The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

  • I was riding with someone, going somewhere in a pickup truck. Not really paying too much attention to the trip, because I was reading something on my phone. Just as we arrived, my phone got really hot and the back of it started swelling up! The back cover popped off and I saw the battery blowing up like a balloon. So I opened the door and threw the phone out into the parking lot, and it exploded and caught fire. And I was like, aww crap, now I need to get a new phone. 😥

  • I dreamed I was in Doom, taking on an Arch-Vile. But I had no weapons. I mimed shooting at it with a BFG and did my best to make BFG firing noises with my mouth. Obviously this had no effect on the Arch-Vile, and then I failed to convince it that my pretend-attack should have killed it and it needed to give up and leave me alone.

  • I dreamt that I was about to have my lunch. When I sat down and about to start, someone I don't know pass by and said "Ah ha, so you are having lunch here", and then dip his finger on my dish to take some sauce and lick it, and said "Taste good" and walked away.

    Then I shot some spider thread (Spiderman style) from his back surrounding his neck and pulled him down. As he painfully tried to loosen the thread from his neck, I used the knife and fork on my tray to nail both of his hands on the ground.

    That's when I woke up.

  • I was getting psychiatric counselling. One of the exercises was that I was given a squiggle and asked to write what I thought/felt about it.

    The squiggle was basically a snailshell spiral with a circle just inside the outermost loop, and I managed to interpret it as a drawing of a car with a really big watchspring just in front of the driver.

    So I decided to write an engineering report on this innovative motoring safety feature.

    Which in turn I decided to write in the form of a short story.

    The paper was cheap and kept absorbing ink too quickly, so I just pointed the reader at the YouTube video.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    One of the exercises was that I was given a squiggle and asked to write what I thought/felt about it.

    One of these days I wanna do that!

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I just pointed the reader at the YouTube video.

    Good, assimilate them into the Google!

  • This is a rather short one, perhaps only last a few seconds.

    I see a blue surface with The Big Dipper displayed on it. The stars are white with size relative to the supposed relative brightness of the actual star, connected with purple lines. I just know it's a surface, not knowing the size of it, and have no idea whether it's placed horizontally or vertically, an what's behind it. It's a 2D dream.

    Suddenly six out of seven of the stars turns into different color. Orange, green, yellow, one I cannot remember it's color, and 2 have multicolor. Those 2 have multiple colors looks like someone taped 4 glass paper with different color, then place it on the star-shaped hole and light it with hand-torch from behind.

    Just when I wonder why someone put a 4-colored star on 5-corner-star, the only star which remains white, the second one, drops to the bottom of screen and then disappeared.

    That's when I woke up by alarm clock. And in the whole day I can't help but keep wondering if I allow the dream to continue, how would it become. 🤔

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    This is a rather short one, perhaps only last a few seconds.

    Your contributions are appreciated!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Scenes actually seemed to somewhat flow. Earliest recovered one I was witness to a fender-bender, on a freeway road that was like 80 degrees tilted. Not much else was recovered.
    Next scene involved aerial combat practice with Ironman (I'm apparently an instanced AI embedded in a nanite enhanced mech.) wherein I have some fun pranking people.
    The next scene is more of the same but I discover Potts is setting up to covered divorce Stark, and calculate that it's my fault.
    I then utilize a time machine and attempt to fix the event that butterflied into that eventuality, which involved a steep incline of road and reckless driving. I enforce a slightly different fender bender (this once was tilted forward, not to the left, and happened earlier in the timeline). Returning to the present I discover several hundred trillion tries have been attempted to revert the change but keep the intended result,
    The last scene has me back in the past coordinating a heist against my sister mainframe in a crime triple-agent mission to exfiltrate project data. Hijinks happen but I eventually deliver technically-accurate data Crystal with the first page of files in each folder decrypted (but useless as those are all pre-research sketches) and the rest using name-salted encryption that would require individual cracking of each file.

