the preamble):

    The problem: People are wasting too much time creating types, and I hate compiler errors.

    The solution: Waste too much time creating JSDoc; if you get it wrong, no problem, your code will fail during runtime, but at least there won't be a compiler error! Oh, and let's start fucking around with prototypes again, that never goes wrong was tried, experimented with for a while, and turned out to be a colossal failure once you got up to any reasonable size of codebase where more than one place is trying to edit the prototype!

    I get that OP knows JDoc, and wants to use it on every language without having to learn a new style, but TypeScript's typing system solves a lot of problems, and is really quite powerful, including some neat variants on generics, and some handy tools for creating new types based on old types. I also find it fairly disturbing that the example started with structs, when OP clearly wanted to talk more about classes.

    Edit: also, OP is inordinately proud of the way they figured out how to extend a class. Here's how to do the same thing in TypeScript:

    export class ExtendoThing extends Thing {...}


    @Arantor said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @topspin you'd be surprised what horrors you can perpetrate with modern CSS.

    I'm not a webdev. I'm allowed to be ignorant and only know the abyss from the tales about it.

    Honestly at this point, CSS can do almost anything if you're careful about how you go about it, and the bullshit abuses you can pull are scary - https://a.singlediv.com/ is worth a look for that (each image on the page is a single div with lots of CSS)

    Great, so we have a document format that contains not one but two Turing-complete languages? 🏆

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Only an evil genius could come up with that.

    That portion of the site was written by Great Britain. The shift in author is noticeable. GB is a well-known evil genius, although they may have rested alaurel awhile, and tbf the East India Trading Company was much more impressive work.

  • @topspin Two? :laugh-harder:

    HTML can happily play with JavaScript and WebAssembly, which makes two fully Turing-complete languages (or at least runtime environments) plus CSS which is well on its way towards gaining sentience.

    And that's before we talk about inlined SVGs which have their own set of sentience-achieving behaviours.

  • @topspin the abyss sometimes gives art

  • Banned

    What, no one has pointed out yet that OP is shamelessly hijacking another project's name and trying to make money on it, while the real JSDoc 2.0 is 13 years old?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    hijacking another project's name

    We don't talk about room-encompassing elephants! ⛷

  • @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    What, no one has pointed out yet that OP is shamelessly hijacking another project's name and trying to make money on it, while the real JSDoc 2.0 is 13 years old?

    Ah, that certainly explains why OP dropped the link three times. They're building up google-juice to try to hijack the name. And it looks like they succeeded; "jsdoc 2.0" points to their site.

    Could someone with mod powers edit that OP to ruin the link, so that we aren't party to subverting the real JSDoc in favor of this abomination?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PotatoEngineer said in jsdoc 2.0:

    so that we aren't party

    Google does hold us in very high regard, this is legitimate concern.

  • Banned

    @PotatoEngineer said in jsdoc 2.0:

    And it looks like they succeeded; "jsdoc 2.0" points to their site.

    Not for me.


  • @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @PotatoEngineer said in jsdoc 2.0:

    And it looks like they succeeded; "jsdoc 2.0" points to their site.

    Not for me.

    [snipped pic]

    Ah, I was using Bing, where it's top dog there (at least on my machine):


  • @PotatoEngineer said in jsdoc 2.0:

    Ah, that certainly explains why OP dropped the link three times. They're building up google-juice to try to hijack the name.

    I thought the OP smelled a lot like spam.

    The poster's other post already got moved to the funny spam category. I recommend doing likewise with this one, and banning @zad0m as a spammer.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in jsdoc 2.0:

    The poster's other post already got moved to the funny spam category. I recommend doing likewise with this one, and banninglimiting @zad0m as a spammer.

    Something in the render pipe that re-pointed links by registered spammers would let us have our cake and soak it in rum and light it on fire so that nobody else can eat it too.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in jsdoc 2.0:

    @Gąska said in jsdoc 2.0:

    hijacking another project's name

    We don't talk about room-encompassing elephants! ⛷

    So we don't mention the room in the elephant?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    The guy is a psychopath who made the word hello an entire third paragraph. I'm not sure what you're expecting. Move both his threads to spam and move on.

  • Considered Harmful

    @DogsB said in jsdoc 2.0:

    and move on.

    We don't get much entertainment in these parts, I guess 🍹

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