The Official Status Thread


    @NedFodder said:

    Based on experience?

    I'd rather not talk about it... painful memories.

  • Is @algorythmics your coworker?

  • Garbage Person

    It's less water, more hyper corrosive metamaterial. Bathing in it is the source of my superpowers.

  • FoxDev

    @mott555 said:

    Is @algorythmics your coworker?

    Not that I'm aware of…

    To be fair, it is short for 'Analysis Codes', which is what the change involved.


    @RaceProUK said:

    a variable called analCodes

    I see your variable and raise it to an application ...

  • @Weng said:

    It's less water, more hyper corrosive metamaterial. Bathing in it is the source of my superpowers.

    Ah! Then roll for adding "heating water" to your superpowers...

    I can see it, close to where you live at one time supplied the majority of the world's Chrome.[1]

    Do you emit big silver flashes when you exercise your powers?

    [1] Which wasn't a whole lot, because it was before the invention of '50's Automobiles. But still.

  • Status: of course, since it's my article on the front page today, @PaulaBean takes an unplanned vacation.

    Paging @apapadimoulis.


    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Status: of course, since it's my article on the front page today, @PaulaBean takes an unplanned vacation.


    Must be those damned Poles again!

  • Status: it is officially decided. I don't like programming. Sorry. I shall from today on put my efforts towards becoming a sysadmin.

  • Status: regular.
    that's somehow a wtf on its own

  • @Jarry said:

    Status: regular.that's somehow a wtf on its own

    Can't tell if TMI or Discourse terminology.

  • @mott555 said:

    Can't tell if TMI or Discourse terminology.

    Either way, I'm jealous.

    Wait, that was TMI, wasn't it...

  • Discourse

    TMI == too many information?

  • Is English not your main language?

    TMI = too much information. I was insinuating that your comment about being regular had to do with the function of the latter part of your digestive tract.

  • no, it isnt't.
    i undestood the joke(in fact, in spanish you can do the same joke), just wasn't sure about the acronym.

  • FoxDev

    @Jarry said:

    wasn't sure about the acronym.

    //TODO: make an acronym expander bot....

    @NedFodder said:

    Either way, I'm jealous.


    BTW you can now ask shadowmod for your TL3 trust status.

    just PM shadowmod the following text and it should reply with your TL3 trust stats:

    @­shadowmod trust

    (except don't include the ­ that i did to suppress the mention)

  • FoxDev

    status: caught up .... 0 unread/0 new

    that's not going to last long.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    TRWTF is still being on Windows XP.


    @anonymous234 said:

    Status: it is officially decided. I don't like programming. Sorry. I shall from today on put my efforts towards becoming a sysadmin.

    Wanna switch? 😩

    Filed under: Fuck your printers on five different versions of Windows connecting to a terminal server (still) using 2003 R2!

  • Garbage Person

    2003 R2 is still good for a few more months!

  • Ok so I have to work on this pri-1 bug that requires the front-end integration, so I yanked one of the front-end devs over to my desk and we spent a half-hour on this. And still we haven't been able to get their new build script working.

    This shit is really pissing me off. Changing the script is annoying enough, but doing it WHILE we have a super important project in QA is just infuriating.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: About to write a bunch of cURL scripts as a workaround, that will likely stay in place until the heat death of the universe. $DEITY forgive me for the atrocities I am about to commit.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    And still we haven't been able to get their new build script working.

    That's horrible. WTF did they do? Forget to add some stuff or something?

  • I have no idea. We finally got it using the correct URLs for the API, but now it's giving me XSS errors where none occurred before.

    I finally just gave up and reverted the file to Feb 2nd before they broke it, I have work to do.

    EDIT: BTW about half my Git checkins here have comments that read "check-in to change branches". What a stellar source control system.

  • I just talked to the dev manager about how I lost like an hour and a half of work time due to a front-end guy making a breaking change without documenting it in any form. So.

    EDIT: Oh and he scheduled a meeting to talk about it next week.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    "check-in to change branches"

    Huh. I can't even begin to understand how this might work. Not sure if I am TRWTF or git is...

  • FoxDev

    basically you need to check in (or stash) your local changes to switch branches. otherwise when you switch branches your local changes would be lost and that's not good.

    Filed under: assuming needs advice. assuming not a joke

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @accalia said:

    Filed under: assuming needs advice. assuming not a joke, assuming not just wanting to complain

    FTFY and added a larger leap of faith

  • Right but the only Git client worth shit on Windows is Visual Studio, which for some reason doesn't support stash.

  • FoxDev

    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. Personally i prefer the command line git to any UI laid on top of it.

    of course that's probably got something to do with the fact that i know that git version and am less than interested in learning what the UI mapped all the commands to*

    * because for some stupid reason they all change names of things on me. I know it's a bad name but you are only introducing confusion if you call it something different than everyone else does! Discoverable consistency beats clarity when you don't have the choice to change the underlying name!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    EDIT: Oh and he scheduled a meeting to talk about it next week.

    Woo hoo! More hours lost!

  • @accalia said:

    switch branches.

    What is "switch branches", other than "sync branches/accalia01/..." instead "sync branches/blakey00/..." If syncing additional new files somehow trashes the existing working copy, I think you have bigger problems...

  • @tar said:

    Huh. I can't even begin to understand how this might work. Not sure if I am TRWTF or git is...
    Likely the reason you need to do it is the same reason you need to commit before merging, which is that it actually helps prevent data loss. If you bear with me while I commit a false dichotomy for a bit, consider what Subversion does when you svn switch: It gets the diff between the tree that you are changing away from to the tree you are switching to, and applies that diff to your working copy. If a patch doesn't apply cleanly, then it sticks in conflict markers. Say you had a conflict, and decided that either you switched to the wrong branch, or you just want to deal with those conflicts at a later time. In fact, you don't even need a textual conflict for this to apply; a semantic conflict is good enough. What can you do? Nothing. You can't undo the switch, because it was a lossy operation and Subversion has destroyed information for you. The same thing happens on 'svn up` (which is like a pull+merge in gitland). In Git, this problem doesn't exist, because switching branches isn't lossy.