  • All I wanted was to take a bath. It should have been soooo simple! But little animals like mice and toads kept coming up the drain, and I kept having to use the water from the faucet to wash them back down. Once I finally got that taken care of and got in the bath, my wife's cousin (about 12ish years old) kept coming into the bathroom to hang random articles of clothing on the towel rack to dry. I would close and lock the door after he left, but that didn't seem to matter to him; he'd just come right back in a few minutes later with some new piece of laundry.

    Finally I got completely fed up with this and started ranting and screaming at him. "LEAVE! GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M TAKING A BATH HERE!" He seemed to not even notice me yelling... and then I woke up.

  • All my dreams last night were about sleeping.

  • I was part of some sort of strike force that was supposed to raid a compound somewhere and retrieve some important documents. We managed to sneak in, but ran into trouble with guards pretty quickly. While my teammates were fighting the guards, I broke off and made my way to the room where the objective was, only to discover some high-level person there who wasn't supposed to be there... and it was Samuel L. Jackson!

    Instead of calling for guards or trying to fight me, he engaged me in a surprisingly deep philosophical debate about what I was doing. A few minutes later, one of my teammates ran in and tried to attack the boss, but I zapped him with my weapon's stun setting because I was too interested in the conversation we were having and didn't want to get interrupted.

    Then Natalie from Studio C showed up and things promptly devolved into a zany sketch comedy routine because... well... she's from Studio C. Somewhere around this point was when I woke up.

  • Considered Harmful

    Don't remember how it started anymore, but I was in some building and was going down a set of stairs after some big to-do. A bunch of Combine soldiers had set up a checkpoint and were testing everyone for some sickness. My friend (:wtf:) and his skanky girlfriend (also a :wtf:, knowing who the guy looked like) was let go. Apparently it wasn't COVID kind of contagious.

    Some white coat immediately rushed me with a handheld apparatus, sort of like RGB-enabled hair trimmer. It was put to my nose, and the clipper light quickly changed from bright red to bright green. That apparently meant I had to be detained in something like a jury-rigged operating room, large lamps and everything.

    Somewhere around this point I think I woke and checked my phone, then the same dream continued.

    I was waiting at an airport terminal. My friend and his skank was let on the flight. I don't know if I was, but I couldn't move. I could stand alright, move around a bit, but not enough to walk anywhere. A passer-by handed me a note, a brown paper strip with what looked like my diagnosis. "Patient has all the expected symptoms - dry cough, inflamed chest hair, reduced breathing capacity. No scarring, no secretions, but both lungs show definite signs of boolification." :wtf_owl:

    I sort of want to see the next episode so that my brain explains to me what the hell it meant.

  • I dreamed a coworker and I went to the moon. After the lander touched down, we went out on the surface, and the first thing we noticed was how clean and bright the surface of the moon was all the way out to the horizon, and how brilliant the night sky was, because there was no atmosphere to scatter light. The stars were brighter and nothing twinkled. I pointed out the Orion constellation and the fact that we could actually see the Orion Nebula and Barnard's Loop with our bare eyes.

    Then I looked down and saw we weren't actually on the moon, we'd touched down in the front yard of the old now-abandoned farmhouse in Missouri, where I grew up. I wondered how the hell we'd made a mistake that big and what that would mean for our careers. I walked into the nearby barn and started playing with one of the barn cats.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    First it started out by kidnapping the senator representative of some random world. Teleporter that was the "kill you and the other side is basically an Android shell" thing.
    Eventually many scenes later and I'm in a hospital guiding an attractive (I assume) woman through a battery of medical imaging tests. Never got to the :giggity: part, sadly.

  • Apparently, I'd been hired as an employee at a company I used to contract for, because I was doing my first performance review self-evaluation for that company. (As a contractor, performance evaluations are much less formal; if the client isn't happy with your work, they just don't renew your contract, or if you're really bad, tell your agency to tell you to stop showing up.) The self-evaluation questionnaire consisted, at least in part, of vague but penetrating questions like "Describe how you spend your typical workday." Trying to figure out how to answer this without admitting I spend most of it slacking off on TDWTF.

