
  • 🚽 Regular

    @Zecc Took two more guesses, but we got it!

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  • 🚽 Regular

    This hasn't been posted yet, has it?





    Meanwhile, in Things Reminding Us of TDWTF Members:


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    More dumb luck.

  • Speaking of dumb luck:

    Daily Quordle 68
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    Quordle's wordlist is rife with something that really bugs me, but when taken into account improves my guesses. 😠

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  • Considered Harmful

    I remember the first time this game came out. It was a simpler time, of Flash games, and it rolled across the computer lab users like a wave. Looks like this game concept rolls with the red-eyed cicadas.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc datum? What's wrong with datum?

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    I’ve been opening with REACT/MINDS/GHOUL (and MULCH/DRAIN/STOPE for a bit) to presumably get good letter coverage in the opening of multi-wordles (which are far more interesting IMHO).

    Now I’ve had a look at the octordle source and found what is presumably the word list, so assuming my ability to write a few lines of script is adequate, that puts the actual letter frequencies as follows:

    e: 1056
    a: 909
    r: 837
    o: 673
    t: 667
    l: 648
    i: 647
    s: 618
    n: 550
    u: 457
    c: 448
    y: 417
    h: 379
    d: 370
    p: 346
    g: 300
    m: 298
    b: 267
    f: 207
    k: 202
    w: 194
    v: 149
    x: 37
    z: 35
    q: 29
    j: 27

    (another interesting finding is that the there seems to a distinction between words that are accepted, and a much smaller list of words that can actually be an answer)

    Using these I’ve put together a more appropriate three-word start. Might be :fun: to find your own, but in a few minutes I found LUSTY DRAIN EPOCH (in no particular order 👀:giggity:) to get the top 15. At least, I think it does…


    (note this is also challenge octordle, where I try to get each word in order)

  • @kazitor said in [B][O][G][G]le:

    I’ve been opening with REACT/MINDS/GHOUL (and MULCH/DRAIN/STOPE for a bit) to presumably get good letter coverage in the opening of multi-wordles (which are far more interesting IMHO).

    Now I’ve had a look at the octordle source and found what is presumably the word list, so assuming my ability to write a few lines of script is adequate, that puts the actual letter frequencies as follows:

    Using these I’ve put together a more appropriate three-word start. Might be :fun: to find your own, but in a few minutes I found LUSTY DRAIN EPOCH (in no particular order 👀:giggity:) to get the top 15. At least, I think it does…

    I think to built a efficient solving algorithm, the use of consecutive consonant letters with T/H/R/N/L included should be given higher priority to help corner your case quicker.

    After you rearrange the priority of letters, you time the priority value of each letter with weight like:
    0 = Tried and no match (black)
    1 = Not tried letters
    50 = Tried but in wrong position, or have the letter in other position in green. (double letter case)
    100 = Tried and in correct position (green)

    Then repetitively try to guess from the letter list with higher weighed score that has not been tried before (the rule for 50 introduced possibility that you can keep trying the same word).

    You may also want to introduce rule to stop guessing with double letter in the first 3 rounds to ensure you ruled out the most letters on the first few tries.

    And of cource it doesn't solve problems like "Wordle 265 X". You may want to introduce "4 correct letter but multiple possibilities remaining" rule that in the next guess it should choose a word from the word list that can cover the most remaining letter choices.

    Btw, there are many WORDLE solver already.

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  • @kazitor FWIW, I started brainstorming from two well-known examples of common letters in English: ETAOIN SHRDLU and RSTLN E. I ended up with ALIEN and TOURS as starters.

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  • Wordle 304 X/6


    First time fail. :(

  • Wordle 304 6/6


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