The Official Status Thread

  • @Onyx said:

    pasta collage

    I initially read this as "pasta college". :facepalm:

  • :belt_onion:

    Status: Just discussed hypothetical evil things at lunch. Unfortunately I've seen far too many things like them on this site.

    Filed Under: Dynamically generated php on a jsp page

    Addendum Status: My two-part 🐧 🚩 🚎 was completely ignored :(

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @EvanED said:

    Where are the toll roads?

    What are you, some kind of libertarian, where you don't believe you should help pay for the upkeep of the roads you use ⁉ Why, Google'd call you some kind of communist if half of them probably didn't think it wasn't a bad word.


    @Polygeekery said:

    "Seriously, what do you want for breakfast?"

    Why are you giving choices? And even worse open ended questions ...
    When there is no or little choice, for example due to morning rush, don't offer choices. Change that you: "Fruit ok, this morning?" -sip coffee- and start preparing. That would save you a few Macaroni's at least :)

    @Polygeekery said:

    "You need to calm down."

    At least he knows you ...

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Luhmann said:

    Why are you giving choices? And even worse open ended questions ... When there is no or little choice, for example due to morning rush, don't offer choices.

    Meh, I let him choose. There is little to no "morning rush" except his teachers get bitchy if I drop him off much after 9am. That does not particularly bother me though. He is 3 1/2, he has many more years for teachers to destroy his will. I am going to insulate him from that as long as possible.

  • M A C A R O N I
    A A
    C C
    A A
    R R
    O O
    N N
    I I

  • No clue. I'd assume the green ones? But they're all interstates how are they tolls?

  • @ChaosTheEternal said:

    Given that the Bing maps images for where they're interested are quite a few years old (from what I can find), but the Google maps images are much more recent (couple months old according to the client), I'm guessing it won't happen.

    Never mind that even map sources normally considered good (such as Google Maps and even the USGS topographic maps) often get some things wrong (such as railroad tracks -- it's very easy to think a track is inactive when it's simply used infrequently or at odd hours). Oddly enough, that activity data (trains per day) is in the public record throughout the US, thanks to the FRA grade crossing database...

    @mott555 said:

    It will eventually. I used to work in the GIS industry, for the most part Google/Bing/Apple purchase aerial photography from third parties. They don't necessarily buy the same photography, and they definitely don't all update at the same time.

    Very true -- local GIS sources may have their own orthophoto data, but that's generally only true for urban areas AIUI. (The data's generated to support urban planning.)

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @JazzyJosh said:

    But they're all interstates how are they tolls?

    Those aren't mutually exclusive. Otherwise Delaware would be totally broke.

  • @tarunik said:

    often get some things wrong (such as railroad tracks

    I guess part of the problem is what they use the maps for, which I didn't state, versus what people here think it would be used for.

    What I can say is, this client has a very large plot of land, they manufacture very large things, they only care about the satellite images over their land, and the thing they want replacing is pinpointing on the map a given Latitude and Longitude.


    @tarunik said:

    Never mind that even map sources normally considered good (such as Google Maps and even the USGS topographic maps) often get some things wrong (such as railroad tracks -- it's very easy to think a track is inactive when it's simply used infrequently or at odd hours). Oddly enough, that activity data (trains per day) is in the public record throughout the US, thanks to the FRA grade crossing database...

    Google completely ignores them here. Not only does it not have any traffic data available (no surprise there, really), but I travel by train almost every day and Google Now keeps giving me routes to home / work using roads only.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @boomzilla said:

    Those aren't mutually exclusive. Otherwise Delaware would be totally broke.

    Pennsylvania also. I drove through there a couple of years ago with my family plus mother-in-law. It was so bad that at one point I asked, "Are any of these fucking roads free?"

  • Funny thing I found out about train travel near where I live:

    The national railway company doesn't know some connections that would easily save you over half an hour.

    If you ever find yourself in/around Darmstadt, always check (manually, by looking up departures from FFM(Hbf)) if going to FFM(Hbf) opens up faster connections for you than routes via FFM(Süd) or even direct routes from Darmstadt.

  • @JazzyJosh said:

    But they're all interstates how are they tolls?

    As others have said, interstates can very easily be tollways. I think states can't accept federal highway money for toll interstates though.

    @Polygeekery said:

    Pennsylvania also. I drove through there a couple of years ago with my family plus mother-in-law. It was so bad that at one point I asked, "Are any of these fucking roads free?"
    Huh? In PA, I-76 and a couple spurs off of it are tolls, but AFAIK that's it. (And I grew up there and go back every few months for family.) And the only particularly notable spur is I-476 from around Philly up to Scranton. I-80 has no tolls, I-81 has no tolls, I-99 has no tolls, and even looking at a map I only see about 45 miles of non-interstate toll roads split up into three/four segments, one of which is a spur of I-76.

