Welcome to the April Update!

  • Continuing my weird issues that have never happened before, today's boot-to-black-screen event was a bit different. My primary screen was black but my secondary screen was this odd solid pink color that my phone camera doesn't do justice:


  • I too have a new issue that has popped up after the update, my laptop will now reboot after waking from sleep. It used to be occasionally, but now it's consistently to the point where I've had to disable sleep mode and use hibernation.

    Checked the event logs and it recognises that a dirty shutdown took place but there's nothing in the logs that indicate why the dirty shutdown took place.

  • :belt_onion:

    @onyx said in Welcome to the April Update!:

    Have I turned it on, or did you, Windows? You seem confused to me, buddy. Also, why did you pop this up a minute ago if it actually happened 3 hours ago? That's not even a UTC / local time fuckup, you're still off by one hour if it were that!

    I am confuse...

    And then there's the desktop wallpaper.

    On Windows 7, I had mine set to change every 12 hours. Every day at exactly 8am and 8pm it would switch to a different picture, from a collection of ~20. Except when Daylight Saving Time is not in effect, then it changes at exactly 7am and 7pm.

    On Wondows 10, the 12 hour option has been removed (WTF #1) and the closest options are 6 hours or "1 Day". Every 6 hours seems a little too much, so I chose 1 Day, which I foolishly assumed would mean "once every 24 hours".

    So now, my desktop wallpaper changes at random times throughout the day, at random time intervals ranging anywhere from 3 to 18 hours.

    I am also confuse.

  • Considered Harmful

    @el_heffe I just use Wallpaper Engine. I get a nice animated Arstotzka flag. If I wanted to change it at particular times I could make my own wallpaper that changes automatically.

  • @el_heffe That's really weird. I've mostly moved to static images in the past few years, except at work, where I just use solid black. But I did notice something new this time in my settings:


  • Also for some reason Chrome and only Chrome has decided that un-focused windows need a lighter version of the accent color instead of being white like all other un-focused windows.
    It's a bit distracting.

  • @lb_ that's chrome being a ❄ and drawing all it's own window decorations instead of using the stock ones.

  • I am not sure but sometimes when I click on icons on desktop I only got properties ,and only way to fix this is log out /log in ...

  • Considered Harmful

    @subert Welcome back! Also, what do you mean by 'only got properties'?

  • @pie_flavor When you want to start something via desktop icons . (double click /enter )

  • Considered Harmful

    @subert Your second sentence was just as incomprehensible as your first. What part of 'start with desktop icons' results in something named 'properties'?

  • @pie_flavor Perhaps @subert means that when he tries to open an application via the desktop, he only gets the Properties window instead of the actual application. You know, this thing:

    While the posts weren't the clearest, if that's what subert meant, it made sense to me. (If it's not then I've no idea what they could mean)

    edit: if this is the case, check if something is mashing the Alt key or causing Windows to think it is being mashed (e.g. stickykeys) - as pressing and holding Alt while double clicking causes the Properties window to come up.

  • @douglasac Yes ,already reported that to ms support.No problem with keyboard at all .As I said it back to normal after log out -log in ..

  • @subert Next time it happens, try hitting Alt a few times - going back to Windows XP I've had desktop icons do weird things like summon context menus when left clicking and the Properties window coming up where mashing the button that is meant to make it do the thing a few times set it right for some reason.

    edit because apparently I am having incomplete thoughts today: another thing to try might be a second user profile, and see if it's a profile specific bug or a system wide bug. If it's profile specific, migrating to a new profile, while painful, is an easy fix. If it's system wide then oh dear.

  • @subert said in Welcome to the April Update!:

    I am not sure but sometimes when I click on icons on desktop I only got properties ,and only way to fix this is log out /log in ...

    I've had that kind of thing before... I just mash the alt/ctrl/shift keys a bunch and it seems to get fixed. I've always blamed the keyboard in those cases...

    :hanzo:'d. Just heard the coffee machine beep - that should fix things...

  • Another EU nonsense project failed ..

  • What the everloving fuck, Windows. If you're configured not to collect any Activity History from my home PC, why am I seeing that very history on my work PC?

    Home PC is set to use a local account, not a Microsoft account.
    Work PC is set to use a domain account, not a Microsoft account.

    Home PC has always been set to "Do not collect any Activity History, do not sync any history to the cloud, do not show activity history from <my Microsoft Account that I use to pay for Office 365>, apps need to ask me to use this Microsoft Account".
    Work PC was (foolishly) left at the default settings. Because I once mistakenly used my personal Microsoft Account to sign into Visual Studio, Windows knows what my personal account is.

    And now, despite the fact that the home PC is not supposed to be collecting that activity history or send it to the cloud, work PC is happily showing the personal Office 365 documents I worked on recently. Only Office 365 documents though, not Steam games or videos…
    Even though the work PC control panel is saying "apps need to ask me to use this Microsoft Account", I guess Windows itself is exempt. (inb4 "an app has to do something useful, so of course Windows doesn't count hurr hurr".)

  • @dcoder Office365 activity is separate from Windows activity. I'm getting the former also on Android, iOS and MacOS.

  • @Rhywden Figures they'd come up with BS :pendant: like that. Time to figure out how to turn that off, too.

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