WTF Bites

  • area_can

    @rhywden hopefully by the time you figure out something's broken it'll be too late to return, maybe

  • @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    The actual : If such an important fan does not respond to commands and reports 0 RPM why on Earth doesn't the corresponding vendor software or anything else really notify you of this problem?

    Did you install it? A lot of people only install the bare minimum driver package.

  • @blakeyrat Yes, I did install it. That's how I stumbled over the 0 RPM issue in the first place.

  • @twelvebaud said in WTF Bites:

    @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    The changeset had comment saying it was fixing memory leaks (found by a leak detector, specifically Dr. Memory (which is similar to Valgrind, but works on Windows)) and was associated to task requesting the same.



    I wouldn't bother with memory left at process exit when was otherwise still accessible. And Dr. Memory wouldn't bother me with it, it is clever enough for that. That is not leaks. Leaks are chunks of memory that have no valid reference to them any more. They accumulate as the program runs until there is too much of them and they make it crash. When we started the endeavour, the application would crash in under an hour, which is definitely not acceptable for it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @timebandit False.

  • Considered Harmful

    This notification bell is going to drive me up the fucking wall.

  • @pie_flavor Click the little circle on one of the notifications to mark it unread, then click it again to mark it read. The notification number is now gone.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor you guys and your alternate-universe behaviour...

  • @pie_flavor did your recording software fuck up the mouse position or is that actually what you saw?


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor did your recording software fuck up the mouse position or is that actually what you saw?


    To put on context: he has been complaining about things not clicking in the right place for months now....

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

    Do you have notifications hidden with CSS? Because that dropdown should be showing exactly 10 read and 10 unread notifications, merged, assuming you have that many.

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar Why the fuck should it be doing that? Why shouldn't it be a lazily loaded list of every single unread notification?

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar Why the fuck should it be doing that? Why shouldn't it be a lazily loaded list of every single unread notification?

    Because they assume you'll click on a notification when you open the list of notifications, and if you want to see all of your notifications, you'll click see all notifications.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

    Do you have notifications hidden with CSS? Because that dropdown should be showing exactly 10 read and 10 unread notifications, merged, assuming you have that many.

    It has never shown more than about eight total (unread+read). At the moment I appear to have five read.

  • Considered Harmful

    @tsaukpaetra I've got six.

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar Right. I should absolutely have to go to a completely separate page to see my earliest notification. There's no reason I would want to browse all my unread notifications in chronological order or anything.

    Hey, guess what Discourse does?

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    Hey, guess what Discourse does?


    maybe this?

    did you mean this?

    perhaps this?

    or this?

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    Hey, guess what Discourse does?

    A few things well; most things badly.

  • Considered Harmful

    @ben_lubar no, I was referring to the fact that it shows you notifications unread-frist, and in a size small enough you can actually fit about eighty there. Even in configurations where notifications aren't shown unread first, they show them all instead of the eight least interesting ones. For bonus ducks, it doesn't have an area (separate from any mark as read button) where if you accidentally click there, it marks it read and closes the panel without visiting the notification (and due to the eight-least-interesting thing, immediately hides it). It also doesn't clear unread notifications when you visit a like notification or vice versa and does clear a like notification when you reach the post it's for and doesn't clear an unread notification until you reach the end of the thread.

    But sure, keep posting about stuff where you intentionally tried to break it.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

    Do you have notifications hidden with CSS? Because that dropdown should be showing exactly 10 read and 10 unread notifications, merged, assuming you have that many.

    Uh mine only shows 4. It's only ever shown 4. Total. If there are more than 2 unread, it shows me two read and two unread.

  • Considered Harmful

    @pie_flavor Tons of real estate on the right side of the screen; you're not really reading anything while it's open. But no, let's just have it open wide enough to fit ten notifications, and then let's whitespace-pad everything to hell so it actually only fits four and a half notifications.

  • Fake News

    @erufael said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

    Do you have notifications hidden with CSS? Because that dropdown should be showing exactly 10 read and 10 unread notifications, merged, assuming you have that many.

    Uh mine only shows 4. It's only ever shown 4. Total. If there are more than 2 unread, it shows me two read and two unread.

    If some of those are Likes Notifications, how often do those include "x and y" or "x and z other people"? Ben means that those "other people" have 1 notification each which gets merged into the latest one.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar Why the fuck should it be doing that? Why shouldn't it be a lazily loaded list of every single unread notification?

    Because it happens to me quite frequently that I click on a notification in a way that makes it clear without actually navigating to the page. (and no, not by clicking on the ball).

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor Tons of real estate on the right side of the screen; you're not really reading anything while it's open. But no, let's just have it open wide enough to fit ten notifications, and then let's whitespace-pad everything to hell so it actually only fits four and a half notifications.