  • I was at this party being held in a huge mansion. Really, the mansion was way too big for the party: wandering around trying to find everyone, the rooms never had more than a couple of people in them and they were wandering around trying to find everyone. So the dream was basically a series of side-quests.

    One woman gave me a phone running the alpha of a new app her company was developing and a piece of paper with some questions about what I thought of it. Question 3 was that they weren't too thrilled about the UI's appearance and if I had suggestions about cleaning it up. The main panel was a set of buttons, and they were drawn as such: 3d bevelled edges and all, and there were some :3px: misalignments here and there. I wrote that simply getting rid of the button skeuomorphism and relying on the label icons themselves to look frobbable would reduce a lot of the clutter. (I wasn't entirely sure about the colour scheme either; muted purple-blue on mid-grey with added drop shadow.)

    Before I could get onto Question 4, though, another guy came by looking for somewhere to charge his phone, and was having trouble; turned out his phone cable was for an iPhone and he had a Samsung, so off we went to hunt down a USB-C cable....

  • I was ordered to come up with a plan that would protect the company's tech infrastructure in case the coronavirus mutated into a computer virus.

  • @mott555 Have all the computers wear antivirus disc masks, of course!

  • 🚽 Regular

    Less of a dream than an annoying thought popping in my head just as I'm trying to sleep.

    🎶 Teenage Mutant Little Ponies
    🎶 Teenage Mutant Little Ponies
    🎶 Teenage Mutant Little Ponies
    🎶 Friendship is Magic
    🎶 Turtle Power!

  • I was on some sort of medium-sized moon with a breathable atmosphere, investigating a lone habitat out in the middle of nowhere, my spaceship parked outside. I'd been asked by some woman to track down her husband, who had gone missing, and the search had led me here.

    There was no one there as I looked around, until a couple people walked in: the woman and her young (10-ish) son. What were they doing here?!? Apparently they wanted to be helpful or something. But then I look out the window and see a group of rough-looking men approaching. I ask her if her husband is one of them. She pales and says no. I say, "you realize what this means, right?"

    She does. They're space bandits, they probably have him, and this just turned into a hostage negotiation. I tell her and the kid to hide and take cover, then walk outside to confront the five men.

    They draw blasters at the sight of me. My negotiation goes as follows:

    • Get into combat stance.
    • Draw a lightsaber.
    • Ignite the saber, letting the blade hum to life.
    • 👨: "Leave. NOW!"
    • Roll Intimidate.
    • "NATURAL 20!!!" All five of them freak out and run off at the sight.

    Then I woke up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Mason_Wheeler said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Then I woke up.

    Probably for the best...

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Mason_Wheeler said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Then I woke up.

    Probably for the best...

    Yep. The adventure following this part is a DLC.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

  • Been spending more time lately doing puzzles from the newspaper and it's leaking into my dreams. This one happened a couple of days ago.

    I'm sitting at the table doing the puzzles and I find there's a new one there. A grid and some lists of words are given. It looked something like this (though certainly with different words):


    The words are to be slotted into the grid acrostic-style. That is, the two words that appear on a given row give the letters that should appear one letter per square in the grid on that row, and likewise for the columns. The letters of each word have to appear in their given order, but pairs may be blended together (e.g., GENT and MUZO could be blended as GMUEZNOT) so if all eight letters are different there are 70 possible permutations.

    Let's call it a "Blendword". I'm not saying it's necessarily a good or clever puzzle, but I was asleep at the time.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I'm not saying it's necessarily a good or clever puzzle,

    It's sudoku with wildcards, just get rid of the opposite side (or move the letters to the one side on each axis). Now instead of making sure each number is used once, it's letters.

    I'm wondering if that would make it easier or more difficult....

