F# Lisp Fun

  • As some of you know from the Status thread, I have begun an attempt to build a very simple Lisp variant in F#, the functional language closest to me.

    It currently does not work due to overflowing the stack, because I am bad at recursion. Still, it's been fun so far.


      let main argv =
        let mutable continueLooping = true
        while continueLooping do
          let statement = read() |> Lisp.parse |> formTree
          let evaluation = Lisp.runEvaluation statement
          if not evaluation.IsEmpty then
            if List.last evaluation = Lisp.Empty(Lisp.Symbol(new Lisp.Symbol("exit"))) then
              continueLooping <- false
            Lisp.printTree evaluation


    module Lisp
      open System
      type Symbol(symbol) =
        member this.symbol = symbol
        override this.ToString() = this.symbol
      and Token =
        | Open
        | Close
        | Symbol of Symbol
      and SExpression =
        | Empty of Token
        | Node of Token * SExpression list
        member x.isEmpty() =
          match x with
          | Empty(Close) -> true
          | _ -> false
        member x.IsSymbol() =
          match x with
          | Empty(Symbol(_)) -> true
          | _ -> false
        static member emptyNode() =
          Node(Open, [ Empty(Close) ])
      and Keyword =
        | Plus
        | Minus
        | Multiply
        | Divide
        | Equals
        | If
        | DefineFunction
        | NoMatch
      let matchKeyword input =
        match input with
        | "+" -> Plus
        | "plus" -> Plus
        | "Plus" -> Plus
        | "PLUS" -> Plus
        | "-" -> Minus
        | "minus" -> Minus
        | "Minus" -> Minus
        | "MINUS" -> Minus
        | "*" -> Multiply
        | "multiply" -> Multiply
        | "Multiply" -> Multiply
        | "MULTIPLY" -> Multiply
        | "/" -> Divide
        | "divide" -> Divide
        | "Divide" -> Divide
        | "DIVIDE" -> Divide
        | "=" -> Equals
        | "equals" -> Equals
        | "Equals" -> Equals
        | "EQUALS" -> Equals
        | "if" -> If
        | "If" -> If
        | "IF" -> If
        | "defun" -> DefineFunction
        | "Defun" -> DefineFunction
        | "DEFUN" -> DefineFunction
        | _ -> NoMatch
      let rec parseStringHelper (tokens: string list) =
        let rec getChildren stack (leftover: string list) =
          if leftover.IsEmpty then
            ([], [])
            match leftover.Head with
            | "(" ->
              let newChildren = parseStringHelper leftover
              getChildren (List.concat [ [fst newChildren ]; stack ]) (snd newChildren)
            | ")" -> (List.rev ([ Empty(Close) ] @ stack), leftover.Tail)
            | _ -> getChildren ([ Empty(Symbol (new Symbol(leftover.Head))) ] @ stack) leftover.Tail
        match tokens.Head with
        | "(" ->
          let (children, leftover) = getChildren [] tokens.Tail
          (Node(Open, children), leftover)
        | ")" -> invalidOp("Closing parenthesis is invalid on top level.")
        | _ -> (Empty(Symbol(new Symbol(tokens.Head))), tokens.Tail)
      let rec formTree (tokens: string list) =
        if tokens.IsEmpty then
          let nextItem = parseStringHelper tokens
          (formTree (snd nextItem)) @ [ (fst nextItem) ]
      let replace (old: string) (replacement: string) (input: string) = input.Replace(old, replacement)
      let split (separator: string) (input: string) =
        input.Split(separator, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        |> Array.toList
      let parse (input: string) =
        |> replace "(" " ( "
        |> replace ")" " ) "
        |> split " "
      let control =
        [ Node(Open,
            [ Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("defun")));
              Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("doThing")));
                [ Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("x")));
                  Empty(Close) ]);
                [ Node(Open,
                    [ Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("+")));
                      Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("x")));
                      Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("3")));
                      Empty(Close) ]);
                    [ Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("*")));
                      Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("x")));
                      Empty(Symbol(new Symbol("8")));
                      Empty(Close) ]);
                  Empty(Close) ]);
              Empty(Close) ]) ]
      let combine (between: string) (items: string list) = String.Join(between, items)
      let indentBy level = String.Join("", System.Linq.Enumerable.Repeat("  ", level))
      let rec stringifyExpression indent justOpened expression =
        match expression with
        | Empty(Close) ->
        | Empty(Token.Symbol(x)) ->
          if justOpened then
            sprintf "%s%s%s"
              (indentBy indent)
        | Node(token, expressions) ->
          match (token, expressions) with
          | (Open, expressions) ->
            let result =
              sprintf "%s%s(%s%s"
                (indentBy indent)
                (stringifyExpression (indent + 1) true expressions.Head)
                (String.Join("", expressions.Tail |> List.map (fun expression -> stringifyExpression (indent + 1) false expression)))
          | (_, _) -> ""
        | _ -> ""
      let printTree (tree: SExpression list) =
        |> List.map (fun expression -> stringifyExpression 0 false expression)
        |> combine Environment.NewLine
        |> printfn "%s"
      let symbolize x = Empty(Symbol (new Symbol(x.ToString())))
      let extractSymbol (x: SExpression) =
        match x with
        | Empty(y) ->
          match y with
          | Symbol(z) -> z.symbol
          | _ -> invalidOp "Not a symbol."
