Migrating to the new version of Java is easy

  • All you need to do is install the new version of Java, set $JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.x, possibly (depending upon your setup) put it ahead of java 1.x-1 on your path, and run your ant target:


    <target name="compile">
    <javac srcdir="..." destdir="..." classpathref="..."/>


    Except when some genious does this at the very end of the command line (way past where you can see it on your window):

    ksh> export FILE_NOT_FOUND=javac1.4

    <target name="compile">
    <javac srcdir="..." destdir="..." classpathref="..." compiler="${FILE_NOT_FOUND}"/>

  • Did they really name the variable FILE_NOT_FOUND?

    Setting environment variables and failing to mention them to anyone else is fun!

  • @bezking said:

    Did they really name the variable FILE_NOT_FOUND?

    Setting environment variables and failing to mention them to anyone else is fun!

    No, but the name they used was equally useful.

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