Shadow of the Conqueror

  • About a year ago, Shad Brooks, best known for his popular YouTube channel Shadiversity, published a fantasy novel, Shadow of the Conqueror, featuring one of the most unique premises for a fantasy world I've ever seen: gravity and the configuration of the world is fundamentally different. The world is a bunch of floating continents, and if you step off the edge of one, you'll fall down until you reach the bottom of the world, wrap around to the top, and keep falling, eventually reaching the point you stepped off of. The length of one complete falling cycle is how they measure days. (Plus there's a really interesting plot, characters, magic, etc.)

    It was recently picked up by a small film studio looking to create a short film adaptation. They're running a Kickstarter campaign here:

    The funding goal has been reached; now they're looking at stretch goals to increase the quality of the film. There's currently 7 days to go. It's worth checking out, especially for those who enjoy fantasy in what could be generally called "the Brandon Sanderson style:" epic scope, strong hard-magic systems, unique and interesting worldbuilding, etc.

  • Nifty.
    15 minute short seems at least doable.

  • @Mason_Wheeler Is the novel as tiring to read as he is to watch for any real length of time?

  • @Mason_Wheeler What I mean is, I think he makes some good and/or interesting points in his videos, but he talks (and edits his videos) as if he wants to cram an hour’s worth of content into half an hour.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gurth That makes it sound better than most modern documentary makers, who often seem to want to cram fifteen minutes of material into two hours…

  • @dkf Those popular science shows with “expert” talking heads are the worst … The narrator makes a statement about the subject at hand. Some person you’ve never heard of before other than seeing them on shows like this, with a job description that’s only vaguely related to the subject matter, says something about it that is basically the same as what the narrator just said, but in different words. A clip of the subject under discussion plays while the narrator says much the same in different words again. YES, I KNOW ALREADY! NOW TALK IN DEPTH ABOUT IT INSTEAD OF GOING ON TO THE NEXT SHALLOWLY COVERED SUBJECT!

    /rant :)

  • Considered Harmful

    @Mason_Wheeler Read it, and boy. It was a great story, but the writing itself was... painful, to put it mildly. Genuinely felt like it was his first book, and that he did not have an editor really shows.

  • @Gurth said in Shadow of the Conqueror:

    What I mean is, I think he makes some good and/or interesting points in his videos, but he talks (and edits his videos) as if he wants to cram an hour’s worth of content into half an hour.

    Not sure I agree fully. Maybe he talks fast and enthusiasticly, but in the two videos I saw recently, I was hoping he just would get to the next point and stop repeating the same thing for the umpteenth time. I'm fairly sure you could cut the length of those videos in half (or at least to 0.75) without actually missing out on anything. (Which is not to say that the videos are all bad, they are still far above average for youtube ... I mean, it's still a professionally run channel.)

  • @cvi I didn’t say he crams an hour’s worth of content into a half-hour video, but that he talks and edits as if he wants to do that :) But yeah, I think you’re right: less repetition and talk slower, then he’d still get the same point across but in a less tiring manner.

  • @cvi said in Shadow of the Conqueror:

    far above average for youtube

    Not a high bar.

  • @cvi said in Shadow of the Conqueror:

    @Gurth said in Shadow of the Conqueror:

    What I mean is, I think he makes some good and/or interesting points in his videos, but he talks (and edits his videos) as if he wants to cram an hour’s worth of content into half an hour.

    Not sure I agree fully. Maybe he talks fast and enthusiasticly, but in the two videos I saw recently, I was hoping he just would get to the next point and stop repeating the same thing for the umpteenth time. I'm fairly sure you could cut the length of those videos in half (or at least to 0.75) without actually missing out on anything. (Which is not to say that the videos are all bad, they are still far above average for youtube ... I mean, it's still a professionally run channel.)

    The repetition was why I didn't make it very far into the video I tried to watch. Move on!

  • @HardwareGeek said in Shadow of the Conqueror:

    @cvi said in Shadow of the Conqueror:

    far above average for youtube

    Not a high bar.

    It's practically embedded in the ground.

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