        | _ -> invalidOp "Not a symbol."
      let extractNumbers x =
        List.map (fun y -> y |> extractSymbol |> decimal) x
      let unclosed x =
        List.filter (fun y ->
          match y with
          | Empty(z) ->
            match z with
            | Close -> false
            | _ -> true
          | _ -> true) x
      let symbolEqual expressionA expressionB =
        let symbolA = extractSymbol expressionA
        let symbolB = extractSymbol expressionB
        symbolA = symbolB
      let allSame L =
        match L with
        | [] | [_] -> true
        | h::t when t |> List.forall (symbolEqual h) -> true
        | _ -> false
      let symbolTrue expression =
        let symbol = extractSymbol expression
        match bool.TryParse symbol with
        | true, value -> value
        | false, _ -> false
      let allTrue L =
        match L with
        | [] -> false
        | t -> t |> List.forall symbolTrue
      let tupleTriple (L: 'a list) =
        if L.Length < 3 then
          invalidOp "List must contain at least three elements."
          match List.take 3 L with
          | [a; b; c] -> (a, b, c)
          | _ -> invalidOp "List must contain at least three elements."
      let tupleDouble (L: 'a list) =
        if L.Length < 2 then
          invalidOp "List must contain at least two elements."
          match List.take 2 L with
          | [a; b] -> (a, b)
          | _ -> invalidOp "List must contain at least two elements."
      let rec applyFunction f (expressions: SExpression list) =
        let (_, parametersNode, codeNode) = 
          match f with
          | Node(Open, children) ->
            children |> unclosed |> tupleTriple
          | _ -> (SExpression.emptyNode(), SExpression.emptyNode(), SExpression.emptyNode())
        let parameters =
          match parametersNode with
          | Node(Open, children) ->
            children |> unclosed
          | _ -> []
        let arguments =
          |> List.map (fun expression ->
            match expression with
            | Node(Open, children) ->
              match children with
              | _::args -> args |> unclosed
              | _ -> []
            | _ -> [])
        let doReplacements (argumentSet: SExpression list) =
          let replaceSymbol a =
            if argumentSet.IsEmpty then
              let aligned = List.zip parameters argumentSet
                snd (List.find (fun b -> symbolEqual (fst b) a) aligned)
                | :? System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException -> a
          let rec replaceSymbols (functionMembers: SExpression list) =
            if functionMembers.IsEmpty then
              match functionMembers.Head with
              | Node(Open, children) -> replaceSymbols children
              | Empty(Symbol(_)) -> [ replaceSymbol functionMembers.Head ] @ replaceSymbols functionMembers.Tail
              | _ -> []
          replaceSymbols [ codeNode ]
        if arguments.IsEmpty then
          List.collect (doReplacements) arguments
      let runEvaluation (tree: SExpression list): SExpression list =
        let mutable functions: SExpression list = []
        let matchFunction name =
            List.find (fun f ->
              match f with
              | Node(Open, head::_) -> head |> extractSymbol |> ((=) name)
              | _ -> false) functions
            | :? System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException -> Node(Open, [ Empty(Close) ])
        let rec evaluate (tree: SExpression list): SExpression list =
          let subEvaluate (expressions: SExpression list) =
            if expressions.IsEmpty then
              |> List.collect (fun y -> evaluate [ y ])
          let apply keyword expressions =
            let applyArithmetic f = expressions |> subEvaluate |> unclosed |> extractNumbers |> List.reduce f |> symbolize
            match keyword with
            | Plus ->
              [ applyArithmetic (+) ]
            | Minus -> 
              [ applyArithmetic (-) ]
            | Multiply ->
              [ applyArithmetic (*) ]
            | Divide ->
              [ applyArithmetic (/) ]
            | Equals ->
              [ expressions |> subEvaluate |> unclosed |> allSame |> symbolize ]
            | If ->
              let validExpressions = unclosed expressions
              if validExpressions.Length < 2 then
                invalidOp "An If must contain a condition and a result."
              elif validExpressions.Length > 3 then
                invalidOp "An If may contain a condition, a result, and at most one alternative."
              elif validExpressions.Length = 2 then
                let (a, b) = tupleDouble validExpressions
                if ([ a ] |> subEvaluate |> allTrue) then
                  [ b ] |> subEvaluate
                let (a, b, c) = tupleTriple validExpressions
                if ([ a ] |> subEvaluate |> allTrue) then
                  [ b ] |> subEvaluate
                  [ c ] |> subEvaluate
            | DefineFunction ->
              functions <- functions @ [ Node(Open, expressions) ]
            | NoMatch -> []
          match tree.Head with
          | Empty(_) -> tree |> unclosed |> subEvaluate
          | Node(x, y) ->
            match x with
            | Open ->
              let descend (children: SExpression list) =
                let first = extractSymbol children.Head
                let keyword = matchKeyword first
                if keyword = NoMatch then
                  let matchedFunction = matchFunction first
                  if matchedFunction.isEmpty() then
                    children |> unclosed
                    children |> unclosed |> applyFunction matchedFunction
                  let evaluated = apply keyword children.Tail
              if not (y.Head.IsSymbol()) then
                let rest = subEvaluate y
                descend rest
                descend y
            | _ -> invalidOp "Nodes must be Open."
        evaluate tree