    I mean, there's a fair bit of toll road in PA, but most of that is by virtue of it being a pretty big state for that region of the country. And the other thing is that it being a toll road has a very long history; what is now I-76 was the first long-distance controlled-access highway in the country, and that was made possible originally by it being a toll road.

  • FoxDev

    Status: @sam, I know you're looking into these issues, but it really is unbelievable that forum software in 2015 handles being used so badly, it collapses completely for over 40 minutes.

    This software has some very serious issues deep in its core.


    There are ways to optimize your transfers? I'm lucky if there even is a train I can take without waiting for hours. And I'm not talking backwater village here, I'm talking major city connections.

    Well, as major as they can get in a backwater country.

    Filed under: If it's a major city in a backwater country, what do you call it on a global scale?

  • I also like how when you click "reply" Discourse displays your post immediately as if it has been posted, but this doesn't actually mean that it has been posted. So if you click post, see that your post is up, then go to some other site, but Discourse is busy picking its nose or whatever, your post will just be dropped.

    That's Discourtesy I guess.

    (Fortunately I had that one in my copy buffer for some reason...)

  • @EvanED said:

    I also like how when you click "reply" Discourse displays your post immediately as if it has been posted, but this doesn't actually mean that it has been posted. So if you click post, see that your post is up, then go to some other site, but Discourse is busy picking its nose or whatever, your post will just be dropped.

    It does the same with administrative actions like locking threads.
    Super-irritating and unacceptable.

    However, if a post/edit failed, Discourse give you a modal popup. When a lock or timer change fails, it doesn't give you any feedback - it fails silently and pretends that your action applied without any issues.

  • @EvanED said:

    I think states can't accept federal highway money for toll interstates though.

    Ok. I knew there was a reason I-540 is NC-540 when it switches to tolls.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @EvanED said:

    Huh? In PA, I-76 and a couple spurs off of it are tolls, but AFAIK that's it.

    It must have been just the route that we were traveling, as we came through Ohio and were on I-76 most of the time, then went up in to NY. Pretty much the entire trip was toll roads.

  • Stupid "bug" emoji is a caterpillar: 🐛. Not a true bug. Have to use 🐜 or .

    A moth would be nice, though.

  • @PJH said:

    . The header on the Likes column.

    But they removed the likes column! Removing a feature and continuing to use it afterward, that's dedication.

  • @ChaosTheEternal said:

    Hell, the client didn't even know it was Bing maps when they asked originally, they kept insisting it was Google maps (by first basically asking "why is Google maps showing such an old image on our side") even with the Bing logo in the bottom left and the copyright with Microsoft in the bottom right.

    That's how people computer. They open their Samsung iPad, launch Google's Microsoft Word and browse through Bing's Google Maps.

  • I prefer to cause my implements to manifest from the stuff of the ether.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @JazzyJosh said:

    No clue. I'd assume the green ones? But they're all interstates how are they tolls?

    Yes. On the Bing map. You can't tell them on the Google one!

    Interstates can be toll roads. I-90 is a toll road in a bunch of states.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @EvanED said:

    I also like how when you click "reply" Discourse displays your post immediately as if it has been posted, but this doesn't actually mean that it has been posted. So if you click post, see that your post is up

    I've recently noticed that, too. Watch the icons under the post--at first you only see a few. Once it bakes, you'll see all of them appear. After that, the post is truly posted.

    Before that it's only half-baked, not unlike Discurse.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Watch the icons under the post--at first you only see a few. Once it bakes, you'll see all of them appear. After that, the post is truly posted.

    There's also the big grey bar at the bottom that says 'Saving...', but that's probably not important.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: I just picked up the kiddo from school.

    Him: "Shhhh"
    Me: "Why are we being quiet?"
    Him: "The people in the red shirts are very busy."
    Me: "That's because they don't live very long."
    Him: "What does that mean?"
    Me: "Long story."

  • @FrostCat said:

    I've recently noticed that, too. Watch the icons under the post--at first you only see a few. Once it bakes, you'll see all of them appear. After that, the post is truly posted.
    I've seen that, but know why. (I did put it together after this case.) I just figured it was Discourse being it's normal self. (Which, I guess it kind of is, but in a different way than I expected.)

    @Magus said:

    There's also the big grey bar at the bottom that says 'Saving...', but that's probably not important.
    I actually didn't notice that before somehow.

  • FoxDev

    Status: :headdesk:

    Note to self: when you suggest something like that, explain the idea fully!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus said:

    There's also the big grey bar at the bottom that says 'Saving...', but that's probably not important.

