Inktober 2022 Postmortem


    Daily doodles done. Whew.

    I’ll probably keep the commentary brief because brief × 31 is still a hefty chunk of :kneeling_warthog: 💦.

    1. Gargoyle

    Decent start. I uh, later noticed that there’s not actually any patagium between the digits and arms, oops. With any luck there’s enough jargon there that you still won’t see the grossly negligent oversight regardless.

    2. Scurry

    Kinda lame. Wasn’t particularly inspired so just spat some lines down.

    3. Bat

    INB4 🦗
    The ads in the background all say “SPONSOR™”

    4. Scallop

    This one might need some context … in certain (very limited) parts of the world, it’s common to call a sort of battered potato you might have in lieu of the fish in fish and chips a “scallop” or even “potato scallop” if you’re feeling particularly expository. Here we see a Mesozoic seagull-equivalent being the most seagull-equivalent it can, scappignscabbing (it’s too late for this) hot chips (and scallops).

    5. Flame

    I don’t know how recognisable this is… I think some get but others don’t. It’s supposed to be a burning computer.

    6. Bouquet

    Rhamph returns! Had a severe lack of brain and had to export it at least three times because I kept missing bits (including, at all except the last attempt, the title).

    7. Trip

    I like this one. First there was a stop sign, but changed that to give way because it’s obviously funnier. Also, quite possibly the single best car I’ve ever drawn.

    8. Match

    I like this one too. Match itself is perhaps not so prominent but neither is it particularly relevant. Also, in typical fashion, I first drew a pretty much complete set of lines only to shade most of the boundary into the background. Of course I start with white canvas and draw black all over it.

    9. Nest

    Another eh. It’s a nest.

    10. Crabby

    This image is unusually sexy, or something. Consistently tripped discord’s awful explicit image filter, but we don’t have anything so rubbish here.

    real edit: also there’s a horseshoe crab (à la kazitor) up above. Sort of a horseshoe crab versus actual crab kind of deal, I guess?

    11. Eagle

    Also eh. It’s a wedgie. Shading rather lacklustre.

    12. Forget

    The beginning of a tragic human arc. I get over it soon enough.

    13. Kind

    Spent ages on the background only to cover large chunks of it up. Just dragged those sector antennae up so they’d be visible.
    This was also a problem with the bat, but by doing the whole background first I then have to fuss with masking it out so it doesn’t show through the foreground (which is black and transparent). Yuck.
    I don’t think it’s obvious enough, but the insect thing is supposed to be helping the woman across the street. Except, DEATH OF THE AUTHOR make up something of your own.

    14. Empty

    Perhaps another not-obvious; it’s a fuel truck that’s run out of fuel haha irony. These might be the first eucalypts.

    15. Armadillo

    Thinking what to draw, I lamented that a pangolin would be far better. And thus, inspiration to draw an armadillo and pangolin fighting. Well, I imagine this is how they’d fight.

    16. Fowl

    For those not in the know, forward passes in rugby league are verboten. Perhaps the witty wordplay suddenly reveals itself. Also HNDEG = handegg, and the sponsors are “SPORTSBALL” and “SPONSOR” again.

    17. Salty

    The ocean is surely salty enough, but there’s a minuscule salt shaker in there for good measure. Also it’s a nice Rhamphorhynchus IMHO.

    18. Scrape

    This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    19. Ponytail

    After the terrible human trilogy, a cunning ploy to not draw another. The uh, horse does have a ponytail; I don’t think it came out clearly enough.

    20. Bluff

    I thought ha ha what if I did a cliff, what a cunning twist on the term “bluff,” but no we’ll do not just one but three attempts at some sort of character, FML.

    Also that’s the ACE OF FOURS (the best hand – unbeatable, I would imagine) with a full house (sadly not all the cards are) lower in the stack.

    21. Bad dog

    Needs to look like it’s lunging forward more. Ah well.

    22. Heist

    Started with a plan to do the most cliche rooftop museum robbery sort of thing but managed to have a more reasonable idea in the process. Also that lizard took a remarkable amount of effort to get curving right. And the thing on the left is supposed to be a rope.