    I'm putting it here because I'd like to get it working, but I'm honestly fine with unusual derailment for this category. This is all for fun.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Magus said in F# Lisp Fun:

    I am bad at recursion

    You can become better at recursion by first improving your ability to recurse.

    In other news, Fira Code strikes again:


    I have nothing productive to say, but I wish you all the best. I'm glad you're having fun.

  • Banned

    @Magus overflowing the stack where? And for what input?

    General rule: if you want efficient recursion, use tail recursion - make the recursive call the very last thing that your function executes, and return its result as is. Usually it's not how algorithm works, but in many cases it can be made that way by using accumulators - instead of taking the recursive result as an operand to another operation, pass the rest of required data as a recursive call argument so the operation can be made after descending into recursion.

    Consider the following function:

    let rec map f = function
    | [] -> []
    | h :: t -> f h :: map f t

    It does :: after recursive map. It forces stack frames to be created. But it can be rewritten this way:

    let map f xs =
      let innerMap acc f = function
      | [] -> acc
      | h :: t -> innerMap (f h :: acc) f t
      innerMap [] f xs

    innerMap is tail recursive, because additions are done on the accumulator instead of the recursive call result. The only problem is that the list is now reversed. This will be a very common situation when working with accumulators - the final list is reversed. You might be tempted to reverse the final list, and that's what's often done, but in many cases it's not necessary - if you chain two tail-recursive list-reversing functions, you're reversing twice, so the final order is all good.

    As of your problem. If it's parsing or evaluating that overflows, instead of building a tree you can build a Reverse Polish Notation list of symbols - basically a flat list of symbols in the order they appear, but reversed. I think it's fairly easy to figure out how to use an accumulator to make a tail-recursive parser that reverses the order of all symbols. With RPN, a tail-recursive evaluator is very easy to do. You have to maintain your own execution stack. Like, a linked list that you add new elements to the front of. Since your symbols list is reversed, operands will appear first (in reverse order), then the operation - so you just push the operands on your stack until you encounter operation - by then, your stack will have operands in the right order. Pop the operands, do the operation and push the result. Rinse and repeat. Nested expressions work the same way - if you draw the execution flow on paper, you'll quickly see why.

  • @Zecc said in F# Lisp Fun:

    You can become better at recursion by first improving your ability to recurse.

    The first step is F#, then F#$!, and after that it's just a matter of repetition

  • @Zecc said in F# Lisp Fun:

    @Magus said in F# Lisp Fun:

    I am bad at recursion

    You can become better at recursion by first improving your ability to recurse.

    In other news, Fira Code strikes again:


    I have nothing productive to say, but I wish you all the best. I'm glad you're having fun.

    The font is a decent part of the fun here.

  • @Gąska Thanks, that's good advice.

    The part where I get into trouble is when I evaluate something like this:

    ((defun doThing (x) (+ (+ x 3) (* x 8))) (doThing 5) (doThing 8))

    Which, if things work as I expect, put (doThing (x) (+ (+ x 3) (* x 8))) into my stored list of functions, and then on encountering doThing in the later bits, replace it with the function with the parameter(s) replaced with the argument(s):

    ((+ (+ 5 3) (* 5 8)) (+ (+ 8 3) (* 8 8)))

    Which should immediately evaluate to:


    My printing and parsing work well: honestly the printing was the first part to work. Additionally, all the arithmetic, equality, and the If work fine. I should probably add AND and OR, but I'm not too worried about them. So my problem is most likely in applyFunction

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Magus said in F# Lisp Fun:

    @Zecc said in F# Lisp Fun:

    @Magus said in F# Lisp Fun:

    I am bad at recursion

    You can become better at recursion by first improving your ability to recurse.

