Entering the world of social media

  • I'm doing the twitch thing, playing ESO. Raid nights are Wed & Thu at 8 eastern and Friday at 9. Sat at 9 if I'm home. I might be streaming other evenings as well. Currently there's a rather boring video of me running around on my newest char just collecting exploration XP to see how many levels I can get without doing much more than running around, and Wed night's rather rough veteran Hel-Ra. Too bad I didn't start a week ago, those 3 runs were much better, oh well. You'll find me on twitch as SkorosMindkiller.

  • Ok, there's a problem.

    I'm lazy and you did not post any links.

    Therefore, I will not be watching.

  • The video you have up there from 14 hours ago (as of this writing) has zero commentary, just the game audio. Is that what you're planning to do in the future?

    Also I see your tank character is a lizard lady, good choice.

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