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Watson The H in MOTH, and in retrospect the G in GENT, as well as a ton of other letters, have nowhere to go,.

    But I've got to admit you made it convincing enough to get me as far as "the K in KNOT must be the K in LANK, so above that must be be the N in NEVE, which is the last N in NEON, so the first letter in last column must be the last L in ROLL/first L in LEND..."

    Heck, I've even started this transcript:

             R N E O O L N L
             O A C R B O E E
             S S H I E W V N
             E H O N Y E E D
        ROLL . . . . . . N L NEON
        PROM . . . . . . K . LANK
        OHIO . . . . . . . . IRAN
        OATH . . . . . . . . EMIT
        OBOE . . . . . . . . ACRE
        SEWN . . . . . . . . SHIV
        EYED . . . . . . . . HONE
        GENT . . . . . . . . MUZO
             P L A N R O K M
             O I R A H I N O
             G M U N E N O T
             O E M I A T T H

  • Fact of the matter is that while I was putting it together I had some false starts and ended up posting an incorrect version. I mean, they all look the same and didn't stop to try and solve the one I actually posted.


    The general strategy looks like it would to start around the corners and along the edges and work in from there. Like the top left has to be 'R' of "ROLL" AND "ROSE", otherwise it wouldn't be able to decide between the 'L' of "LIME" or the 'N' of "NEON"...

    The other thing is that once you know how one row is blended you know all the others. That might just be an artefact of the construction though.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Watson So you actually did construct a solvable one? That' great.

  • @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Watson So you actually did construct a solvable one? That' great.

    It would have kept bugging me otherwise.

    Back to the topic. Big party. Held in a Dyson sphere with artificial gravity, so BIG party. Only a small part of it was hosting the party, the rest that I could see was in twilight (I don't know either) and given over to penguins. But still, when the host Zaphod Beeblebrox (as voiced by Mark Wing-Davey) gave a shout-out to the froods who'd come down from North Face a clump of about two or three trillion people responded and broke into chanting and impressively managed to stay in sync for several seconds. Man, Zaphod throws the best parties.

  • 🚽 Regular

    I dreamt up a pun, but I have no context for it.

    "Words to leave: bye"

  • I dreamed that I was playing an MMO (FFXIV?). Except that I was using a remote control as my controller. Didn't work so well. So I switched to an Xbox controller. Worked better, but still awkward. So I finally switched to keyboard and mouse, and we beat the boss. PC master race!

  • I dreamed about Spam ice cream. Yes, ice cream with chunks of Spam in it. No, I didn't try it.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @mott555 OTOH, I've read (and written) futuristic dystopias in which the major cities were a cubic mile in size — as in a mile square and a mile high. That sounds a bit like your "many layers," but maybe more so.

    I also have read Revelation. 💁♂

  • @Watson wait, they have to be blended without changing the order of the letters? That makes it way too easy, I think.

  • Dream: I was traveling with some other people. I'm not sure of the purpose of the trip; if I knew it in the dream, I don't remember it now. Some of the people were family; some were not (work?). We stopped at a Motel 6, and I was waiting outside while one of the other people got our rooms. I think the person doing this was maybe an immigrant unfamiliar with American motels, because there was something strange about his expectations and/or behavior — something about suitcases and wastebaskets, maybe; I don't remember the details.

    Anyway, while I was waiting, I was standing near the pool, but outside the fence. There was a sign that you had to be tested for COVID-19 to use the pool. While I was standing there, some guy came up behind me and started shaving a small patch on the back of my head, on the left side, at the base of my skull, between my ear and spine. "What are you doing?" Then he pulls out a hypodermic needle and tries to stick it into the place he just shaved, presumably to draw blood for a COVID-19 test, although that's a very odd place to try to draw blood from. I think I said something about "I do not consent to this." Then I woke up, or at least I don't remember anything else.

