
  • Another community ran a challenge yesterday to see how many members could reach 75 honor on CodeWars. It's a HackerRank-style site where you can get points not only for solving coding puzzles, but also for submitting new ones for the site.

    Figured I'd post it here, in case anyone wanted to try it out. If you set your Clan name in Account Settings to WTDWTF, you'll get a leaderboard on your Dashboard with everyone else from the forum to compare your score against.

  • @Mason_Wheeler Well, my wife and job don't really need me for the next few days, right?

  • So I'm in the middle of signing up, and it asks me how experienced I am. Well, I have about a dozen years of experience. Does that make me a mid-level developer, or a senior?

    And then I remember: at my very first job, I earned a "senior" title after just two years... so who knows?

    (Though, to be charitable, that might have been my manager's way of getting me a raise from the relatively-low salary I was getting at the time.)

  • Oh, great. It won't show your avatar unless you link your Github account. Apparently, storing an image is "really hard." I'd do CodeWars for random time-wasting fun, not because I want to Link It To My Online Identity.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @PotatoEngineer said in CodeWars:

    So I'm in the middle of signing up, and it asks me how experienced I am. Well, I have about a dozen years of experience. Does that make me a mid-level developer, or a senior?

    And then I remember: at my very first job, I earned a "senior" title after just two years... so who knows?

    (Though, to be charitable, that might have been my manager's way of getting me a raise from the relatively-low salary I was getting at the time.)

    A senior title can be either a mid level or senior level role. I've worked at places that covers both.

  • Banned

    @PotatoEngineer said in CodeWars:

    And then I remember: at my very first job, I earned a "senior" title after just two years... so who knows?

    Damn, I thought earning it in just under 5 years was good...

  • @Mason_Wheeler So if I understand the site and its owners correctly, users are helping them create the FizzBuzz tests they inflict on developers applying for jobs. Yuck.

  • @PotatoEngineer said in CodeWars:

    And then I remember: at my very first job, I earned a "senior" title after just two years... so who knows?

    (Though, to be charitable, that might have been my manager's way of getting me a raise from the relatively-low salary I was getting at the time.)

    IIRC, I jumped up to Software Architect at one of my jobs after a year of programming work. It was the second highest title for developers and was also the only way to get me a raise at the time.

  • Goddamn, their code input field is annoying as fuck. I get that some people might appreciate the automatically inserted crap, but let me disable that (or at least configure where it should go). FWIW, I'm perfectly capable of typing closing delimiters myself, with the added bonus that I put them exactly where I want them to. :angry:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cvi It could be worse. It could hang for a second whenever you insert a bracket while it thinks about all the places it could possibly go…

  • @dkf Don't give them any ideas! This is bad enough already.

    Either way, reaching 75 was easy. Is there any way to skip to more challenging puzzles? Because their current puzzles are getting a tad bit boring...

    Edit: Yes, seems like it's possible to skip ahead. Yay.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Mason_Wheeler said in CodeWars:

    reach 75 honor

    Trophy earned.

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