    Totally with you on this. I've tried to make nav.slideout-menu section[data-section='notifications'] a permanent fixture on desktop, but I lost patience some time along the way.

  • If we're messing with notifications can we change the tense?

  • @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar Why the fuck should it be doing that? Why shouldn't it be a lazily loaded list of every single unread notification?

    Because it happens to me quite frequently that I click on a notification in a way that makes it clear without actually navigating to the page. (and no, not by clicking on the ball).

    At least I got @julianlam to revert the "double click on menu button marks all as read" "feature".


    @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    clicking on the ball

    You are clicking on the tip?

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @jbert said in WTF Bites:

    @erufael said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

    Do you have notifications hidden with CSS? Because that dropdown should be showing exactly 10 read and 10 unread notifications, merged, assuming you have that many.

    Uh mine only shows 4. It's only ever shown 4. Total. If there are more than 2 unread, it shows me two read and two unread.

    If some of those are Likes Notifications, how often do those include "x and y" or "x and z other people"? Ben means that those "other people" have 1 notification each which gets merged into the latest one.

    In that case I have... 13? None of this makes any sense.

  • @coldandtired said in WTF Bites:

    If we're messing with notifications can we change the tense?

    Badly implemented notifications make me tense. It was the fact that "Mark all notifications read" did not actually mark all notifications read — marking only some apparently random subset of them read — that triggered my six-month rage quit.

  • @erufael said in WTF Bites:

    None of this makes any sense.


  • Considered Harmful

    @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar Why the fuck should it be doing that? Why shouldn't it be a lazily loaded list of every single unread notification?

    Because it happens to me quite frequently that I click on a notification in a way that makes it clear without actually navigating to the page. (and no, not by clicking on the ball).

    I mentioned that above, yeah.

  • 0_1531047335857_68167f6b-2d98-4ba5-9403-6f5ed28d7a4c-image.png

    Javascript programmers get tasked to build a Windows native app.

    • C++/C# are the official languages for building Windows Applications, but we still don’t know if it’s easier to work with.
    • We need spend lots of time to learn and gain expertise in a new language, and we may not use it later on.

    The cross-platform property allows us to build on Mac OSX and release it for a Windows machine, it will make the development process very easy.

    We considered using some Node.js native modules, but we faced the same situation again; Node.js native module is written by C++ and this would require our team to spend excess time fine tuning C++ skills.

    We decided we could still use JavaScript, but use another language to replace C++/C#. We chose Golang, because Golang is a cross-compile language and it has some advantages that we want:

  • @cartman82 said in WTF Bites:


    Javascript programmers get tasked to build a Windows native app.

    It's amazing how they can't correctly spell the name of the language they're supposedly experts in, but they can spell C#lang and JavaScriptlang correctly.

  • area_can

    @cartman82 the goal is to use tools that are so buggy as to provide plausible deniability when it turns out that the elections were rigged

  • @tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar The recording software fucks up the mouse position, yes. What I was pointing out was the fact that the notification bell's apparent extra call to Collections.shuffle left zero unread notifications actually visible.

    Do you have notifications hidden with CSS? Because that dropdown should be showing exactly 10 read and 10 unread notifications, merged, assuming you have that many.

    It has never shown more than about eight total (unread+read). At the moment I appear to have five read.

    Are you running my ignore notifications userscript? Because it definitely does this -- when it hooks into socket.emit and it intercepts the get notifications request, it filters the response, and it doesn't load more notifications to replace what it filtered out.

  • @ben_lubar said in WTF Bites:

    @zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @ben_lubar Why the fuck should it be doing that? Why shouldn't it be a lazily loaded list of every single unread notification?

    Because it happens to me quite frequently that I click on a notification in a way that makes it clear without actually navigating to the page. (and no, not by clicking on the ball).

    At least I got @julianlam to revert the "double click on menu button marks all as read" "feature".

    Oh? The way I remembered it was that I got him to revert that. But I guess the important thing is that he did.

  • What kind of braindead retard moron stupid dumbshit at Microsoft thinks the language of my keyboard distribution must equal the language I'm typing in? Because that's what UWP-OneNote assumes.


    @cartman82 said in WTF Bites:

    Holy shitsnacks, where to even start?!
    Right, I guess here: apparently they won this contract bid to build their nation's voting system without even knowing anything at all beforehand about building such a product. Their marketing/sales dept. must be brilliant.

    This project required high amounts of data security due to the sensitive nature of the voter registrants data. We needed to keep hackers out of the door, so choosing the technology stack we used was a very important step.

    Okay, probably. But wait, what do you mean by "security"? What kind of "hackers" are you trying to protect against, and what is the threat model here? Because the rest of this article doesn't give me confidence you actually know that...

