Portable 3d rendering that can be loaded into WPF or webpage

  • So, we're running into a wall with WPF and rendering large diagrams using a component model and pathing. So we were looking into rendering using something that would be more efficient, and while we're at it be portable so it can be used on other platforms.

    I was looking into opengl, but there's nothing out there that does more than just wrap opengl in C# or whatnot.

    The problem with this is that openGL on its own doesn't do simple 2d things like jointed lines. I had to code my own methods to pull that off, and if it's wrapped in C#, it probably won't be reusable.

    Any ideas?

    I want to be able to load this into a WPF application, or a webpage and behave similarly.

  • @xaade Not sure about embedding it in a WPF application, but if you want portable, C#-based 3D rendering that will work on Windows or on a webpage, your best bet would actually probably be Unity.

    Yes, it's primarily designed as a game engine, but the broad nature of game development means that it has to be versatile enough to be capable of lots of non-game-related things too. So the question is, how vital is the "must be embeddable in a WPF application" requirement? Doesn't seem that crucial if you also want to be able to put it on a webpage...

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