Childhood memories fragments

  • Do you have any childhood memories fragments you would feel interested to share? I'll be the first. :)

    Once upon a time my father bring my brother and I to cinema when I was around 4-5 years old. The show was "Snow White" anime of Disney.

    I only remember a few discontinuous image of the animation because I didn't feel very interested in it. I was more interested in the cinema itself because that was the first time I came to a cinema.

    There's a few highlights in my memory:

    • Red foldable seat that is comfortable but can get hot easily (that's before we have air-conditioning in cinema)
    • It's dark inside. >_<
    • Popcorn is delicious!!!
    • The curtain in the entrance is annoying.
    • The machine that emits a small ticket telling you how much you weight after you insert some coin has a lot of fun. (It has a lot of light bulb on it, some spinning parts visible though glass casing when printing)
    • The sun hurts my eyes when going outside

  • @cheong I remember being on vacation somewhere and sneaking away and finding a movie theater that was playing one of the Police Academies, and I snuck in and watched a bit (don't remember how much).

    This was many years ago in the USSR.

  • At one point I walked into the side of our fridge and bumped my head and started crying. Nowadays I can't walk forward with my eyes closed without getting a very strong sensation that I am about to hit a metal bar at head level, even if there's no obstructions for several dozen meters. Not sure if it's related.

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    @lb_ said in Childhood memories fragments:

    I can't walk forward with my eyes closed without getting a very strong sensation that I am about to hit a metal bar at head level, even if there's no obstructions

    You're simply detecting the IRL headgear you're wearing. Don't worry, it's normal. Reminder: You can wake up at any time.....

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    One of my core signed identity fragments is one of my childhood homes. It was a two-story condo in a cul-de-sac, four bedroom 1.5bath, garage, backyard. Living room had a large fish tank, and a burmese python (frickin' thing was darn huge!), entertainment system with a 24" CRT JVC TV, tape deck, VCR, the works!.

    Funny enough, this record does not include my bedroom, though it does denote that the fourth room was where my dad put all his guitar stuff. We still have a lot of that actually...

  • The first memory I am aware of is me standing on my toes trying to reach the door handle on the front door of my grandparents house. I was a cm or so short of reaching. This was before my brother was born, and spring or early summer so I was around 2 at the time. My father opened the door and I ran out, and that's where my memory ends. I remember thinking about catching butterflies in the sun, as well as being mildly annoyed at the door for being closed preventings aid butterfly catching.
    I also remember the smell of the house in that instant.

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