    I'm not positive that doesn't go away before the post is actually committed. I know it should be put I made a post at lunch just before coming home and thought I'd seen the post bake, and when I got home, it was still in my editor.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RaceProUK said:

    Note to self: when you suggest something like that, explain the idea fully!


  • :belt_onion:

    Status: Somehow ran out of smart cards and we need 3 printed. Crap.

  • FoxDev

    Status: :giggity:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    You shoulda posted this there.

  • FoxDev

    I did actually consider that; not sure why I changed my mind…

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RaceProUK said:

    I did actually consider that; not sure why I changed my mind…

    Presumably to keep the post count there longer, heh.

    Now we've probably killed that thread.

  • FoxDev

    Status: 😴 🕑

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Luhmann said:

    Why are you giving choices? And even worse open ended questions ...

    If I did not give him choices, I never could have pulled off the prank I did tonight.

    When my wife left the office, she called and said she wanted something sweet tonight. Since she is pregnant, she gets whatever she wants. The Dr wants her to gain more weight anyway. So for dinner I decided to make Belgium waffles with fresh fruit and homemade whipped cream along with some sausages. Breakfast for dinner. Happy wife, happy life.

    I ask my son what he wants for dinner:

    Me: "What do you want for dinner?"
    Him: "Macaroni!"
    Me: "Mac and cheese?"
    Him: "Yep! Yummmmmmy!"
    Me: "Are you sure you don't want what mommy and daddy are having?"
    Him: "Yeah! I want macaroni and cheese!"
    Me: "Alright then, just remember this later..."

    So I made him homemade mac and cheese, along with the waffles and everything. I make his plate and add some steamed green beans to it along with some yogurt and set it on the table. Then I call the family in for dinner. He runs over and sits down.

    "Macaroni and cheese is yum-yum-yummy in my tum-tum-tummy!"

    My wife sits down and I grab our plates and sit one in front of her and the other at my seat and we sit down without even acknowledging what is happening. The look on his face is priceless. I should have taken a picture or video.

    Him: "Daddy, I want a waffle too..."
    Me: "But you said you didn't want what mommy and daddy are having."
    Him: "I didn't know you were having waffles..."
    Me: "I wish you had told me, I would have made you one."
    Him: "...with whipped cream..."
    Me: "I'm sorry son. I didn't think you would want any. You said you wanted you own meal."
    Him: "...and fruit..."
    Me: "I can get you some fruit. Do you want some fruit?"
    Him: "That's not the same...I want waffles too."

    Right before he started crying I retrieved the other plate from the counter and set it in front of him. I had started to feel bad about teasing him and making him cry. He completely forgave me when he got Belgium waffles with whipped cream and fruit though.

    And yes, crap like that is exactly why he is as ornery as he is.

  • Status: feeling more depressed and shitty tonight than normal.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Status: feeling more depressed and shitty tonight than normal.

    Try taking MDMA instead of drinking?

    I'm a helper. It's what I do.

  • Ah drinking, that's what I forgot. Scotch time.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said:

    Scotch time.

    I had a glass of Balvenie earlier. Not too shabby.

  • I'm out of that, just Macallen 12. Bleah.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Ah drinking, that's what I forgot. Scotch time.

    Ah, well, you're welcome, I guess.

  • @EvanED said:

    I also like how when you click "reply" Discourse displays your post immediately as if it has been posted, but this doesn't actually mean that it has been posted. So if you click post, see that your post is up, then go to some other site, but Discourse is busy picking its nose or whatever, your post will just be dropped.

    That's Discourtesy I guess.

    (Fortunately I had that one in my copy buffer for some reason...)

    Back in the CS days it was standard practice to keep your post in the clipboard until it had definitely been accepted. Perhaps this is Jeff tipping his hat to our heritage...

    Status: Five day long weekend starts in about 10 minutes

    Filed under:Discourse blows goats, Fucking hell why do I create 2 bugs when I fix a bug once


    Status: Fun. Excitement. Probably about to nuke a system from orbit and break all the phones for a client. At their request.


  • FoxDev

    Status: Liking the fact that a forum software update is actually being mentioned before being applied for a change


    Update: The client is convinced that after I, quote "delete everything you ever did to the system", the phones should still work. Because they did before. When they were connected to provider's Centrex PBX. Which has been disconnected for months now and can't be turned back on without a request and will take fuck knows how long.


    Well, I nuked all user facing stuff, turned off the VPN service and set SSH to a port that's not forwarded on any routers. I am officially cut off from the system unless given express access using TeamViewer or something. Left the phones running, for now.

    Also following managerial emails being sent back and forth (I'm CCd in all of them).

    Am I bad person if I find this entertaining?

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