  • I dreamed I woke up and had this terrible feeling that something bad was about to happen. I sat up in bed and was completely unable to open my right eye. I went to check my phone, but it wasn't my phone. Someone had broken in, thrown my phone on the floor, and put their phone on my charger?

    I was also very disoriented and clouded, it was like my senses were operating at about 20% and it was tough to move or perceive anything. I reached beside my bed (I keep a Walther PPQ holstered there), but the holster was somehow upside-down. I snapped it off the bedframe, unholstered the gun, and something was very wrong with it. The weapon light was attached to the top and it fell off. Then I realized it wasn't my gun--it was a SilencerCo Maxim 9, an integrally-suppressed handgun. So whoever switched out my phone had also switched out my gun and put something very illegal in its place!

    I heard noises coming from the other room. Sounded like angry dogs. I took the gun, headed towards the bedroom door, and the dogs got louder. Then I just froze in terror. The door opened, the dogs approached, and I couldn't do anything. Couldn't really move, my senses were incredibly blurred, my right eye still wouldn't open. I made some kind of whimpering sound, which I must have made in real life because it woke me up. As I woke up, I just barely caught sight of the "attack dog" approaching, and it was just a little Dachshund.

  • So, there's this guy. POV and epistemology weren't sure if I was this guy or not and whether this guy knew certain things.

    He was a revolutionary, part of a group trying to overthrow the Government (which is what revolutionaries do). The group did have a source of weaponry, in the excitingly chunky style that screams "high tech". They weren't that clear about where the kit was coming from, until he's suddenly snatched and finds himself in a small cell somewhere in high Earth orbit.

    He demands to know what's happening and it turns out he'd been picked up by his group's arms supplier, to prevent his imminent capture by the Government. Here's where the epistemology disconnect kicks in: he understood it to be because the Government had plans to turn him into some kind of cyborg to be used in infiltrating the revolutionary group; I understood that it was the suppliers who were planning to convert him into yet another weapon, but had got him out of the way to protect him in the meantime.

    He's sent back to Earth with another couple crates of excitingly chunky guns, and the group plans an attack on some Government research lab.

    The lab was built on a long river island. The revolutionaries rock up and take position along one of the banks, behind the fence wire and scrub (one side of the river was scrubland, the other was tropical jungle), and start unpacking. It turns out though that the lab is already defending itself against some sort of attack, so the group settles in to watch. It's around this point the river bank turns into some sort of observation room with the fence being replaced by a big long window.

    It's tech versus biotech. The shooting from the upper storey windows of the lab is aimed into the river where cane toads are swimming towards the island. Some of them make it onto the shore before being picked off. One diverted to investigate the group watching and stood on its hind legs against the window. It was about the size of my head. I very obviously aimed my gun at it and it flinched and dropped back into the river.
    "You idiot, if you'd shot it through the glass they'd all be coming in."
    "I know that, I hoped it wouldn't think that far ahead. I wanted it gone before anyone out there noticed it."

    Eventually the attack of the toads ended and there were quite a few bodies strewn on the island shores. By this time it was evening and the penguins that nested on the island were hopping up onto the narrow beach and waddling through the carnage. Some of them were pecking at the bodies like they hadn't found enough to eat during the day.

    The scene switched then, to some sort of clubroom. It must have been a very exclusive club because no-one batted an eye when three members entered who were obviously aliens — what with having faces full of tentacles and all. One of them went to a table where Kate Stewart of UNIT was sitting and the two proved to be long acquaintances of each other. He insisted that she join himself and the others for lunch and a catch-up.

    Somehow, the scenes of those last two paragraphs made the revolutionary stuff seem more like a diversion.

  • Last night I had a dream in POV of a girl.

    The girl was working in a corner of a shop, repetitively pulling out silvery pouch of food out from shelves and put them in one of the 3 microwave ovens to heat it up. (Now thinking about it, shouldn't it be sparking when you attempt to heat up food in such packaging directly in microwave oven?) The girl seems so used to it that she don't even give a though of what number to input when heating up the food. When the food is heated, she'll put it over the counter and it magically disappear.

