Metric units in stores

  • @Gribnit said in Metric units in stores:

    @Kamil-Podlesak said in Metric units in stores:

    mm vales have a distinct advantage of not using decimal comma or point

    False, at least for ammunition, and probably also for wrenches.

    True, but in store it's not actually measure, it's more like "category". Although it would be hilarious if the app said "We cannot fulfill your order of 12 9mm bullets (out of stock). Would you like to buy 24 0.45mm instead?"

  • Considered Harmful

    @Kamil-Podlesak said in Metric units in stores:

    We cannot fulfill your order of 12 9mm bullets (out of stock). Would you like to buy 24 0.45mm instead?"

    Something like this (presenting a wholly unworkable solution in such a way as to make me doubt my own sanity) has happened to me with a human on the other side, so it wouldn't come as a surprise.

    "We cannot offer you 70x70 enclosures, but here's 80x50. And they're cheaper, too, if you order x."

    Bitch, I asked for specific dimensions, because that's where the screw holes are. How am I supposed to fit the 70mm thing there, cut it in twain and hold it in place with a piece of bubblegum? Not only it won't work, but I'm all out of gum.

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