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    And for commenting, some time ago I've seen code that was very extensively commented. The guy who wrote it apparently followed a suggestion, that I read somewhere back in the day, to describe the task in words first and then insert the code, step by step. So each line was commented. Except the code then got fixed and modified and the comments never were, so they ended up being misleading.

    I worked with someone like that once. My personal favourite was when he deleted half a method but left a comment at the end of it. I wonder if someone came along later and wondered why there was no code after the comment and if they should implement it.

  • @Bulb said in Standarditis:

    I don't mean explanations with sample code. Sample code is almost always contrived.

    I meant that as an illustration of my habit of skipping past code rather than actually reading it. I have on occasion looked at source for complete programs (usually either to fix something or to see how it does something I also want to do) and usually can’t make heads or tails of how it does much of anything. Or, frequently, even where the bit I want even is. So:—

    @Gurth said in Standarditis:

    I just give up and think, “I can do without this shit”

    I mean actual production code. Maybe look whether some library you are using has some bugs in its bug-tracker that you can try to fix.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I don’t think I will :) I have enough to do that isn’t programming for me to even want to spend time on this kind of thing …

    the code then got fixed and modified and the comments never were, so they ended up being misleading.

    I only write code for my own use, really, so this is not a problem. I know I need to make sure comments still fit the code, for my own benefit down the line. That, and I’m much better at writing explanatory text than coding anyway …

  • Considered Harmful

    @topspin said in Standarditis:

    and communist indoctrination.




    @Applied-Mediocrity we’ve migrated to git now. 🍹

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in Standarditis:

    @Applied-Mediocrity we’ve migrated to git now. 🍹

    Now a communist git, and maybe later a communist fossil? :belt_onion:

  • @Gurth said in Standarditis:

    When I read explanations with sample code, I read the text and mostly skip over the code to the next part of the text, like I would a photograph in the text.

    Funnily enough I mostly do the opposite: I often skip over the long-winded, vague textual descriptions and primarily focus on the code examples to see how this thing can actually be used.

    I also have a healthy distrust for any comments I might come across, for the reasons stated by @Bulb above.

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