    We don’t need to learn something new and difficult.

    Right, you're competent enough to win a bid for an election system but learning a language is difficult. :eek:

    We can have some cool UI/UX and it’s much easier to change them, because these are all CSS’s work.

    Ah yes, because you forgot about your security focus for a second there.

    JavaScript source code can be read directly, we still needed to find a way to solve the security issue

    That isn't a security issue! :wtf:
    But again, who's the attacker? Do they have access to the machine, are they operating the client, are they on the same network, or what? I can't tell from that description.

    We haven’t built a production application yet, we only played around with it.

    Even in fucking JS you don't know what you're doing? Good lord, that sales dept. could sell rotten water in California.

    Native languages C++/C#

    Not a thing.

    C++/C# is also a good choice, but C# is still easy decompiled by some tools like RemoteSoft's Salamander ,Lutz Roeder's Reflector

    Not a security issue...

    so we may still need to build the encrypt/decrypt part with C++

    and that's not what encryption means either.
    Fun aside: I guess telling them some people just read the actual machine (or IL) code would completely blow their mind. 🤯

    Golang is a compile language , all things will compile to the executable binary file, it will keep your source code safe.


    and at the bottom is the database layer handled by Encrypted SQLite database which is a SQLCipher

    Ah, finally you're using some actual encryption. But then again, why don't you describe what the attack scenario is this is supposed to protect from? Because if you're afraid of people reading your source code, the "attacker" on the same machine has the encryption key too.
    And for some reason I don't trust these imbeciles to be able to assess what they're actually trying to defend against.

    We learned a lot about implementing high security features with cross-platforms with Golang, React.js, Electron.js and SQLCipher.

    Again, you "learned" (if you say so) do these things on the way?! So you got this bid without having a clue about anything at all, right?! JFC.

    Is there even a single sentence in there that isn't a WTF?! I guess @apapadimoulis needs to put this one on the front page.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    But wait, what do you mean by "security"? What kind of "hackers" are you trying to protect against, and what is the threat model here?

    Really, this.

    Primarily worrying about source code being read/binaries being decompiled really speaks volumes IMO ... namely that these people are clueless.

  • Considered Harmful

    @bb36e said in WTF Bites:

    @cartman82 the goal is to use tools that are so buggy as to provide plausible deniability when it turns out that the elections were rigged

    You jest. But my roommate was from Myanmar, and from what he's told me, that actually seems probable.

  • @pie_flavor

    Myanmar rates as a corrupt nation on the Corruption Perceptions Index with a rank of 136th out of 176 countries worldwide, with 1st being least corrupt, as of 2016.

    Or, putting it a different way, there are only 39 countries more corrupt that it is.

    OTOH, the (previously) opposition party did win an absolute majority in the parliament in 2015, so whatever election rigging the military may have done, it wasn't enough to keep control of the government (although they remain a powerful force; they directly appoint 25% of the legislators).

  • @ben_lubar Anyone who codes e-voting systems is too incompetent to know e-voting is a very bad idea. With e-voting you have to trust there are no bugs or backdoors on the hardware, OS, compiler, OS utilities and every single layer of abstraction and libraries your software builds on. And there WILL be bugs and backdoors. In my country the 2015 elections used e-voting for elections in the capital city, and the company that was in charge of the e-voting systems had the certificates they used to sign everything accessible from the Internet, so ANYONE could change the results. The person who found out this got arrested by the gov't and had his PC confiscated, but the courts ruled that the company in charge of e-voting was too incompetent to live. There are only three reasons for e-voting to exist: malice, stupidity or both.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    136th out of 176 countries

    only 39 countries

    Math is hard.

  • @zecc Um, it ranks 40th from the bottom, which means 39 are worse.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    @zecc Um, it ranks 40th from the bottom, which means 39 are worse.

    See, math is hard.

    I can't do it at 3:30 AM.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    There are ties though, so there are (or were in 2016) 35 worse and we were both wrong.


  • đźš˝ Regular

    At the risk of digging a deeper hole for myself and having nothing left but to laugh at it in the morning, I'm pulling an Elsa and I'm not letting this go.

    176th from the top → 1st from the bottom, 0 countries below it
    175th from the top → 2nd from the bottom, 1 country below it
    174th from the top → 3rd from the bottom, 2 countries below it
    nth from the top → (176+1-n)th from the bottom, (176-n) countries below it
    136th from the top → 41st from the bottom, 40 countries below it

  • @zecc $*%@&!$# You're right. :facepalm: Math is hard. @OffByOne is the worst.

  • @hardwaregeek said in WTF Bites:

    @zecc $*%@&!$# You're right. :facepalm: Math is hard. @OffByOne is the worst.

    Especially when the result is a boolean.

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