    The girl worked in kind of absent-minded mode, keep thinking about "parents keep asking if she need to be introduced a boyfriend", etc.

    And then I was woke up by the alarm clock.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Now thinking about it, shouldn't it be sparking when you attempt to heat up food in such packaging directly in microwave oven?

    Not necessarily, depends on transfer materials and stuff. But yes, unusual for the whole package to be metal...

  • Buying a Christmas tree at a very unusual Christmas tree lot. One needed to pay for a tree before even being admitted into the lot to see what kind of trees they had. (Or maybe it was more of an admission fee/cover charge sort of thing.) Although I think I was able to get an answer as to what kind of trees they had, I couldn't actually see them. There may have been a posted price list, but I don't think so.

    When I arrived, I had to wait while the cashier handling the admission made change for another cashier, counting out a bunch of $1 bills. The one making the change had odd facial tattoos, including her eyelids, not attractive but also, surprisingly, not as repulsive as I would find them IRL. I think there was more to the dream, but that's about all I can remember. I definitely did not actually get a tree in the dream. I remember thinking I could get a much larger (and more expensive) tree than I've ever gotten before, because my current living room has a very high ceiling, but I'm not sure whether this was part of the dream or after I woke up.

  • Last night I dreamt that I was queuing for lunch at a shop that offers single-man hotpot,

    When waiting I discover my supervisor is eating there too. And he is using a pair of very long chopstick to fetch some noodle on a long table that have all sorts of raw ingredients on it, and directly throw the noodles into his pot.

    Then as I look at the watch, it's 13:12 already and I'm about to late to work. Since the queue is still very long I decided I'll buy my lunch elsewhere.

    Going down a floor to another side of shopping mall, I found a "very strange" Shake Shack there. The shop was built on very steep slope (about 1:6 gradient) with seats placed along some flattened levels on both side of slope.

    At the bottom of slope there is the ordering counter that is located about 2 meters above the ground. Just as I wondered how people order food on such high place, I discovered from about mid-way of the slope, there were blocks about half meters wide extending on the wall, all along the way to counter, much like what you see in jumping quests of GW2. When customers finish their order, they simple jump off there to the ground. (Not sure how they take their food with them while jumping.)

    I walked along the slope to search for menu because, I have only ordered food once or twice at Shake Shack and I don't remember exactly what is offering there, let alone the current price of their food. Then on top of the slope I saw a huge poster of chocolate ice-cream cone there along with pictures of other food, so I thought that's the menu.

    And then I looked at the price on them, and saw CNY$8,000! Holy cow, WTH would fast food be so expensive. It turns out that there is actually a small souvenir shop selling Shake Shack themed products there. The oil paint of chocolate ice-cream with advertising wording on it is one of the products they sold there.

    So I walked back to the ordering counter and saw they have plastic sheets of menu over the counter. When it was my turn, I flipped both side of menu and found only children meals was offering there (you can tell because on each meal item there is Disney characters drawing on the wrappings, and come with a Disney toy).

    That's when I woke.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Dream: I was traveling with some other people. I'm not sure of the purpose of the trip; if I knew it in the dream, I don't remember it now. Some of the people were family; some were not (work?). We stopped at a Motel 6, and I was waiting outside while one of the other people got our rooms. I think the person doing this was maybe an immigrant unfamiliar with American motels, because there was something strange about his expectations and/or behavior — something about suitcases and wastebaskets, maybe; I don't remember the details.

    Anyway, while I was waiting, I was standing near the pool, but outside the fence. There was a sign that you had to be tested for COVID-19 to use the pool. While I was standing there, some guy came up behind me and started shaving a small patch on the back of my head, on the left side, at the base of my skull, between my ear and spine. "What are you doing?" Then he pulls out a hypodermic needle and tries to stick it into the place he just shaved, presumably to draw blood for a COVID-19 test, although that's a very odd place to try to draw blood from. I think I said something about "I do not consent to this." Then I woke up, or at least I don't remember anything else.

