Switching from Docker-against-Desktop

  • With the looming change of licensing conditions of Docker-for-Desktop, is there anybody around here who has experience with some alternate installation method?

    We have some projects that use containers and though the containers are Linux, the developers need Windows, because they are also writing a Windows client for the thing, so they use Docker-against-Desktop. For which they'd need licenses starting February.

    But Docker-against-Desktop is just an installer. The underlying docker engine and docker compose are still open-source, and there are some alternatives too. I've seen some lists of possible replacements, but not really detailed instructions and/or experience. And we need docker-compose to work, which eliminates some of them.

    So does anybody around have some experience?

  • @Bulb I've followed https://dev.to/bowmanjd/install-docker-on-windows-wsl-without-docker-desktop-34m9 and got it working. At least, at the hello world level.

    In my powershell session I have a function

    $DOCKER_DISTRO = "ubuntu"
    function docker {
        wsl -d $DOCKER_DISTRO docker -H unix:///mnt/wsl/shared-docker/docker.sock @Args

    which works well enough (assuming I remembered to start the dockerd in my wsl ubuntu instance...)

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