Fallout hacks

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cartman82 said:

    They couldn't spare 5 minutes to open 3D Studio and cut the fucking thing in half?

    They could have, but then they'd have had another asset in the world, and I suspect that most of the memory associated with an object is with the class of objects (that type of table) rather than the instances of that class. Using something that already exists really is cheaper, which matters a lot when you're targeting a relatively small system (IIRC, the Xbox 360 was the target spec for Skyrim). Chiselling this sort of thing (over and over) makes way for more important stuff.

    Evaluating what's the best approach to do something requires knowing what the cost function really is.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    The most cost-effective thing is

    something I don't care about in this case, because I'm not going to fix Blakey's buggy mod for him for free.

  • With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed.
    Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate,
    or persist in the doomed world you have created.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    The problem was the invisible fox would somehow get into combat rarely (to this day I have no idea how, I had all his AI set so nothing should attack him and he should attack nothing, but it still happened sometimes.)

    Scripts can override AI packages. And there are a ton of trippy scripts that set fight or flight behavior. Some quest driven, some random encounter driven, etc.

    Incase of Markarth, its major questline is one giant cesspit of bugs that will in most cases either corrupt the quest and set you into an infinite loop of 'being sent to jail' or will set the entire city's populace as hostile to the player. It took the guys working on the unofficial Skyrim patch ages to get that junk sorted out, and I think you can still occassionally glitch it.

    :sigh: Bethesda games...

  • Haha right. To this day I have no idea why they decided to make the goons in that quest the city police-- and retain the city police AI package! No wonder it's buggy as shit.

    Hey Bethesda, quick tip: "this security force is hired directly by the Silverbloods, separate from the city's cops". Boom, I just fixed your everything.

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