    Edit: actually, I think I lied; I think it's not lossy when there's not a textual conflict.
    Edit again: now that I think about it, there probably is technically enough information preserved both in the conflict marker sections and in the foo.r1234 files that you could build a tool that undoes a bad switch or up; though the fact that a quick Google doesn't find one and it's certainly not bundled is... telling.

  • Next week there's nothing going on. That would have been a perfect time for them to dick around with their grunt script.

  • I see, I've never seen a compelling use case for svn switch in the first place: I just sync all the branches I need locally and work from there. It sounds like your scenario above is validating my choice of workflow?

  • @tar said:

    I see, I've never seen a compelling use case for svn switch in the first place: I just sync all the branches I need locally and work from there.

    I would love, love, love if Git allowed that.

  • @tar said:

    I see, I've never seen a compelling use case for svn switch in the first place: I just sync all the branches I need locally and work from there. It sounds like your scenario above is validating my choice of workflow?

    I had to use it to deal with repository rearrangement before -- i.e. someone moves where your project is located with respect to the repository root in a multi-project repo.

  • @tar said:

    I just sync all the branches I need locally and work from there. It sounds like your scenario above is validating my choice of workflow?
    I...don't really understand what you mean here? You mean you have separate working copies for separate branches?

    For larger projects, a switch-based workflow will often be faster, sometimes much faster; it avoids the time for almost-duplicate checkouts, and for closely-related branches will avoid most rebuilding times.

    Though I will also point out that the same problem (with the caveat I edited in later) arises with plain svn up.

  • @EvanED said:

    You mean you have separate working copies for separate branches?

    Yes. How else would you work on multiple branches at the same time?

  • @EvanED said:

    You mean you have separate working copies for separate branches?

    Sure why not?

    @EvanED said:

    For larger projects, a switch-based workflow will often be faster, sometimes much faster; it avoids the time for almost-duplicate checkouts, and for closely-related branches will avoid most rebuilding times.

    That only applies when first checking it out. If I'm working on a feature, I'll need that branch for a couple weeks-- just the fact I don't have to do bullshit non-checkins in Git would pay for that time.

    @tar said:

    Yes. How else would you work on multiple branches at the same time?

    If you're using Git, the answer is: "FUCK YOU!"

  • This post is deleted!

  • @tar said:

    Yes. How else would you work on multiple branches at the same time?
    It depends on what you mean by "same time". Sometimes I will have multiple checkouts for different tasks (actually I always go between a couple different checkouts with different build configurations anyway), but I tend to reuse those working copies because of the aforementioned build time benefits. (A full build for us is... 45min--1hr on a very wide machine that I can hammer hard; though there's a long step in there that "can't" be parallelized. So I don't want to go "I need a branch now" and then not be able to do anything for an hour.)

    @blakeyrat said:

    If you're using Git, the answer is: "FUCK YOU!"
    Wut? Git handles the situation tar is talking about just fine. Just clone your upstream repo again into a new directory.

    @JazzyJosh said:

    use git stash
    If only he had addressed that upthread...

    @blakeyrat said:

    Right but the only Git client worth shit on Windows is Visual Studio, which for some reason doesn't support stash.

    Not that I agree with the first part, but there you go.

  • Well IDEMSIAR. :/

  • @EvanED said:

    Wut? Git handles the situation tar is talking about just fine. Just clone your upstream repo again into a new directory.

    You know very well that while Git may technically allow it, it certainly practically does not.

  • In what way? I honestly have no idea what your objection to its is.

  • I'm sure 1337 Git Haxor is going to prove me wrong, but:

    There is no way to checkout a subfolder of a repo (like you can in TFS or SVN); you need to checking the entire repo every time. Not only does this take a long, long time, but it fills up disk a lot quicker.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    There is no way to checkout a subfolder of a repo (like you can in TFS or SVN); you need to checking the entire repo every time. Not only does this take a long, long time, but it fills up disk a lot quicker.
    That is basically true, yes.1

    That said, I view that issue as mostly orthogonal to branch workflows, which is why I didn't know what you meant. (A partial checkout would be useful regardless of what you do with branches.)

    1 A couple caveats. First, if you clone from a local repo, at least on Linux it uses hard links so there is no meaningful increase in disk space; a quick search indicates that it probably should be using them on Windows as well. Obviously that doesn't help if you clone from your central repo instead of a local copy, so to get things all nice you'd have to clone your local copy then adjust the origin remote to point back to your central repo. Second, I don't know if VS Git exposes this, but command-line Git has something call sparse checkouts. This helps some, but isn't a full solution; there's conflicting information, but it seems like you need the whole repository local and it just gives you a partial working tree. I also think that it may still give you the parent directory structure.

    (Hey @discoursebot, why is the distance between baselines unchanged by <small>?)

  • i'm sure it can be done. something about submodules. anyway in SVN it's way easier

    Found it:
    not easy at all.

    Status Belgium with javascript and race conditions

  • @EvanED - Days Since Last Discourse Bug: -1

  • @EvanED said:

    That said, I view that issue as mostly orthogonal to branch workflows, which is why I didn't know what you meant. (A partial checkout would be useful regardless of what you do with branches.)


    File it under "feature every other fucking source control system has but Git does not because Git was designed by shitheads".

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