    23. Booger

    :wtf: kind of horrible prompt is this ???
    Some sorta slime monster I guess.

    24. Fairy

    Very nice picture. This superb fairy-wren was featured :arrows:; not only is it a cute bird but also a cunning ploy to not draw a fairy.

    25. Tempting


    26. Ego

    blergh, the only vague image I had in mind. Stupid abstract pseudoprompts.
    I’m told Instagram was littered with cats seeing themselves as lions in mirrors, so I guess I inadvertently dodged a bullet there. Kinda funny that “ego” has come to mean “egotism.”

    27. Snack

    Big alien monster munching on Earth, if you can’t tell. For once I actually started with a black background and drew white over the top; imagine that !!

    28. Camping

    Felt like it took longer than it did. Repetitive nature details are like that. Also an unforgiveable lack of eucalypts.

    29. Uh-oh

    You fool !
    Maybe this is the warehouse being heisted on day 22, who knows. I’ve not yet ironed out the details of the Inktober Cinematic Universe.
    Some compensatory eucalypts off to the left.

    30. Gear

    Ugh, far too ambitious. No experience with anything like this but I did it anyway. Or, some crude attempt at only part of what I had in mind.

    31. Farm

    Short and sweet to top it off. Had considered a Rhamphorhynchus-run fish farm but no, this is simpler.

    In the beginning I was doing pencil-type sketches in a separate layer first, as of day 5 (I think) I started doing the whole thing in a single layer (except for 13).

    Last year or so I probably wouldn’t have had the time but evidently this time round I managed. Even did more than the guy who roped me into it <_<

    Now for the fun part: I’ve compiled some metadata for you all to draw spurious conclusions from. Is there any correlation between weekdays and the presence of Rhamphorhynchus? Who knows? Try some things and share your findings.

    metadata.csv (2.6 KB)

    A few of the headers are probably not too helpful so here’s an explanation of those:

    • Usefulness: how well the prompt succeeded at prompting. If I was racking my brain throughout the day, it’s bad.
    • Presence: the extent to which the thing described by the prompt exists in the picture to begin with. There’s no actual fairy in a fairy-wren, so it gets low presence.
    • Prominence: how apparent the thing described by the prompt (even if tenuously à la “Fairy”) is in the image as a whole.
    • Joke: is the essence of the image in itself a joke? For instance, a bat with a bat is a joke.
    • Time: the editing time stored in the Krita file. This measures seconds, and I’m pretty sure it only counts time something is actually happening and not just having the file open. And also includes time up to actually saving something in the first place.
      Of course these are all subjective measures. Most of them are.

    Here are two of my own:
    Couldn’t get a boxplot within the :kneeling_warthog: threshhold so just imagine the medians here (or make a better plot yourself)

    There’s maybe a slight correlation between pen-on-screen time and the number of black pixels, but only barely.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @kazitor Some of those are really quite good, even when they perhaps miss the mark of the prompt. Success is measured in many ways, but often the best way is to draw the target around where the bullet holes actually are.

  • Out of 6 rhamphorhynchus drawrings, two had jokes, and only one with >50% blackness (not a joke). I don't know what conclusion can be drawn from this


    Someone wanted a coloured version of the fairy-wren, so here it is:


    Only took an hour, surprisingly. I suppose it’s a fairly simple composition yada yada.


    Nobody asked for this, but I liked it enough. Minus the obligatory unnoticeable prompt-fitting. And shadows still aren’t dark enough. And in retrospect, Rhamphorhynchus’s reaction to the ocean would probably be more like water off a duck’s back.


    Still, I suspect completing the whole 31 days unlocks some secret make-things-look-good ability. Better quality than anything before, and in only a few hours of one day rather than 14ish spread out over a month. There’s no other explanation.

    And hey, if I can keep colouring one every month, I’ll have them all done by 2025. By which point I’ll have two more to be doing each month. But just imagine how many ranks of proficient pixelling I’ll have attained by then!

  • Considered Harmful

    @kazitor said in Inktober 2022 Postmortem:

    shadows still aren’t dark enough

    They're fine. The setting allows for significant undirected light, the ocean being shiny.