    In other news, Fira Code strikes again:


    I have nothing productive to say, but I wish you all the best. I'm glad you're having fun.

    The font is a decent part of the fun here.

    I like the fun expression.

    You know, the one after List.map (

  • Banned

    @Magus another approach to function application is to compile functions down to a form that uses De Bruijn indexing instead of argument names. Basically - each argument is referred to with a consecutive number, and nested functions keep the bound arguments of their "parents". Partially applied function can be represented by a reference to function code and a list of already bound arguments (completely unapplied functions have empty lists). Once all arguments are bound, you evaluate the function. To illustrate (using lambda calculus):

    • The expression λx.λy.x+y itself has a tuple value (<fun1>, []), where <fun1> is a reference to that function.
    • (λx.λy.x+y) 5 has value (<fun1>, [5]).
    • (λx.λy.x+y) 5 4 binds all parameters so it can be evaluated to 9.
    • (λx.(λy.x+y, λz.x+z)) is unapplied so it returns (<fun2>, []), where <fun2> is a reference to the outer function.
    • (λx.(λy.x+y, λz.x+z)) 5 returns a tuple of one-argument functions, but x is already bound in them. So the value is ((<fun2a>, [5]), (<fun2b>, [5])), where <fun2a> and <fun2b> are references to each of the inner functions.

    You can greatly simplify implementation at the cost of some performance by treating every function as single-argument. That way, every application is full application - it's just that the result of a function can be another function that has some variables already bound. Thanks to De Bruijn indexing, you don't have to rewrite the functions on application - you just keep the arguments on the side in a separate stack as a list of lists, and copy arguments to the stack when needed.

    When you start evaluating, you copy the bound arguments of the function to the top of argument stack. When you encounter the reference to an argument, you copy that argument from top of the argument stack to the evaluation stack. They are numbered so it's easy to figure out which one you need, and you copied all of the parent bound arguments so it always works. When you exit the function, the function value is already on top of the evaluation stack, and you just need to pop the top of argument stack and you're back in the caller's context.

    Just make sure during compilation that a function doesn't pop more values from evaluation stack than it pushes, and on return the evaluation stack is exactly 1 bigger than before, no more, no less.

  • Banned

    Goddamn now I want to implement my own Lisp. As soon as I find some time...

  • @Mason_Wheeler is seriously fun, dude.

  • Considered Harmful

    I've never seen such depravity.

  • @Magus Going to use SICP?

  • @Captain that might have been better, but I was enjoying doing it myself.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Magus said in F# Lisp Fun:

    | "equals" -> Equals
    | "Equals" -> Equals
    | "EQUALS" -> Equals
    | "if" -> If
    | "If" -> If
    | "IF" -> If
    | "defun" -> DefineFunction
    | "Defun" -> DefineFunction
    | "DEFUN" -> DefineFunction

    Is this really the right way to handle case insensitivity? Ew.

  • @error Does F# have "view patterns"? In Haskell, you could theoretically do something like

     f l@(lowerCase -> arg) 
       | l == "equals" = Equals
       | l == "if" = If
       | l == "etc" = Etc

    If view patterns won't work, try pre-composition on that argument. (That's really what you need -- ViewPatterns are just syntax for it)

  • This post is deleted!

  • Banned

    Generally, since parsing is the most boring and not very insightful part of writing an interpreter, I recommend using FParsec library. It lets you easily chain recursive-descent parsers together, and provides several common parsers out of the box, including number parsers and case-insensitive constant string parsers.

  • @error said in F# Lisp Fun:

    @Magus said in F# Lisp Fun:

    | "equals" -> Equals
    | "Equals" -> Equals
    | "EQUALS" -> Equals
    | "if" -> If
    | "If" -> If
    | "IF" -> If
    | "defun" -> DefineFunction
    | "Defun" -> DefineFunction
    | "DEFUN" -> DefineFunction

    Is this really the right way to handle case insensitivity? Ew.

    Oh it's definitely the wrong way, but I didn't have many cases to consider so I didn't bother.

    @Gąska said in F# Lisp Fun:

    Generally, since parsing is the most boring and not very insightful part of writing an interpreter, I recommend using FParsec library. It lets you easily chain recursive-descent parsers together, and provides several common parsers out of the box, including number parsers and case-insensitive constant string parsers.

    Yeah, the whole point was building it.

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