    Good, good. He thinks that it was a dream...

  • Last night, I dreamt that I am attending a wedding dinner holding at a Chinese restaurant.

    When we arrived, I found that due to social distancing, the restaurant located my colleagues and I to two 4-seated tables on the corners inside a cargo lift.

    It's the type of lift that needs a key to operate, so I think the lift is fixed at that floor. They even placed red carpet on the floor of the lift to make it look like an extension of the banquet hall.

    The whole configuration is so funny that I can't help burst laughing, and that's how I woke.

  • Considered Harmful

    So I was visiting Larian Studios, in some castle high up in the mountains (something like Neuschwanstein, but smaller; I looked it up). It was something to do with a Gaming Washing Machine (:eek:) we were going to produce. But instead of listening what ol' Sven had to say I chatted up (:eek:) some redhead artists, things happened and I went smooch with one of them. People in the same room (big studio, small and cramped castle, you know) were so busy playing board games they didn't seem bothered. Then I was offered some peach yoghurt with actual peaches... and I woke up. Thankfully.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:


    But the conversations were just getting good!

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    But the conversations were just getting good!

    I think my suspension of disbelief run out at that point. Also, gamedev.

  • I was wandering around my townhouse and noticed that the walls on the bottom floor of my unit were gone, such that one could easily walk between my house and the adjacent units. Without walls to separate us, a couple of my neighbors were lounging around on the furniture therein. Now, while we were on the bottom floor, there was also a staircase going down, leading to a metal door. Since all of us were surprised that there was a floor beneath the one we were all on, we all went over to explore, opened the door, and went in.

    Inside, there was a tiled floor and stainless steel fixtures and equipment that you might either see in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant or in some industrial facility. We continued walking down this hallway for a while, until we encountered another metal door, with a roughly 1-foot-wide glass porthole you could see through. There wasn't anything of interest that we could see through the window, and one of us was about to open the door, but all of a sudden, I began to hear a long, slow, chromatic clustered string glissando (sounding something like what's at 23:09 if embedding eats the time code):

    "Hang on," I admonished my companions. "I'm pretty sure there's a jumpscare behind that door."

    "How do you figure," inquired one. "Doesn't look like there's anything on the other side."

    "No, listen," I insisted. "Don't you hear the strings?"

    "Actually... yeah." We all stood transfixed, staring through the porthole of the door, sure that it was either about to be blown off its hinges by an explosion, or some gigantic alien creature's immense strength, as the strings' pitch continued to climb. The pitch climbed even faster as one of us carefully grabbed the door handle, opened the latch and pushed the door open.

    And then I woke up.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Groaner Nice EW plug. I'm still not going to buy 🍹

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Groaner Nice EW plug. I'm still not going to buy 🍹

    EWQLSO is a pretty impressive product for how old it is. I didn't even know it had those string effects until I was searching for them for this post and saw a bunch of people on audio forums complaining about how they had heard those effects in every goddamn movie trailer, TV show, etc. I guess it's like the Wilhelm Scream or bad kerning in that once you recognize it, you hate it. But even today, I appreciate Symphonic Orchestra far more than Hollywood Orchestra, as the former is extremely versatile and has a lot of options for what it is, and the latter is a far bigger drain on resources and valuable SSD space and bizarrely sounds smaller and chamber-y when it's supposed to be bigger and more epic than SO.

    PLAY-based libraries are also dirt-cheap compared to some of the alternatives, especially if you have a ComposerCloud subscription to try them before buying individually. Pricewise, I'd much rather pay a couple hundred bucks per sample library than $650-700 for each of the Metropolis Arks, or anything that requires dropping $400 for KONTAKT full in addition to the library (which makes products like 8dio Majestica annoying), or one of the stupidly-expensive VSL collections.

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