Spam in this forums (or is it fora?)

  • Sometimes I think that no user should be allowed to write a first post ... nearly every spam is the first (and only) text of the user, so why not just use that as spam hint?

    Just don't allow any user to write a post unless he's already written one ...

  • You're suggesting... changing the code of Community Server?

    Well... good luck with that.

  • @flop said:

    Just don't allow any user to write a post unless he's already written one ...


  •  Thanks for understanding me ;)

     Of course, it wouldn't  matter for both of you, as you've got a clear path in front of you - until you get to the overflow point of 32,767 posts, then you'll start in the negative range.

    So the check should better be ($posts == 0) and not ($posts < 1) ;)

  • @flop said:

     until you get to the overflow point of 32,767

    This forum is not worth that ammount of post, I think that when CS was made they thought that nobody in their right mind would use their shitty product....enter IT workers

    @flop said:


    So the check should better be ($posts == 0) and not ($posts < 1) ;)

    Yeah, but only for OP and it should only check once, so that the overflowing thing does not bother, you can only go from spammer to no-spammer, not viceversa.

  • @flop said:

    Sometimes I think that no user should be allowed to write a first post ... nearly every spam is the first (and only) text of the user, so why not just use that as spam hint?

    Just don't allow any user to write a post unless he's already written one ...

    If someone is not allowed to post a first post, how will they ever reach the 2nd one?

  • Just post your second post first, then your first post second. Problem solved.

  • @Renan said:

    @flop said:

    Sometimes I think that no user should be allowed to write a first post ... nearly every spam is the first (and only) text of the user, so why not just use that as spam hint?

    Just don't allow any user to write a post unless he's already written one ...

    If someone is not allowed to post a first post, how will they ever reach the 2nd one?


    You need to post your first post here


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